Arriving on Nirn

Vincent woke up from his sleep finding his wives laying beside him. He stands up and tries to not wake them. He moved to the kitchen and puts some toast in the toaster while brewing some coffee before opening the fridge to get the milk and some cheese.

He was about to eat breakfast when he received a message from Vyrve which made him stop eating as in the message Vyrve announced he returned with the Ambassadors.

He left a note on the table as he put his toast in his mouth while teleporting to the Imperial City. He could see the carrier in the atmosphere and a small ship was flying towards Nirn making it clear that it was Vyrve with the Ambassadors.

Vincent was standing near the Palace as he was between his statue and Talos' statue at the moment. He walked towards the Palace as the air traffic was cleared so the ship could land near the palace.

Vincent was already inside as he walked through the halls of the Palace without anyone noticing him since he knows every corner of the Palace since it didn't change since he lived there.

"Why are we sneaking around the palace again?" asks Vlad who came out of Vincent's shadow.

"I don't want to meet my great-grandchildren. They are too active when it comes to my past always asking about it," says Vincent as he was passing another Crownguard without him noticing them.

They were standing in the throne room which was empty at the moment since everyone must be outside ready to welcome Vyrve and the Ambassadors he is escorting.

"How about you inform them about where I am so Vyrve isn't confused when he only sees Naomasa and his wife," says Vincent as Vlad nods before leaving into the shadows.

In the meantime outside the palace, Naomasa was standing with his wife in normal clothes seeing the little ship land. It was quite small and could transport up to fifteen people including the pilot if they aren't claustrophobic.

Soon the door opens and Vyrve leaves the ship first followed by Saladin, Ikora, and Mara Sov. They could see Naomasa standing there with his wife and four Crownguards by their side.

"Granduncle, it has been long," says Naomasa as he took Vyrve into a hug.

Vyrve returned the hug as Naomasa was Kirvena's grandson in all but blood. Naomasa then looks at the Ambassadors and sees that two could be Redguards going by their skin tone while the other looked humanoid but had bluish skin.

"Welcome to the Imperial City, I am Naomasa Highwind and this is my wife, Brelvala Dralril. Our children couldn't be present today as they are occupied with other matters," says Naomasa as the two were in the Imperial City having fun.

"Children need their freedom and this will be boring anyway," says Vyrve as he could understand the youth not wanting to attend something like this.

"Now if it isn't rude to ask, what are you?" asks Naomasa to Mara Sov as Mara Sov can understand his question.

"I am an Awoken," says Mara Sov as her title doesn't hold wage in this world.

"She is a Men going by what I could find out," says Vyrve as Naomasa nods.

"Good to know, but don't let my grandmothers hear about this," says Naomasa as Vyrve nods.

"For now I told them that we found Men on the ship which wasn't a lie. Also, they have robots they call Exos. They once were people that transferred their soul to a machine," says Vyrve as Naomasa closed his eyes.

"Like Flemeth?" asks Naomasa as the three were confused.

"Most likely just that they are more advanced," says Vyrve as Naomasa opened his eyes again.

"Maybe they can help her then," says Naomasa as Vlad appears out of Naomasa's shadow.

"My Emperor, he is in the throne room," says Vlad kneeling towards Naomasa.

"Who is he?" asks Ikora curious and nervous at the same time as she saw Vlad come out of the darkness.

"My grandfather," says Naomasa as Vlad disappeared again.

"Is he an elf as well?" asks Saladin as he saw that every person he met so far from the Highwind family was an elf.

"No, he is not a Mer or Men. You will find out what he is in a moment," says Naomasa surprising the three Ambassadors.

"But how can you be an Elf then?" asks Ikora as it was an intelligent question.

"On Nirn we take after our mothers instead of our fathers. That's why I am a Bosmer and not an Altmer like my father and my children are Dunmer like their mother," says Naomasa explaining how reproduction worked on Nirn.

"But we should enter and meet him," says Naomasa as he guided them inside.

They were walking towards the throne room when Mara Sov asks, "Why did you say that nobody should mention that I am an Awoken to your grandmothers?"

Ikora was also intrigued to find that out but didn't want to ask since it could be respectless since they don't know the customs of the people around here.

"Well, my grandmothers are quite special even more so my grandmother by blood," says Naomasa as he walked in front.

"Grandmother by blood?" asks Ikora as Naomasa nods.

"Yes, she is my father's biological mother and my grandfather's first wife," says Naomasa as the three Ambassadors weren't surprised for an Emperor to have many wives since in their history they did too.

