Boarding the Normandy

Vincent and Executor Pallin reached the Black Emperor when Vincent stretches his hand out and Vigilance appears over his hand.

"Have you done your job?" asks Vincent as Vigilance floats up and down.

"Of course, it was easier than I thought. Anyway," says Vigilance as he looked at the Black Emperor before it disappeared from where it was when Vigilance continues, "I shouldn't show myself around here so much since I behave like an Artificial Intelligence even when I am not."

"Don't worry we are in an alliance for now. If they dared to attack you the whole Citadel would be burning," says Vincent joking over that matter while Executor was tense because this matter was quite serious for him.

"Where did the ship go to and what is that thing?" asks Executor Pallin as Vincent glared at him making him shut up.

"Let's just say that I used magic to make it disappear and he is my ghost and conscious telling me what is right and wrong," says Vincent as he walked past Executor Pallin while he continues, "Now how about we go to the Normandy and you will not see me again for a while."

"Why do you think I don't want to see you again," says Executor Pallin as Vincent turns around and smiles at him.

"I know people like you that always go 'by-the-book'. They love to be able to control the situation but when they meet a situation they can't control they become nervous and tense up under the pressure of losing control," says Vincent as he turned away again.

"So you are saying I am losing control of the situation," says Executor Pallin as Vincent nods.

"You lost the control of the situation when your subordinate lost control of her bladder. You didn't know how it happened and you are still thinking about what could have happened. Should I show you," says Vincent as he disappears from Executor Pallin's vision.

Executor Pallin was suddenly surrounded by Darkness and he found himself in front of the Twin Dragons which breath into his face making his leg shake when the Darkness disappeared and he was looking at Vincent.

"What were those beings?" asks Executor Pallin with fear in his voice.

"They are Dragons. We have at least six thousand Dragons living on Nirn. The First Emperor was known as the Dragonking before he became Emperor," says Vincent as he walked slowly away.

"Dragonking? Is he a Dragon?" asks Executor Pallin as Vincent shakes his head.

"He isn't but he killed the former Dragonking which made him the new one at default," says Vincent as Executor Pallin caught up with him.

"How could he kill such a beast?" asks Executor Pallin as Vincent stopped walking.

"Because he was trained his whole life to kill those majestic creatures. But shouldn't you concentrate on getting us to the Normandy? We are walking around in circles the whole time," says Vincent as he was leading them at the moment and he had no idea where he was walking.

"Right, I'm sorry about that," says Executor Pallin as he forgot for a moment his duty.

They walked towards where the Normandy was stationed in when Vincent places his hand on Executor Pallin's shoulder and says, "When the day comes and the Citadel is attacked just surrender to the Empire. You are a good man, Executor Pallin. The Empire won't kill people that have surrendered to them."

"I will keep that in mind," says Executor Pallin respecting the warning of Vincent as he sees Vincent walk towards the Normandy where the others were waiting for him with the two children.

They enter the Normandy when Mako says, "You took your time."

"Poor Pallin got to see the Twin Dragons and got a history class from me on Dragons and the Dragonking," says Vincent as he looked at the children.

"Now how about you tell me your name," says Vincent when Anra jumps in.

"They are Ishly and Provus. Ishly was abandoned by her mother because she is talentless in Biotics while Provus' parents were killed by a murderer that was killed by C-Sec some months ago," says Anra as the children had already opened up to her.

"So Ishly and Provus Highwind, from today on you are my children. You can call me 'Dad'," says Vincent as he petted their heads.

"Can we really?" asks Provus nervous as Vincent smiles at them.

"You can and all of them you can call 'Mom'. They are your mothers after all," says Vincent as his armor disappears.

He picks them up and walks a bit with them while telling them that they will be studying under Ellana how to control their Magicka and Anra would teach them history.

Soon Titania stood in front of them as she says mockingly, "They shouldn't be on this ship, your Majesty."

