
They arrived over Tuchanka when Vincent says his thanks to the Imperial Dreadnought that brought them to Tuchanka when Titania says, "Buckle up, you will form a team with Zaeed and Garrus to help Grunt with his problem."

"It might be fun if we ran into a fight," says Vincent since Zaeed and Grunt are battle maniacs and it would be unbearable for everyone if they have to stand still and do nothing.

"You will be able to hold the reigns over those two easily. I should also prepare and call Thane and Miranda," says Titania as she leaves the bridge and enters the elevator to get her equipment.

Vincent follows her and they go up first before the elevator goes to the fourth deck. There Vincent gets off the elevator as he turns left first to get to Grunt.

The door opens and the Krogan looks at Vincent when he charged at him. Vincent was confused about what was going on making him raise his hands towards Grunt.

Once Grunt made contact with his hands Vincent threw him using Grunt's own momentum surprising the young Krogan as he was seeing the ceiling at the moment.

"You are getting more and more aggressive over the days. We are lucky that we reached Tuchanka to solve your problem," says Vincent as he looks at Grunt.

"Get ready and meet me at the bridge," says Vincent before walking out of the room not letting Grunt speak a word.

Vincent walked out of Grunt's room when he sees Zaeed and Jack point their weapons at the door confusing Vincent who asks, "What are you doing?"

"We heard noises coming from inside and Grunt wasn't himself for a while now," says Jack as they lower their weapons.

"To say it bluntly we were ready to put the overgrown turtle down," says Zaeed as they couldn't afford to have a crewmate that is completely crazy the whole time.

"Let's hope we can solve his aggression problem on Tuchanka. Zaeed get ready you will be helping me with our aggressive friend," says Vincent as he walked towards the elevator to take it to the cargo bay.

Once there he helps Fenris put his armor on when Ser Jorey seemed ready to help as well when Vincent smiles and takes the little fellow from Fenris's head and places him on the bed.

"You need to rest and let the wound heal completely before taking another mission, little fellow. Maybe on the next assignment, you can come with us," says Vincent before petting the hamster since it wasn't ready for another mission yet.

He placed a screw beside Ser Jorey and says, "Try to increase your strength it will help you in the long run."

Ser Jorey was confused for a moment when Vincent materializes his spear and makes the lifting motion to Ser Jorey before the spear disappears out of Vincent's hands while he walks to the other side of the Cargo Bay.

"Can you look after our youngest family member and make sure he doesn't overwork himself," says Vincent as he interrupts the young couple in their kissing session.

"Why should a hamster overwork himself?" asks Ishly confused as Vincent points at his bed finding Ser Jorey already bench pressing with the screw Vincent gave him.

"He is a hard-working little fellow but he needs stronger muscles and for that I have to teach him how to use restoration and alteration magic and to do that I need to get him towards our system so Magicka can form inside his body," says Vincent as they looked at the little guy doing his best while Fenris was barking at him spurning it on.

"We will make sure he doesn't overwork himself," says Provus as he looked at Vincent's latest protegee.

"Good, I will be back soon," says Vincent as he was in his Titan armor (Reverie Dawn Set) at the moment.

He whistles which made Fenris run towards him as he enters the elevator. Vincent pressed the button to the third deck and the elevator started when it stopped on the fourth one first.

Grunt and Zaeed entered and both looked at Fenris which made Zaeed smile since they will have the killer machine beside them while Grunt felt uncomfortable because of what happened earlier.

"Don't worry Grunt we will deal with your problem today," says Vincent as the doors closed and the elevator went up.

It stopped at the third deck and Vincent left the elevator with Fenris while Miranda and Thane entered the elevator when Vincent says, "I will meet you up there in a moment."

"Don't let us wait too long," says Zaeed as the door closes and the elevator continued on its track.

Vincent went to get Garrus who was updating the old cannons when Vincent says, "You are called for action."

"Can that wait for a minute?" asks Garrus as he seemed completely into the coding.

"Only if you want to fight against Titania. You know very well that I am not the one in charge around here," says Vincent in a funny way as Garrus sighs.

