Sleeping in the same bed

Vincent had a long talk with Ishly about what she did reminding her that there is always a reason behind what people do.

Ishly felt wrongly accused by her father since she believes that the Justicar is like her former family which made Ishly angry as she began to say in tears, "I am not wrong."

"I never said 'you were' have I. I said that you acted rashly and without thinking," says Vincent as he turned to Provus and says, "And you could have stopped her but didn't."

Provus wanted to say something to defend himself but he was stopped by the eyes his father gave him and Ishly. Vincent's eyes were filled full of disappointment which hurt them more than words or weapons could ever do.

"Do you know what I want from my children?" asks Vincent out of them knowing that they know the answer.

"You want them to be better than you," say Ishly and Provus at the same time.

"And did you make me proud by lashing out your rage against a woman that had her back turned against you or you who has sworn to protect the defenseless," says Vincent as they didn't dare to look into his eyes.

"Look at me when I am talking to you," says Vincent in a warm tone.

They looked into his eyes and they realized that their father was crying when Vincent says, "It is my fault that you still hold that rage inside of you. We should have dealt with it earlier so you wouldn't have such an episode."

"Now come here," says Vincent as he takes them into his arms and whispers, "Promise me that rage will never dominate your life. And if you feel enraged focus it on the objective you are angry at not on an innocent person."

"Yes, father," say Ishly and Provus when Fenris barks in agreement as well as Ser Jorey holding his sword into the sky.

Vincent is proud of Provus and Ishly even with their ticks but sometimes he needs to be reminded to be humble and not resort to violence easily as he does.

"Now that we have this out of the way let go to sleep tomorrow will be a long day depending on your deployment," says Vincent as he goes to bed alone tonight since Liara had to deal with the Justicar with Dr. Chakwas ruining their plans for tonight.

Fenris jumped on the bed and laid down at Vincent's feet curling up as Ser Jorey was laying against Fenris's belly to share warmth with the Mabari.

Vincent was sleeping when Liara joined him as she kissed his forehead before curling up against him when she feels Vincent hug her from behind surprising Liara but she soon realized that Vincent was still asleep and must have done so by instinct as she closed her eyes to sleep as well.

The next morning Ishly and Provus find Vincent and Liara in their bed naked and curled up to each other while Fenris was on his back while Ser Jorey found his way onto Liara's pillow.

"Do you think they did it?" asks Ishly as Provus shakes his head.

"Dad is a heavy sleeper when he sleeps on a normal bed and Liara returned quite late yesterday making it impossible for them to have done it," says Provus as Ishly looked at him seriously.

"You do know that we Asari don't use such a way to reproduce right. Liara could just have used melding to not wake up Vincent from his sleep while doing it in their mind," says Ishly knowing her own biology better than anyone.

"I don't think Liara would do that to Dad just to have some fun before sleeping," says Provus as Ishly sighs.

"You are right. Liara wouldn't do that but other Asari would try to do so to have political power. That's why we must try and protect Dad from Asari that want to meld with him," says Ishly as melding was the easiest way to exchange information between two people when it has to be kept secret from others.

"How about you two worry about your own mind," says Vincent as he was awake for a while now.

He didn't move because Liara was still sleeping and she would wake up because her back would lose heat.

"You were awake," says Ishly as Vincent yawn.

"Yes, but how about you two begin your training routine instead of discussing your father's private life," says Vincent as he embraces Liara before closing his eyes again.

Provus and Ishly leave them alone as they begin their morning routine while Vincent erected a barrier that stopped sound so Liara could continue sleeping without being disturbed.

Liara woke up two hours later as she opens her eyes slowly while feeling something long pressed against her bottom and leg. She thought it was Vincent's leg at first as she lungs at it with her hand only to find out the truth before she let go of it.

"It seems you wanted to start something there," whispers Vincent into her ears making her blush because it was an accident.

"I thought they were joking about it when they said it is gigantic," says Liara embarrassed about the situation.

"Don't be embarrassed about what just happened," says Vincent as he leans up his upper body making him sit on the bed.

He grabs his shirt and says, "It was quite a nice surprise to see you sleep naked beside me. Do you normally sleep naked?"

"Sometimes when I am too exhausted to change into my nightgown like yesterday after helping Dr. Chakwas take care of our most recent injured member. If I didn't know Ishly I would say she was after the Justicar's life going by her wounds," says Liara as she goes for her shirt and puts it on when she activates her Omni-tool to look what the time is.