"They will follow me until we have dealt with Saren. Once we have dealt with him we will go our separate ways again," says Vincent as he placed the children down before he continues, "I and my people will be needing a place to stay since I need to train my children."

"You can use the Cargo Bay. It should be spacious enough for all of you. By the way, where is the Black Emperor?" says Titania as she wanted to know where Vincent left the ship.

"The Black Emperor is in my backpack," says Vincent as he walked to the lift and the four of the women enter with the children.

"In your backpack?" says Titania confused as Vigilance appears beside Vincent.

"I am not a backpack!" says Vigilance as this was the second time today that Vincent called him a backpack.

Titania suddenly had her hand on her holster when Vincent's hand stopped her while saying, "Wow hold on, this is Vigilance. He is something like my partner and his father would be quite angry if he dies."

"Father?" asks Titania as Vincent nods.

"Remember the giant construct over Kvatch?" asks Vincent as Titania nods.

"That is his father," says Vincent as Vigilance flares up.

"He is not my father but my creator and he isn't a construct but the Traveler!" says Vigilance as Titania removes her hand from the holster when Vincent lets go of her wrist.

"There are many people with one of those Ghosts. We call them Guardians as they can resurrect after being killed thank to them," says Vincent as Titania looked at Vigilance.

"So you are immortal because of that thing?" asks Titania as the remaining women laughed at that.

"No, he was immortal before he received Vigilance as a gift. Vincent's brother gave him immortality a long time before the Traveler arrived at Nirn," says Mina as the lift arrived and the rest entered the lift.

"If you have some questions just come see us. We are like an open book," says Vincent as the doors closed before Titania could say something.

Titania called her brother to her quarter. Tristan arrived there finding his sister holding a glass of whiskey in her hand which was not common for her.

"Did something happen?" asks Tristan worried about his sister.

"We have a ticking time bomb on the Normandy," says Titania as she takes a sip from her glass while finalizing Tristan to sit down.

"You mean Vincent and his crew," says Tristan as he took one glass and filled it with water.

"Yes, but it is far more complicated than that," says Titania as she looked at her brother.

"What is so complicated about having the First Emperor on the ship," says Tristan as it wasn't something new for him while Titania dropped her glass.

"You knew?" asks Titania as Tristan drinks his water.

"I didn't until I saw him carrying the Turian child on his shoulders. I only had my suspicions on who he really was since his whole crew was made out of women and that we never saw a picture or got to hear the name of the First Emperor. It was quite obvious that they were trying to keep his name secret because we already knew his name," says Tristan as he puts the glass on the table.

"Does anyone else know about his real identity?" asks Titania as she looked at her brother seriously.

"No, they believe that Vincent is a decorated general," says Tristan as Titania picks her glass up from the ground.

She puts it on the table before she fills it again with whiskey when she says, "Do we tell the crew or keep it to ourselves?"

"Are you asking me, the Second Lieutenant, about my opinion," says Tristan jokingly as he filled his glass with water again.

"We are siblings, it isn't my fault that I received brawn and you became the smart one," says Titania as she would always look for advice from her brother.

"*sighs* Fine, we should keep it for ourselves since Vincent seems to not want to reveal who he is to the crew fearing that they would treat him differently," says Tristan as Titania is looking at her brother intensely.

"So we play dumb," says Titania as Tristan smiles at her.

"Something you are the best in," says Tristan as Titania kicked her brother lightly.

"Hey, I am only stating the truth. Remember how you ignored the order to retreat and dragged me into holding position against the Batarians. We were almost killed because of your decision of staying there," says Tristan as Titania looked at him seriously.

"I did that to protect the civilians," says Titania as she defended her decision from back then.

"Did we really or was it because Steve left you just three hours before that and you wanted to let go of some frustration," says Tristan as he smiled at his sister.

"Did you really have to mention Steve at this moment," says Titania with a scary look on her face making Tristan regret mentioning him.

In the meantime in the Cargo Bay, Vincent looked at his two adoptive children while Anra used Restoration Magic on them making sure that they aren't sick with a disease that isn't visible to the eyes.

