The Fall of The Portsmouth city

In the garden of the broken manor, Count Ferdinand had a quarrel with his soldier. Mainly because he thought that his soldier and knights were spilling bullshit to him.

"I don't care what the hell are you are saying, but calling all of this was a job of two-person alone is pure bullshit at the highest order," He said to five of most his trusted knight.

"No, sir, that night was truly the work of two-person, the green man and the grey man," One of the knights said.

"I'm tired of hearing your bullshit knight," Ferdinand said.

"It's true, my Lord, the green man, came with a huge backpack and a weird contraption on his hands and forcing entrance to the manor, but we refuse. He threw a slab of brick that suddenly exploded," the knight said.

"A brick? are you trying to fool me?" Ferdinand asked menacingly.

"It's true, my Lord. Our mages shot spells and arrows at him, and he barely flinches from the attack, and a loud sound appeared from his contraption. He released the survivor of the Sharrington family with the immediate help of the grey man," The knight said.

"Enough of your bullshit, is the naval blockade is ready?" Ferdinand asked.

"Yes, my lord, you can see it by yourself," The knight said as he gave count Ferdinand the telescope.

"Ooo, such a magnificent grey battleship you have there," Count Ferdinand said as he looked at the sea with his authentic telescope.

"Excuse me, my Lord, but my ships aren't grey," The knight said.

"Then, who are them?" Ferdinand said as multiple fireworks appeared from the grey ship.

Those were not fireworks. They were the tomahawk missiles that were launched from the cruisers and the 20mm cannon from the bushmaster autocannon which was sinking the ship in a fast and elegant manner. The jets behind them were terrifying as well. The Tomahawk missiles contained around 450kg of explosives each. Assured destruction in a nutshell.

"What in God's name is that?" Ferdinand's last word before his manor got struck by three of those cruise missiles.

Five F-15s in an arrow formation flew on top of the heavy damaged manor with a roar from the afterburner itself. Each of them spread out into multiple direction to do their own objectives.

"Eagle 1,3,5 provide air superiority by fighting off the wyvern, Eagle 2,4,6 provides destruction for the ground troops. Eagle 1 out," The squadron of F-15E made a low pass across the town while dropping a bunker buster at the manor to destroy the dungeon.

Lance: "Bunker buster away."

AWACS: "Target destroyed."

The city turned into chaos as soldiers and pirates were running for their lives. The battleship had already been destroyed by the Harpoon missiles launched by the destroyer. The port was full of a wood chip and anyone can clearly saw the view of an unknown sea monster on the horizon. Meanwhile, USS Gerald R Ford used her trump card; fighter jets.

Multiple CBU-100 or otherwise known as Mark 20 Rockeye were dropped at the fortress around the city by the squadron of the F/A-18F. One of those bombs contain about 247 small bomblets, an F/A-18F carry ten of them, and there were two squadrons that were launched by that config. A squadron had about 12 planes at its disposal. So about 240 of those bombs were ready to be dropped from the skies.

The fortress got obliterated in one strafe as the F/A-18F dropped one of its bombs from each plane. The bomb exploded in a similar manner of hitting an ant with multiple firecrackers. According to Lance's quick math, it's about more than 5000 small explosions on the fortress itself self and it just from 24 of those bombs. The pilot did a violent vertical climb after the bombing.

The Marines had already arrived in their armored vehicle and tanks from the beach, thanks to the LCAC and the amphibious assault group. The M1 Abrams rolled in the sand of the beach as they approached the rubble of the fortress that surrounds the town. They blast a hole on the city wall and drove through it like a maniac.

Eagle 4: "Sir, there is a defensive structure in the direction of 300."

Eagle 6: "It is a bunker, sir, should we destroy them?"

Lance: "Eagle 2 here, sure."

AWACS: "All aircraft be advised, an unidentified flying object coming from the west."

Eagle 1: "Roger that, Heavycloud.'

The 3 F-15E head to that direction and dropped four GBU-28 bunker-buster and exploded it on impact. The tanker was having fun too shooting at the knight that tried to fight the enemy that can't be touched. Their horses were running in agony as their user fell down or splashed into a lump of mince meat.

The cannon from the 125mm cannon in the M1 Abrams penetrated every cover that they can find. Even one of the risk-taker ram a nobility carriage with the tank to kill a pirate that was hiding behind it. The APC was busy shooting its bushmaster cannon at the running pirates.

The battle was indeed the showcase of power, the mage was speechless looking at the dragon that they spell can't reach, the carriage that only gets angrier if you shot at it and the enemy that you can't see.

The Tank platoon was pushing to the nearest Soulisphate defense post and acted as a guard dog and waited there. The attack was successful, marked by the flag of Russia that was flown above the ruins of the manor.

The armored vehicles were sent to the port, and the destroyers and the cruisers were on full standby on after the attack in case the Soulisphate kingdom decided to send a counter-attack. The cruisers were docked at the port to rest the crew.

The F-15Cs were busy chasing the wyvern that was entering the airspace right after the marines had successfully captured the town. The wyvern that was ridden by the mage was shot down by the AIM-120 AMRAAM that was carried by the F-15C.

"Dima, we have successfully taken over the town," Lance said as he did a subtle left bank while seeing the burning and smoking town. The civilians were wounded, and all of the supports from the Soulisphate kingdom was cut off.

"It's no time to rest now comrade, we have to rebuild this town," Dima said to him. "But yeah, the town had been liberated, time to do some communism and eliminate the nobility from power," Dima said to him.

"Ok, all units, RTB, refuel with KC-130 at sector Charlie five," Lance said as he banked his jet following the F-15C formation.

"Lance, I want to tell you that we had an airbase not so far from here. About 100 kilometers from here, the carrier strike group from the USS Ronald Reagan has found an island and built an airfield there. And also another good news that an oil rig has been put in about 200 kilometers from the island. So yeah, we are very lucky indeed," Dima said.

"What? And you wait for me to capture the town to tell me this?" Lance replied as he banked his jet and split from his squadron.

Lance: "To all planes, Eagle 2 requesting permission to separate from the eagle squadron."

Eagle 1: "Permission granted general."

Lance and Dima's F-15E flew away from the formation and turned on the afterburner of the jets. The F-15 left the combat zone and the town that was burning to ash. Truly the Portsmouth had become second Iraq for the soldiers stationed there. Unless they could win the hearts and minds of the people, the region will just turn into another middle east where money was pouring like rainwater without a significant result that they wanted.

"Lance, what do you want to do with the town? Now the town is liberated, and you basically are the leader," Dima asked him.

"I don't know, maybe we think about it later," Lance said as the jet left the horizon and landed on the newly formed airbase on another island.