Reaper Derelict part 2

They continued onwards to find the objective when they could see Titania and her group across from them with a lot of space between them.

"It seems we are a bit higher than Titania and her group," says Ishly leaning against the fence which seemed to be there so nobody would fall into space.

"It seems so but looking at the path we need to take we will be reunited at the end," says Provus looking ahead as Liara sighs in relief that they will be together again at the end of the path.

"By the Goddess, let us hope you are right," says Liara as Vincent looked at the path and had a bad feeling.

"It is too quiet," says Vincent which takes his group's attention.

They were fighting against a horde of Husks not even a moment ago and now everything was quiet, too quiet taking everything that happened into account.

"Maybe an ambush a little further in," says Provus seriously as Vincent was thinking the same.

"Most likely," says Vincent as he was back in his Titan-Set and instead of holding his sword and shield, he was holding his Caliburns.

"Provus, you take the front with Fenris. I will guard the rear," says Vincent to his son as he took Ser Jorey from his head and put him on Fenris's back before going to the rear.

Vincent didn't like that he couldn't use Magicka and with his senses screaming at him that they are in mortal danger he could only force themselves forward.

They continue on the path when they reached the halfway point of the path they were following when they hear someone shooting around the walk towards the fence and see Titania's group fighting against a horde of Husks as they did before.

"We aren't the only ones facing those things," says Provus seeing it from the distance when they hear something drop.

They looked at the rear and see a Husk laying on the ground. They looked up and they stared at the face of horror.

"We should have looked at the ceiling," says Ishly as she was still holding Oathkeeper in her hands.

"They are too many," says Vincent as he failed to notice the Husks hiding in the ceiling.

He turns to Provus and says, "Provus, open a way for us to run. They are far too many for us alone."

Suddenly more Husks dropped to the ground and Provus with Fenris took the lead followed by Liara and Ishly as Vincent is right behind them.

He was shooting at the Husks that hit the ground just to make sure that they are dead. The other group looked up seeing on the other side Vincent and the others running when they see Husks raining from the ceiling.

"We need to move or we will be overrun by the Husks," says Titania as they begin to move again while shooting at the falling Husks.

On the other side, Vincent was reloading his handguns being right behind Liara as they almost reached the end of the path.

"We are almost there!" shouts Provus as Vincent was done reloading.

Vincent took a glance at the other side seeing that Titania and her group almost reached their end when he shoots at a red Husk which exploded before he looks behind him.

He puts one gun away before a ball made out of Void Energy floated in his hand before throwing it behind himself while saying, "Provus, once on the other side, I want you to keep running until we meet the others."

Provus didn't answer as Vincent was thrown forward because of the Nova. He grabs Liara and Ishly before landing beside a running Provus as the ground was slowly collapsing under their feet.

"Keep running!" shouts Vincent as he puts them down before using the momentum to reach the end of the passage that collapsed completely behind them.

They kept rushing through it since the Husks seemed to climb the broken passage up. They see in the distance Titania and her group as they reached an intersection that had only one exit.

"We should be able to fend them off here," says Vincent as he looked at his group which nods before Titania shoots in the direction of their exit finding Husks and Geth coming out of it.

"Fuck! We are surrounded," says Vincent as he hears birds chirping.

"What is that?" asks Liara as Vincent had a more relaxed expression than before.

"That is Ikora," says Vincent as the group now could see Ikora being surrounded by Arc Energy while shooting electricity at the enemies vaporating them in an instant.

They reached the group which was fighting when Vincent runs past Provus rushing at Ikora it seemed as they see Vincent just using his shoulders to kill the blue Husks.

He looked like a rhino killing everything in his way before he leaps towards Ikora before he passed her and he puts his right arm before his chest activating a shield that blocked an attack that came from across the intersection.

Vincent was sent flying back as the shield made of light broke from the impact. He didn't get away lightly himself as he lands with his back first before standing up.

The others noticed something that he didn't notice it himself as they see blood dripping down from his right shoulder when he wants to lift his arm to point at the abomination he sees that his right arm was missing.

"Fuck," says Vincent as he uses his left hand and uses his other Caliburn to kill the monster before it could do more damage to them.

"Vincent, are you alright?" asks Titania as Vincent looked at his right shoulder which was spilling blood.

Vincent didn't feel any pain because of the adrenaline running through his veins but he have a scream out of rage from himself which seemed to paralyze the Husks in place.

He put his Caliburn away and puts his left hand beside his hip as he holds his grip like he would when he holds a sword when he says, "Vigilance, Oathbreaker Protocol."

"Are you sure? We have people here," says Vigilance nervously as Vincent looked at his children and closes his eyes to think for a moment.

He takes his bag from his belt and looks at Provus before asking, "Remember what I told you before?"

"If you throw us your bag we should leave right away," says Provus as Vincent nods while smiling.

"That's right, it seems the moment has come. Provus take the bag and get everyone through the exit. I will hold them here," says Vincent as he throws the bag to Provus.

Provus catches the bag and Vincent says to everyone else, "Get the IFF and leave this place to me."

"We won't leave you here," says Tali as Titania was thinking about their probabilities of surviving this.

"You will just become a bother to me," says Vincent as he puts his hand back to where it was before.

"Will you make it out of here without us?" asks Titania as Vincent chuckles.

"I was in worse situations. Remember, I felled a god," says Vincent showing no fear as a giant blade appears around his hip.

It was the Lament with the color schematic of black and red as Titania shouts, "We are moving out!"

"But-!" says Ishly as Titania stares at her seriously.

"We are moving out," says Titania again as the group began to fight their way through the exit leaving Vincent behind.

Vincent has a firm grip on his blade as he looked up and he says again this time colder, "Vigilance, activated Oathbreaker Protocol."

"The last time it almost killed you," says Vigilance as Vincent only laughs.

"Last time I didn't have people to vent all of the energy on. This will be the perfect test don't you think so," says Vincent as Vigilance appeared before Vincent for a moment and looks at him.

"I release the limiter you placed on yourself," says Vigilance as the Husks were approaching when Vigilance shouts, "Done!"

He disappears right away as Vincent began to radiate a new element from himself before Arc, Void, and Sol Energy join it. The four energies were in harmony as Vincent pulled the Lament from his waist filling it with the four energies and swinging it horizontally.

The energy released by the Lament ripped through all of the husks coming towards him when he turns to the exit and spins the Lament separating the intersection.

He could see that the intersection was getting separated from the exit as the exit was slowly going up or better said Vincent was slowly descending with the intersection full of Husks and Heretics.

"And I thought we had already destroyed all of the Heretics by separating them from the Motherboard. It seems I was wrong," says Vincent as he has the Lament resting on his left shoulder.

Vincent takes a deep breath as he looks at the Husks and Heretics coming towards him when he laughs and says, "Vlad, can you take care of my children until I return."

"Of course, sir," says Vlad as he began to move through the shadows.

"Thank you," says Vincent as he looks at his enemies and says, "Today is a good day to die."

Vincent steps forward facing the horde coming his way as he removes the Lament from his shoulder while rushing at the enemy.

"Sovngarde is awaiting me!" shouts Vincent as he swings his sword at the enemy again sending most of the enemy to their grave when he loses his grip on the Lament because of the force behind it.

"Shit," says Vincent realizing that he lost his blade when he pulls his handgun out and shoots at the incoming enemies.

He pulls the trigger but no bullet came out and he says, "It seems this is it."

He then fills the gun with his energy and continues while stomping on the ground making everyone run slower towards him as he kills them.

But they were too many for him alone and with one arm missing he was being overrun as they covered his sight as everything turned black.