"They are healthy, but they need to eat beginning today to increase their body weight so they can begin their physical training beginning next month," says Anra once done with the examination of their bodies.

"That's good to hear. But we will need to prepare to get some food for Provus since we don't have... what is it called again?" says Vincent as he forgot it.

"Dextro Food. Turians and Quarians can die if they eat our food carelessly," says Mina as she was informed on the matter.

"Can we do something about that?" asks Vincent looking at Anra who shakes her head.

"That would be outside my territory," says Anra as healing glass bones and changing a while digesting system are two different things.

"Azura?" asks Vincent as Azura closed her eyes to think.

"I could do that but it would need someone's help and that someone wouldn't want to help us or better said you," says Azura as she wasn't thinking about changing only Provus but the whole Turians and Quarians at the same time.

"Kynareth," says Vincent as Azura nods.

"She is one of the people. I would also need Mara's and Meridia's help as well," says Azura as Vincent looked at her surprised.

"To change one person's digest system we need the help of four gods?" asks Vincent as Azura shakes her head.

"No, but to change the system of their whole race as well as helping the Quarians out of their suit," says Azura as Vincent sighs.

"*sighs* We are talking at the moment about Provus, not the whole race," says Vincent informing Azura that she is going to fast forward.

"That should be easy. He just needs to offer me one prayer and I should be able to solve the problem," says Azura as Vincent looked at Provus and Ishly who were confused at the moment.

"Just pray like this Provus. You will learn it sooner or later since you are my son now," says Vincent as he kneeled down on one knee making Provus follow his example.

Vincent began to pray and Provus followed him not knowing what would happen next as Azura began to radiate and she touches Provus who suddenly felt his whole body burn inside him like when the Magicka entered him.

Soon the feeling disappeared and Azura says, "He should be able to eat our food from now on."

"That's good to hear," says Vincent as it was easier for them all if they didn't need to look out for what Provus eats.

Vincent then summoned some three beds into the Cargo Bay. Two were for the children and one was for the adults. They were placed in a corner where they wouldn't border anyone as Vincent lifts both up and places them in their bed while telling them to sleep comfortably.

Their new mothers were telling them stories as Vincent was sitting nearby until they fell asleep when they went into their bed and Yennefer says jokingly, "And I thought that we could finally have fun in our bed but you had to change everything again."

"We could still have fun in the bed we just need to make this," says Vincent as everything turned silent around them.

"Silencing everything we do with a barrier quite smart of you but we also need to deal with that," says Ciri as she made the cameras surveillance in the Cargo Bay shut down.

Vincent smiled as he wanted to jump into the bed with them when Titania arrives at the Cargo Bay while looking at a notepad not realizing in what situation she ran into.

"Vincent, you and the others need to get exa-," says Titania until she looked up and saw what was about to happen when she turned crimson as her hair.

"Can't that wait until tomorrow?" asks Mako as she was already half-naked standing in front of Titania who barged into the barrier.

"It can't wait until tomorrow. If anyone of you gets injured then we need to be ready to treat you immediately," says Titania using the notepad as cover for her eyes while thinking that she must be imagining things because she drunk too much earlier.

She took one quick glimpse before hiding her face again while saying, "You really shouldn't have sex here. What if the others see you."

"They can't since we erected a barrier that blocks sound and vision. You just entered it which can be explained by two theories. Either our magic became weaker because we are near an E-Zero engine or you can enter it because you are infused with E-Zero," says Yennefer as she was already naked when she was fascinated by Titania able to enter their barrier.

She walked towards Titania who suddenly rushed out of the barrier because she didn't want to stay any longer than needed in there with them when Ciri says, "What a cute reaction. Do you think we can get her to join us?"

"Don't even think about it," says Vincent as he was quite serious about that.

"Relax, I was just joking," says Ciri as she began to drag Vincent towards the bed before they began to have fun.