Vyrve meeting the Guardians

"Sir, they are trying to communicate with us," says the captain as Vyrve takes the speaker again.

"Open the channel," says Vyrve as the captain nods.

"Stendarr-024, can you hear me?" asks Ikora as she was nervous thinking that their communication now killed itself too.

"Here the Stendarr-024, we can hear you, Guardian Flagship Jupiter. We are right beside you waiting to interlock," says Vyrve as he wanted to get this behind him.

They were flying at the same speed as the other carrier so they don't damage it when Vyrve hears, "To interlock you need to be on top of us as the other places are damaged and can't be opened."

"You heard the woman. We go over the top," says Vyrve as the captain flies the carrier over the other one before they turn the ship making it stand on its side.

The bridge slowly leaves the Stendarr-024 as it connected with the Guardian Flagship Jupiter. Once connected they made sure that there was no gravity inside the bridge so they don't kill each other while traveling from one carrier to the other.

"We are connected and everything is working as it should," says the captain as Vyrve smiles.

"Jupiter, we are connected and will now begin with the boarding. Be prepared to welcome us," says Vyrve as he looked at the captain who closed the channel again.

"Everyone that is here to teach them and every medic should find itself at the bridge we are boarding in 5 minutes," says Vyrve informing the crew as he walked towards the bridge with his subordinate.

Vyrve was carrying his weapon on his back as his armor was holding it for him when he asks, "Do you think we will find trouble?"

"Trouble always finds us, sir," says his subordinate as Vyrve began to laugh.

"There you are right," says Vyrve as they arrived at the bridge and more than fifty people were standing there ready to board the unknown carrier.

Most of them are Legionaries that will carry the dead and sick after they are treated into the Stendarr-024. Vyrve put his helmet on and opened the door which leads into the decompression room.

Once inside they waited for a moment and they began to float in the room as if gravity didn't exist. Then Vyrve opened the like leading to the bridge and they float towards the Jupiter.

Once on the other side, Vyrve knocks against the like signaling that they arrived when the luke opens, and they were welcomed by a man with blue skin. Vyrve has seen already many things in his long life and this was quite new for him since the skin was glowing.

Once they boarded the Jupiter the blue-skinned man showed them around while Vyrve gave commands to the people to help the people on the ship. He could see that some were robots and others were Men like you would find them on Nirn making it simple for the medics to take care of at least the Men.

"We should speak somewhere else about who will be joining you as ambassadors," says the blue-skinned man as Vyrve nods.

"Yes, not everyone needs to know about that since I also have another peculiar topic to speak about since you seem to be from a race we don't have on Nirn," says Vyrve hoping that he wouldn't find one.

"I am an Awoken. We were created in an accident when humankind tried to escape the Darkness to the far-edge of space only to enter some cosmic anomaly that changed them forever into what you see today," says the Awoken to Vyrve explaining how Awoken came to be.

"So you are descendants from Men in some way," says Vyrve confusing the Awoken.

"Men?" asks the Awoken as Vyrve nods.

"Yes, we call all human species under Men. We have too many to count them all. The same goes for Beastfolk and Mer," says Vyrve explaining to the Awoken how they categories the people in the Empire.

"Beastfolk?" asks the Awoken as Vyrve nods and calls a Khajiit over.

The Khajiit removes his helmet and the Awoken was surprised to see a talking panther in front of him before the Khajiit returned to his duties.

"You will have far more of those surprises since we so many other races that aren't in those three categories like the Dragons, Werebeasts, Vampires, and Monsters," says Vyrve as the Awoken was quite surprised by the sheer number of categories they had.

"And there is no discrimination between the people of the Empire?" asks the Awoken skeptical about it.

"It depends on where you are and what you did but mostly everyone lives in peace with everyone else even Skyrim can be visited as a Mer and no one will say anything against you not like before," says Vyrve as everyone lives peacefully.

"Only one place is taboo for everyone and that is Dravania. It is the province of the Dragons and if you don't show respect to them like everyone else does you could end up fast dead or eaten alive depending on how old the Dragon is," says Vyrve informing the Awoken.

They soon reached a room with a long table with people sitting around it waiting for them when Vyrve jokingly says, "Now that just radiates a warm welcome."

"At least someone that shares my humor," says the robot when everyone looks at it.

"Not now Cayde," says everyone as there were two empty seats. Vyrve walked to the nearest since the Awoken already walked for the other one.

"We are happy to finally meet you," says the woman which Vyrve recognizes the voice from.

"The pleasure is all mine," says Vyrve as they all looked at him.

"Can we ask of you to remove your helmet and tell us your name? We will do the same," says the woman as Vyrve didn't notice that he still had his helmet on since inside it everything looked like he was seeing without the helmet.

"Right, I am sorry. My name is Great Admiral Vyrve, formerly known as the Great General and Ruler of the Neo Imperial City," says Vyrve as he removed his helmet and everyone saw his ears.

"As I could see you have no Mers between you so I will just ignore all the starring," says Vyrve making everyone snap out of it.

"With Mers you mean Elves?" asks the woman he talked with before.

