Open Imagination

Now it wasn't actually like Sora's and Shiro's story. It was different. You know I actually think my life might have changed for the better. Before it all happened. I just remembered everything seemed white. Maybe it was just for a second. But it seemed like a long time to me. Right after that light went out. I felt like something left or came in my body. Like an idea or something I wanted to do with my life. In that moment. I decided. I don't want to be like other people. I don't want to have a normal life. I want to be different. With this, whatever it is I have been given. I want to create something. I want to create something special. To both people like me and normal humans. A business. Known to me and a selected group of people as something different. Known to humans as a normal organization. But what should it's services be? What should It achieve? What's the goal in it? Now that's exactly what I myself want to know. How am I supposed to achieve it? I mean. First of all, I am broke. Money broke. Could never talk about being rich. I mean. I'm still in school. Right now, having these ideas. It's just hard for me. What I need right now is someone to help me. Someone beneficial to me. Someone in the business world. Who has money. A lot of money. But who? I mean I'm just a normal person. I can't just go up to some rich guy and be like " Hey umm so I need your help" or " I need money". There's no way I could do that. It would make me look like a crazy person. Just randomly talking to somebody. Who doesn't even know me. And like who knows. What If this person. Whoever he or she is. What if he or she wants something in return. I don't really have anything to give. No money. No advice. No nothing. And my last resource would be selling my body. Who would do that? Not me. Hell no.