Reaper Derelict part 1

The Normandy needed a week to reach their next target which was the Reaper Derelict. Vincent was preparing his team which contained Fenris, Ishly, Liara, Provus, and Ser Jorey.

Titania had in her team Tali, Ikora, Samara, and Thane just to make sure that the mission becomes a success since they don't know what awaited them inside.

Tristan and Miranda are in-charge until Titania returned to the Normandy. Vincent was ready to begin the mission as he and his team arrived at the bridge.

"Ready?" asks Titania as Vincent nods.

"Let us get this behind us. I don't want to stay inside a Reaper longer than needed," says Vincent as he felt nervous something unusual for him.

"Joker," says Titania turning to the pilot.

"Almost in position, Commander," says Joker as he was bringing the Normandy into position.

Once in position Joker opened the luke for them and both teams jumped out of the Normandy. They landed on the Derelict and looked around when they find two ways.

"You take the right one and I take the left. The Reaper is quite big and we don't know where to find our objective. Use channel one to contact us in an emergency," says Titania as they activated the earplugs in their ears.

"Good luck to you all," says Vincent as he walked with his team towards the right way while the other team went left.

They walked for a while and everything was too quiet for Vincent who was checking every step he was taking when they heard something move and he looked at his children.

"Be ready for anything. I really don't have a good feeling about this place," says Vincent as the group pulled their weapons out.

The whole ship suddenly began to shake them around and Ishly asks, "Are we sure that this Reaper is dead?"

"Well, machines normally don't die they just shut down and can be reactivated if someone or something touched something that made it work again," says Provus as he learned some engineering from the engineers on the fourth deck while the Reaper stopped shaking.

"It is good to see you are broadening your knowledge in engineering. Maybe I should get you a teacher once we are back on Nirn," says Vincent as he was holding his spear tightly in his grasp.

Fenris suddenly began to bark loudly while Ser Jorey was shaking madly which proved to Vincent that something was wrong when a red human-like thing rushed at them and he threw his spear at the being.

It went through the thing and landed on the ground behind it when the thing exploded and Ser Jorey summoned a shield that protect him and Fenris while Vincent tried to erect a barrier with Magicka which didn't seem to work.

"What th-," says Vincent as a bluish barrier appeared in front of him and the others he tried to protect.

He turns around and sees Liara holding her hands towards where the explosion was coming from while being covered in her Biotic Energy.

The shield covered them well and Vincent presses his finger against his helmet trying to contact Titania as he asks, "Titania can you hear me?"

"I- you bad- communi- becaus- Reaper-," hears Vincent over his earplug which made him flinch.

"Tell...Ikora...that...she...can't...use...Magicka," says Vincent slowly over to Titania trying to get the whole message over.

"Wait, we can't use Magicka!" shouts Ishly as Fenris barks as well.

"I think the Reaper is blocking our Magicka from manifesting," says Vincent as Fenris tries to use his ice armor but it didn't appear as hard as he tried to accomplish it.

"I think internal spells which don't need to manifest shouldn't be a problem but spells that need to manifest shouldn't be possible," says Vincent as Ishly sighs in relief because half of her skills need internal energy to reinforce her muscles and bones.

"No...Magicka...Understood," says Titania back to him as Vincent opens his palm making the spear return to his hand before his armor and weapon change.

He was in his Paladin-Set and holding his sword and shield as he says, "I will be the vanguard. Provus, you are the second tank. Try to not get close and personal with those red things leave them to Liara or use your Darkness."

"I will keep that in mind," says Provus as Vincent turns to Ishly and he puts his shield down for a moment before the Oathkeeper appears in his hand.

"Take this gun. It has twelve bullets in it. Don't forget to reload," says Vincent pressing the Oathkeeper into his daughter's hands before an ammunition belt appears in his hand.

"And those are the bullets. Remember twelve bullets," says Vincent as Ishly was the most vulnerable one between all of them at the moment because of their Magicka being blocked.

"I have my arms and legs," says Ishly in protest as Vincent looks at her seriously.

"Ishly, if one of those explodes in your face I will need to heal you which will put everyone else in danger because I am not doing my job," says Vincent at her before she took the belt from Vincent's hand.