"What is with her?" asks Ikora as Naomasa looked at Mara Sov and smiles.

"She was the person that allowed the whole harem thing in the first place. It started with her saying that my grandfather should marry a woman from every race," says Naomasa as he smiled weakly at Mara Sov.

"If she finds out that the Awoken are a new race she will find a way to get one of them into my grandfather's harem. I can see that you must have been from a high standing from all the gestures and movements you made since you landed," says Naomasa pointing out that Mara Sov was nobility.

"We can call ourselves lucky that my grandfather is a person that isn't that much into his harem thing. He would rather spend his time in peace than looking for the next woman to enter his harem," says Naomasa making three people sigh in relief as they arrived at a painting of Naomasa with his title and name engraved on it.

Then they passed a painting of Naosane with his name and title engraved on it when they passed Vincent's painting and Saladin stopped as the title seemed to be quite dark for someone chosen by the light.

"Is that him?" asks Saladin seeing an Au-Ra on the painting sitting on the throne.

"Indeed," says Naomasa as he looked at the painting and you could feel that it had a different aura than the other two paintings.

"Why was he called the Warmonger or Bloody Emperor?" asks Saladin as he read the title.

"You never heard of the wars am I correct?" asks Naomasa as they nod vaguely.

"My Grandfather sullied his hands in blood so the next generation didn't need to do so. There wasn't a war for over 96 years when the last war ended with the surrender of Nilfgaard," says Naomasa as the aura the painting was giving of is our dominance to the three Ambassadors.

"But why do I feel the need to now to this painting?" asks Ikora making Naomasa smile.

"You can feel it?" asks Naomasa as they nod when Naomasa goes over to the painting of his father.

"What do you feel when you look at this painting?" asks Naomasa as the Ambassadors looked at Naosane's painting and felt peace coming from it.

"It makes me think that we are in peaceful times," says Ikora as Naomasa nods.

"Indeed, my father could calm everyone down in the room even his political enemies which earned him his title as Peaceful Emperor," says Naomasa as they looked at him for an explanation as to why they could feel this.

"You can feel it because your body is slowly filled with Magicka without you knowing it," says Vyrve explaining to them that since they entered the atmosphere of Nirn they began to absorb it without knowing it.

"Magicka? You mean Magic," says Ikora as Vyrve nods.

"It enters without you even noticing. Most of the people bring their children to Nirn once they are born so they gain Magicka since it is quite useful," says Vyrve as the three Ambassadors were surprised by the revelation that they now were able to use Magic.

"But that doesn't explain why we feel this dominance coming from the painting," says Saladin looking at Vincent's painting feeling threatened by it.

"Because it lays in his nature," says Naomasa as the Ambassadors were confused.

"His nature?" asks Mara Sov as they nod.

"The First Emperor had many titles before he became Emperor. But the most important one should be Dragonking," says Brelvala as they looked at them confused.

"He is from humanoid Dragon race called Au-Ra. After killing his oldest brother who wanted to destroy Nirn and absorbing his soul he became the Dragonking but this is history that passed long ago. Now he is only known as First Emperor to everyone while my cousin is known as Dragonking right now," says Naomasa as he walked towards the throne room again.

"We shouldn't let him wait any longer or he will leave," says Naomasa thinking that they made Vincent wait long enough.

They arrive at the throne room and find it empty at first when they noticed someone sitting on the Emperor's throne.

Vincent sees them and stands up from it and walks towards the group. The three Ambassadors could feel the pressure with every step Vincent took towards them.

It was as if they couldn't breathe when Vincent stood in front of them and they wanted to kneel but Vincent stopped them by saying, "I am no longer an Emperor. If you want to kneel to someone then do it to the actual one."

Vincent notices Mara Sov and says, "We need to hide you from Mina. She would chase you to the end of the world if she finds out that a new race exists since your two friends look like Redguards."

"Redguards?" asks Ikora as one of the Crownguards removed his helmet.

"Like me, I am a Redguard," says the Redguard which resembled a lot someone Vincent knew in the past.

"You are from his line," says Vincent as the Redguard wanted to kneel when Vincent stopped him physically by putting his arm on his shoulder.

"My descendants don't bow or kneel towards me. Hroar Highwind was my first son and died protecting his brother. You look exactly like him," says Vincent as he could see Hroar in him.

"Thank you, sir. I will make him proud," says the Crownguard as Vincent turned to the Ambassadors again.

"We should talk about the future," says Vincent as the three Ambassadors nod still feeling a bit oppressed because they could feel Vincent's dominance.