"I was almost done updating it," says Garrus as he stopped everything he was doing and grabbed his sniper that he had beside the console.

"Let us go then," says Garrus as he joined Vincent and Fenris.

They went to the elevator and Gartner winks at them telling Vincent that he is already preparing everything for tomorrow which made Vincent smile. They enter the elevator and Vincent pushed the button for the second deck.

"So what is going on with Gartner?" asks Garrus as he had no idea.

"He is preparing the snacks for tomorrow's round of Wicked Grace. So let us help Grunt with his trouble as fast as possible so we can enjoy a nice long game of Wicked Grace on our way to Nirn," says Vincent as they reached the second deck.

They walked towards where the group was already waiting for them as Joker was landing the Normandy on a platform after getting authorization from the ground force.

"Ok everyone, let us finish our assignments as fast as possible and return to the Normandy. We still have a Galaxy to save at the end of the day," says Titania to everyone as the luke opens and they leave the Normandy.

They look around Tuchanka which wasn't as it should be as Garrus asks shocked, "What happened to this planet?"

"What do you mean?" asks Vincent since he was never on Tuchanka before.

"Tuchanka should normally be a wasteland from all the wars the Krogans waged on this planet," says Titania shocked as everyone else was as shocked as Garrus.

Tuchanka seemed more of a Tropical Paradise at the moment going by all the plants around them when Vincent browsed through his mind until he remembered that Tuchanka was terraformed using magic and technology making Tuchanka a Tropical Paradise while leaving some important places untouched because the Krogans found them of mayor importance to their history.

"Right, the Empire terraformed the planet for the Krogans once they entered the Empire. It is no surprise you all are that surprised," says Vincent as they looked at him.

"Did the Empire use magic to do this?" asks Titania as Vincent neither agrees nor disagrees.

"Yes and No. Yes, we used magic. But, no, we also use specific machines which help us control the terraforming," says Vincent as he walked to the stairs.

They all go down the stairs as a Krogan was awaiting them and says, "The Clan Leader is awaiting you and your Comrades, Commander Shepard."

"Clan Leader?" asks Titania as the Krogan nods.

"Yes, the Leader of the Urdnot Clan, Wrex Urdnot. Once he heard that the Normandy landed he wanted to meet with you," says the Krogan as Titania was a bit surprised.

"So Wrex is the Leader of this Clan. It makes some sense since he had been two years since we went separate ways," says Garrus as Wrex left them after they were done with Saren to unite the Urdnot Clan.

"Yes, I was there when the Krogans became part of the Empire. Wrex is right now not only the Leader of the Urdnot Clan but also the current Leader of all Krogans until a King or Queen is born with royal blood," says Vincent informing the group of it.

"The Krogans didn't have a King for a long time," says Titania as Vincent laughs.

"They should get comfortable with it since the future King should be born soon since an Argonian of Royal Blood took a Krogan female as his bride," says Vincent as they walked for a while and Mordin notices something that shouldn't be possible.

"Strange, too many Krogan children running around," says Mordin as the rest didn't notice it at first until Mordin pointed it out.

"The Empire gave the Urdnot Clan the cure for the Genophage first since it is an experiment to see if the Krogans can learn from their past and not seek revenge or war," says the Krogan guiding them.

"The Genophage was cured," says Mordin surprised as the Krogan nods as they arrived at a manor.

"Who would have believed to find such a building on Tuchanka," says Garrus surprised as they passed many buildings but this seemed to be special.

"This is the gathering hall. Our Leader is inside with his aides which suggest to him what he could do to improve our situation while a Great General Aldmer is forming a Legion and training the Legionaries so they can fight alongside the other Legions," says the Krogan as he walked past two Krogans guarding the entrance.

The group followed the Krogan inside when the Krogans suddenly stiffened up surprising the group as they passed them only to find out why as even Vincent was surprised by what he saw when everyone that didn't know that he was the First Emperor turned towards him.

"I didn't know that the Krogan would have me in such high regards," says Vincent scratching the back of his head while laughing nervously as they stood across of a painting that showed him sitting on his former throne and under the painting was his name and title engraved.