"I will only shoot at those red things. All the other things will be taken care of with my fists," says Ishly as Vincent smiles at her before petting her head.

"That is fine just make sure not to get overwhelmed," says Vincent before he looks at Liara.

"Keep an eye on her for me," says Vincent to Liara who smiles at him.

"I will try my best," says Liara as Vincent smiles back at her when Fenris barks at Vincent taking his attention while Ser Jorey seemed to be motivated swinging his sword in the air.

"How could I forget you two," says Vincent as he pets them before he says, "Fenris, you take the rear and make sure that our girls stay safe. Ser Jorey, you will come with me. It will be a practical lesson for you today."

Vincent lifts Ser Jorey up to his shoulder and places him there before lifting his shield up and going to the front again.

"Keep your eyes peeled and don't take unnecessary risks until we can use our Magicka again," says Vincent as he took the lead.

At the same time on the other side of the Reaper, Titania is leading her team when she gets Vincent's message.

"I hear you badly. I think our communication is bad because of the fucking Reaper," says Titania as she was talking to Vincent and her group at the same time.

"I hope we can communicate later on or we will have problems when it comes to extraction," says Thane as he was keeping his eyes on the surroundings making sure they don't get attacked by surprise.

"I hope the communication works better once we shut everything down. The fucking machine couldn't even stay asleep for us to get that fucking objective we need," says Titania letting all her steam out.

She receives the next message from Vincent and turns to Ikora and says, "Ikora, it seems Magicka is useless in here."

"Really?" says Ikora confused as she tries to use a destruction spell but her Magicka couldn't manifest making her flinch for a moment.

"It seems, I will have to go back to the old way of dealing with things," says Ikora as she pulled out her Invective.

"Nice shotgun," says Tali as she was also a shotgun lover since they are practical and direct.

"Thank you, it has been long since I pulled this one out," says Ikora as she made sure that her shotgun was loaded.

"Alright, I informed Vincent that we know about our Magicka problem," says Titania as the group nods.

"I hope Ishly will do fine without Magicka she won't be of much help now," says Ikora as Titania wasn't worried since Ishly was with Vincent.

"Vincent will be taking care of everything and they have Liara as well as Provus and Fenris to keep Ishly safe," says Titania as she took the lead and they progressed.

Back with Vincent's group, Vincent was holding the line with Provus as they were being overrun when he says, "Remind me of taking the left path next time."

"I will," says Provus as he cut down a blue thing that looked like a Husk which Vincent killed before just that it looked more robotic than before.

"Are those Husks?" asks Liara as she shot a red one that was still a distance away from Provus and Vincent.

Ishly was training to remember her firearms training when she points the barrel at the enemy and shoots at it killing it.

"I think, I got the hang of this again," says Ishly proudly as Vincent looked at her first before turning forwards again while rolling his eyes.

'By the Thirteen, girl. Even a child can aim and shoot a gun without trouble if they are trained properly,' thinks Vincent as he kills another Husk-like being when he sees an abomination walking towards them slowly.

It looked like it was made out of three Husks that were fused together. It could give normal people nightmares from seeing this.

"What th-" says Provus when that thing attacks from the distance something unusual for a Husk.

Vincent puts his shield before Provus and Wings of Light spread behind him blocking that thing's attack while the other Husks couldn't pass his wings. See Jorey followed his example spreading his wings while standing on Vincent's head.

"Kill them now!" shouts Vincent as he was pushing them back with every step he took forward while maintaining his wings stable.

The group began to kill the Husks before they took care of the thing shooting E-Zero at them which didn't get past Vincent.

The thing was dead and Vincent puts his shield down when he takes deep breaths while sitting on the ground before he says, "It is finally over."

"Yeah, should we take a little break?" asks Liara looking at Vincent who seemed exhausted when Vincent stands back up.

"Not needed, I was blessed after all," says Vincent with a smile as he only needed some seconds for his strength to return to him.

"Let us just hope such an abomination doesn't appear again. They can hit quite hard," says Vincent as stands up and takes the lead again while petting Ser Jorey before saying, "You did well. Now rest for a moment."

See Jorey agrees as Vincent puts him on Fenris's back before they moved forward again leaving this mess behind.