"Damn, I am late," says Liara as she jumped out of the bed grabbing her pants next.

"Are you running away?" asks Vincent as Liara turned towards him.

"I am not, I should have been in the medbay an hour ago," says Liara as Vincent looked at his watch and sees that it was already noon on the Normandy since his watch was going after the Normandy's time which is displayed in the canteen.

"Now that I think about it I should get ready myself since I will be helping Grunt with his problem," says Vincent as he stands up.

He grabs his pants and Liara saw the monster in its full form making her blush for a moment before pulling her pants up and saying, "I will see you tonight to make up for yesterday."

"I will be waiting then," says Vincent with a smile on his face while pulling his pants up hiding his beast from Liara while the barrier around them disappeared.

They find Ishly and Provus making out while Fenris and Ser Jorey were still sleeping as they entered the elevator and Liara asks, "You have nothing against that?"

"As long as not the same blood flows through their veins. Once those conditions are met I will be raising my voice or I had to discipline Morrigan and Garrett a long time before as well as some of my other children," says Vincent as he wasn't against it since it wasn't incest to him as long as not the same blood flows through their veins.

"What if they go separate ways later on. Asari can live a long life, after all," says Liara as Vincent smiles.

"It wouldn't be the first time. My first daughter with Kirvena is known for having multiple partners and her children are all half-siblings since she never found a man that could tame her," says Vincent as it would be impossible for her to find one who isn't a family member since she is a Dragonborn.

"So she is like us Asari finding the best partner for themselves," says Asari trying to make conversation.

"In a way, yes, but her pride and strength us something she inherited from me instead of Kirvena since she is a Dragonborn like me. It is what makes it difficult to find a man that can please her and make her happy," says Vincent remembering his daughter's childhood being in constant fear of him.

"She walked a long way to become what she is now from being that scary kitten to the proud Dragon. Did you know that she was recommended to become Dragonqueen instead of Godo, my son with Mako," says Vincent as Liara could her the love Vincent has for this daughter of his.

"I laughed so hard when the Dragons were shivering just with her being in their presence. That is the aura a Dragonking needs to have or the Dragons will think you are weak and try to challenge you for the throne," says Vincent as Liara leaned against Vincent.

"I wish to meet her to see why you like her so much," says Liara as Vincent nods.

"You will since she will be there when we get married as she was there when I married the others before you. But be warned she will be cold," says Vincent warning her upfront as the door opens and they leave the elevator as they part ways with Liara going to the Medbay and Vincent going to the canteen getting himself something to eat before he gets thrown out of the ship.

After eating he went to the counter giving Mess Sargeant Gardner the dirty dishes when Gardner asks, "When are we playing Wicked Grace again. Many want to join the game."

"How about tomorrow since we will be traveling for a while beginning tomorrow," says Vincent as Gardner gives a chuckle from himself.

"I will prepare some drinks and snacks for tomorrow then," says Gardner as Vincent smiles at him before leaving for the elevator.

Once inside he pushed the button with the two and arrives at the second deck finding Titania in front of the Star Map when Vincent asks, "Are we there soon?"

"It would have been easier if the Empire didn't destroy the Mass Relay in the system," says Titania complaining about it.

"We did that for our own safety so the enemy can't surprise attack us bypassing our defenses around the border of the Empire," says Vincent as Titania turned around.

"It doesn't help us since we are on a tight budget and time," says Titania as she looked at Vincent and he sighs.

"Where is your communication officer?" asks Vincent as Titania pointed at a woman sitting behind a display.

He walks over to her and says, "Can I have an open frequency? I want to ask for a hitchhike for us to Tuchanka."

"Give him an open channel," says Titania as the woman nods opening one when Vincent takes the speaker.

"Imperial Fleet, here is the captain of the Black Emperor. I am on the Normandy and I am looking for a hitchhike to Tuchanka. Can one of our Dreadnaughts take us to Tuchanka," says Vincent as everything was silent even on the radar when suddenly a massive ship appeared on the radar.

"Here is the Dreadnaught Stendarr 10-0204 from the 2nd Imperial Fleet. We will escort you to Tuchanka if you allow us to connect with the Normandy," says the voice from the other end to them.

Vincent looks at Titania who says, "I allow it since we have no time to waste."

"You are allowed to connect with the Normandy," says Vincent as the Dreadnaught began to fly nearer to the Normandy before connecting with it and it then flew at high-speed to Tuchanka.