Citadel Council

They arrived at the Council Hall in which Titania was already with two men and the Councilors. Vincent looked at all five people he didn't know and put them on the shelves of not threatening as he advanced holding the Turian child.

They arrive in front of the Council and it was the first time seeing Vincent and his crew in armor when she notices a Crownguard between the people and the future Emperor and the former Emperor.

"Aren't they a backwater community?" asks one of the men.

"I never said that Ambassador Udina. I said that it was their first 'official' contact with the Citadel Council. We don't know for sure but their Elder Council doesn't have a high opinion on our community at all and I don't blame them," says Titania as the other man looked at her.

"Explain it, Commander," says the man curious.

"Their Council is made out of every race living in the Empire as well as provinces. They are changed every four years while the High Councilor stays until he or she dies. They decide the future of the Empire and the Emperor seems to not meddle in those matters except he needs to," says Titania as she explained to the two how the Empire worked.

"So they have a Democratic System in their Empire," says Udina confused as Titania nods.

"Yes, and the Geth are in that Empire that you called backwater community. If we go by what we saw of the 17th Fleet then we can be sure that one of their Fleets rivals two to three of our Alliance Fleet," says Titania which made both men nervous.

"They have the Geth on their side, aren't they then our enemies!" says Udina seriously as everyone could hear them.

"What you call a Geth is for us a Heretic. They are two different things and you should keep your mouth shut if you can't differentiate between both of them," says Naosane seriously as they were talking bad about his people.

"How dar-," says Udina when suddenly a dagger was on his neck.

"Say one more word to my Emperor and you will stop breathing," says Vermont coldly as he was Naosane's shadow since he became Emperor.

"Vermont," says Naosane as Vermont understood and disappeared into the shadows again.

"You should know who you are trying to offend. Next time you won't be spared," says Vincent as Udina lost his footing.

"Titania," says Vincent as he looked at her.

"Vincent, let me present you to Captain David Anderson and you seem to have already talked to Ambassador Udina," says Titania presenting them to Vincent as she couldn't get her eyes away from the child Vincent was carrying.

"Who is he?" asks Titania as Vincent only smiled.

"He is my son beginning today," says Vincent as Titania was surprised by that for a moment when Vincent presented the others to the little group.

"I thought we could talk to someone that has at least some intelligence from your race but if the Ambassador is already such a brick. I don't want to imagine the rest of your politicians," says Vincent as he turned to the Council which was talking to Naosane.

"What is the Empire going to do?" asks Titania as she knew that Vincent knew the direction this is going to go.

"War most likely," says Vincent as Anderson and Udina became nervous.

"Why war?" asks Anderson as Vincent turned to him.

"Why should we put our apple beside a rotting one. It would only spring over and made our apple rot away as well," says Vincent as he looked at Naosane who had a smile on his face while the Councilors were in a panic.

"Aren't you going to help us against the Reapers?" asks Titania as Vincent shakes his head.

"This and the Reapers are two different things. We will help of course, but we have our own agenda about the Universe and won't bend our knees to people that aren't worth it. But we welcome people like you into the Empire," says Vincent as he was revealing part of their plans.

"You want to recruit the people that the Citadel has ignored all those years," says Titania as Vincent nods.

"That is the plan. We will co-exist with the Citadel Council as long as they leave us alone. The moment they show hostility we will unleash everything we have and many good and bad people will die," says Vincent coldly as the three humans began to feel shivers pass their spine.

"Who are you really, Vincent?" asks Titania as Vincent points at Naosane.

"I am his father," says Vincent as Titania suddenly dropped her helmet.

"You are-," says Titania as Vincent placed his finger on her mouth stopping her.

"I am, but for now I am only Vincent Highwind and not him. If I was him the children would have been on Nirn already while the Citadel would be burning," says Vincent as he smiled warmly at her making Titania feel fear.

Naosane then retreats and says, "Vincent, you will be joining the Normandy Crew while the others retreat with me."

"They agreed to co-exist beside us?" asks Vincent confused as he hoped they would use force so they had a reason to start the war.

"They agreed to an Alliance until that Spector Saren is dead. It will be beneficial for us since the Heretics will be reduced to a smaller number. This will please the Geth as well and we can try to win the Quarians to our cause if they aren't blind to the truth," says Naosane as Vincent nods because he liked the idea.

"It seems I will be enjoying some adventures again. What about the women?" says Vincent as Naosane looked at his mothers.

"They will accompany you," says Naosane as he looked at Titania.

"I hope that won't make it too difficult for you, Commander Shepard. I sent them with you just so you don't get shot down when you enter Imperial Territory," says Naosane as Titania couldn't say anything since she was still in shock from the revelation.

"Did you tell her?" asks Naosane as he didn't see a reaction from her.

"Yes, but what about the Batarians?" asks Vincent as Naosane smiles.

"That matter should be resolved before you return to Nirn," says Naosane as he turns to Anderson and Udina and says, "I hope we can cooperate."

They leave the hall as Executor Pallin was nervous. He heard everything that Naosane said to the Councilors as they agreed to an Alliance until Saren is dead.

