Open Technical Dimen.

I know, I know. I left you guys with a cliffhanger. I'm sorry I couldn't help it. My mind got the best of me. Anyway for what everybody was waiting for. What did I do? How did I do it? Well let's see. I decided to re-enter with one of the old accounts in that list. During that time if they account wasn't really being used anymore. It would ask me if I wanted to renew. The trick is. While renewing it, I changed the card it had before to the PayPal Card. That changed caused there to be some kind of opening. Something I decided to call "An opening In a Technical Dimension". It was like magic. Just technological. Like something exploted, all over the internet. I asked myself. I am the only one that can see this? Is this real? I swear to God. If it hadn't happened to me. And an old friend told me something like this. I bet I wouldn't believe them. I mean that's just not realistic. But at this time in our era. Nobody knows the difference between reality and make belief. You could be asleep right now. Whatever your seeing right now. Might not be real. Reality can be unreal. Now this just seemed to me like if I was living inside the anime "No game No life". It was kind of funny when I thought of it that way. But my mind was still confused. I mean it's not like my story will go like Sora's and Shiro's. Is it? I don't think I'll just suddenly be transported into another dimension. Ending up having to live life as a game. Winning everything over. Instead of working for it. Well if you ask me. It's all the same. It would actually be fun. Games are better than reality. No matter how you think about it.