"Yes, we have many different races of us but we are all categorized as Mers," says Vyrve when some people seemed to have some vibes towards Vyrve since they heard only stories of elves from their books.

"How about you present yourselves to me as well," says Vyrve as the Awoken coughs for a moment.

He presents everyone with their former title and Vyrve was now looking into the round and says, "Well we could provide for a Province for Mara Sov but she must swear loyalty to Emperor Naosane and the Empire. We can also incorporate all the Guardians into one Legion which will be led by Commander Zavala."

"It is that easy?" asks Cayde-6 surprised as Vyrve nods.

"It is quite hard to swear on the names of the Divines and Daedra, and goes unpunished by them for lying," says Vyrve as Cayde-6 laughs.

"Yeah right," says Cayde-6 joking about the matter thinking that Vyrve was joking as well.

"Isn't your folk too advanced to believe in Gods that aren't there," says Ikora as Vyrve smiles at her innocently.

"You will find out that in our world Gods exist and evil Gods as well. Even if most of them don't do evil things any longer but if you accidentally end up meeting one you would wish you hadn't," says Vyrve as he warned them.

"So Gods exist in your world," says Eris Morn as Vyrve nods.

"Yes, as does magic," says Vyrve as he summoned a candlelight that floated around him.

"Nice party trick," says Cayde-6 as Vyrve smiles.

"Not everyone is a mage but everyone has the potential. In all my life I use magic only for daily needs, not like the mages who study it and can control the elements for example," says Vyrve as the candlelight disappears again.

Vyrve began to explain many things about the Empire so they could make a picture of it in their mind while Zavala talked about their past so Vyrve could make himself a picture of their past when Vyrve looks at his watch and says, "I think we talked long enough. I would like to welcome the Ambassadors on the Stendarr-024 so they can see that we are treating your sick and dead fairly while they will make the first contact with the Empire."

"Ikora, Mara Sov, and Lord Saladin will accompany you on the Stendarr-024," says Zavala as they already had talked about it earlier.

"Good, I welcome you to the Stendarr-024. Once we are on the carrier we will return to Nirn at full speed," says Vyrve as he stood up and put his helmet back on.

Many now noticed that Vyrve was wearing a sledgehammer instead of a firearm and were confused about it but didn't say anything.

Ikora and the rest had a long talk with the others before they went to the bridge where Vyrve was waiting for them.

"You three ready to leave?" asks Vyrve as they nod and they began to float.

They went through the bridge and arrived at the other side. Once on the Stendarr, they noticed the almost no one was wearing a firearm while Vyrve and his subordinate guided them to their quarters.

"How comes no one is wearing a firearm?" asks Ikora as Vyrve stopped in his tracks.

He was thinking if he could tell them when his subordinate says, "Our armors are made from the best material which makes bullets obsolete. We rather rely on our cold steel and magic to fight. But there is a special division that uses firearms because they love to use them since they were Archers before."

"So you armors are unpenetrable going by your words," says Saladin as the subordinate nods.

"Yes, every armor that is carried by a Legionary had to go through various tests before it gets handed to him. But the people with the best armor are the Dragoons," says Vyrve as he didn't have to hide anything.

"Dragoons?" asks Mara Sov as Vyrve nods.

"A Unit that everyone wants to join but only the best of the best can fulfill the prerequisite to even enter the recruitment. Before there were only 200 of them but now there are 5000 of them but only almost 50 of them have their own Dragon partner.

In the past, the First Emperor himself did the recruiting and training of a Dragoon candidate. but now it is his daughter who does it as she is the best Dragoon in the Empire beside her father," says Vyrve explaining what an honor it is to be a Dragoon until they arrived at the quarters.

"Those will be your quarters. They aren't big but we are on a military vessel which you can explain why they aren't comfortable. We will arrive on Nirn by tomorrow. If you have questions you can ask anyone to lead to the commanding center. I will be there for most of the time," says Vyrve when Saladin stands back up.

"I will join you. I hate to sit and wait," says Saladin as Vyrve nods.

"Then follow me," says Vyrve as Saladin follows him to the commanding center finding at least ten people sitting in front of their consoles looking out for potential threats.

"Where are we going, sir?" asks the captain as he notices Saladin beside him.

"We are going home. Tell the fleet the same they don't need to hide any longer as the Guardian Flagship is friendly," says Vyrve as the captain nods.

"Aye, sir," says the captain as Saladin looked confused.

"Which fleet are you talking about?" asks Saladin when suddenly on the radar many points appeared which weren't there before.

Vyrve points at the window and Saladin could see at least more than fifty ships appear out of nowhere when Vyrve says, "I lied a bit before my real title is Fleet Admiral Vyrve, I command the 8th Fleet of the Imperial Forces under which more than fifty ships are under. I had to make sure that my brother-in-law wasn't being tricked by your Traveler."

"Brother-in-law?" asks Saladin as Vyrve nods.

"The First Emperor," says Vyrve as Saladin was quite surprised but didn't let it show on his face.

"How many fleets does the Empire have?" asks Saladin as Vyrve smiles.

"We are right now constructing the 10th fleet that will be keeping our Empire save," says Vyrve proudly while Saladin was getting nervous inside not showing it again from the outside.