"We are going to the Human Embassy. We have to deal with them before returning home," says Naosane as they walked to the Human Embassy.

Once there, they encounter the Normandy Ground Crew Tristan could see that something happened in the Council Hall. They enter it and once inside the Ground Crew got informed that Vincent and the others would join them.

"As you have heard they will be joining us and make sure that if we enter Imperial Territory we don't get shot down," says Titania not revealing who Vincent was for now.

"Good, I would love to give your humanity the same offer that I gave the Councilors as we will give the same offer to the other races out there," says Naosane as Anderson was confused.

"Which is?" asks Anderson as Naosane smiles.

"The opportunity to enter the Empire. Earth would become a Province and you would receive a seat in the Elder Council as every other race inside the Empire," says Naosane as Anderson wasn't much of a politician when Udina jumped in.

"Where is the catch?" asks Udina as Naosane smiles.

"Oh, it seems he has some intelligence," says Naosane as he walked towards a window.

"We have the tradition of having one of the women from the new province to marry the First Emperor to produce an heir which would rule over that province. Every Province except for one which is under the rule of Queen of the Awoken, Mara Sov," says Naokichi as he played around.

Titania starred at Vincent intensely when Naosane smiles seeing Titania do that when he says, "That tradition was implemented by the First Empress, my mother. She wanted to unite the Continent under one bloodline which originates from the First Emperor."

"Wait your mother allowed him to take more women," says Titania surprised.

"Don't be surprised it is normal for a woman that loves her husband and can share him," says Mina as she looked at Titania.

"Anyway, we came off-topic. What do you think will humanity answer to our offer?" asks Naosane as he looked at Anderson and Udina.

"I can't talk for humanity as a whole," says Anderson as Vincent liked him more and more.

"I would have to inform you that we already entered the Citadel Council. We won't betray our allies," says Udina angry as Naosane sighs.

"Well, I am happy that it isn't you who leads the human race because if that was the case you would have killed them off," says Naokichi with a smile that made all the humans in the room feel shivers run down their spines.

"Do you know why the Empire became what it is today? The First Emperor is the coldest person in the whole universe when he enters a war. It is said that when he is wounded no blood drips out of his body because the blood is frozen solid until the war is over," says Naokichi warning them.

"He commanded many atrocities while being in war. He is a person that does anything to win a war as fast as possible and becomes the warmest person when the war is over. That's how I remember my father," says Naosane as he tools a glimpse of Vincent before he looked at the people inside the room.

"Can you tell us some of the atrocities that aren't written down in the history books," says Tristan as Naosane smiles.

"He burned down a whole nation killing everyone there. He genocide two whole races that surrendered to the Empire because he couldn't trust them," says Naosane when Ciri walks forward playing with her sword.

"He also killed off a whole village just because the guards took his adoptive daughter prisoner and raped her. Then there is also the time he sent a Daedric Prince into another Universe where he is still wreaking havoc," says Ciri as she looked at them.

"Does he command Daedric Princes?" asks Tristan as Ciri shakes her head.

"No, but he has a good relationship with them since he married one," says Ciri which surprised the crew of the Normandy.

"What is so surprising?" asks Anderson as Kaidan explained to Anderson and Udina what a Daedric Prince is.

"Right, we have told you what we wanted to tell you. We should leave for Nirn right away. Vincent," says Naosane as Vincent opened a rift in the middle of the room.

Naosane passed through it followed by Nivnea and Naokichi before the rift closed behind them. Anderson, Udina, and Executor Pallin were now scared since this proved that the enemy could strike from everywhere at any time without them knowing.

"Was that the rumored magic," says Titania as Vincent smiles.

"Of course, it is quite handy if you know how to use it. But you won't be able to do so," says Vincent surprising her.

"Why?" asks Titania as Vincent sighs.

"E-Zero and Magicka aren't compatible with each other. If you are exposed to E-Zero your body will reject Magicka and vice-versa. I can be near it but I can't be infused with it," says Vincent explaining why E-Zero was obsolete for the Empire.

"Anyway, I need to store the Black Emperor before we leave for the Normandy," says Vincent when he looked at his two children.

"But first," says Vincent as he opened another rift which brought him and the two children to the Throat of the World.

It was the best place for those two to be infused with Magicka. The Turian could feel his body become warm while the Asari could feel it as well making Vincent smile as he kneels down.

"It seems you both weren't infused with E-Zero while living in the Citadel. This means that you two are quite lucky since E-Zero is quite a harmful substance to our bodies," says Vincent as he picked them up and opened another rift which leads back.

He appeared in front of them again bringing snow into the room with him as the women could feel the change in the children.

"Where did you go?" asks Titania curious as Vincent looks at her.

"To a very special place, I once called home," says Vincent as he looked at the children and says, "We should get the Black Emperor. Executor Pallin, can you bring me to it. It would be easier if the others went with Commander Shepard to the Normandy."

"Of course," says Executor Pallin as he couldn't really do anything to Vincent after hearing what Naosane and Naokichi said about the Empire.

Vincent handed the children over to Anra and Mina before he and Executor Pallin went together to get the Black Emperor.