There are also slaves in this world. And those that are affected by the war are the ones that are most likely to become slaves. Some slaves are made into servants especially the females and some are made to do heavy work. Some male slaves are also made to fight in the coliseum and are called gladiators. And if the slaves can work hard enough they can buy their freedom. If the slaves are of no more use or less useful they are sold to the mines and will die there.
As I continue with my reading a knock came and I heard Vanessa's voice. "Master I have brought the things you have asked for."
I replied. "You can come in Vanessa."
She opened the door and brought the basin of water along with a change of clothes. She place them on a table. I stood from the reading table and went to wash my body from Sophia's fluid earlier. After wiping my body clean I began to change to the new set of clothing. I did not need to mind being totally naked as Vanessa has already seen me during the bath. As I changed I can see Vanessa's eyes sparkle and wonder around my body.
Speaking in my mind. (Katrina and Vanessa seems to be very close to Sophie and very loyal, having them part of the circle of people to be trusted should be possible. Still some adjustments will be implemented and my private training needs to be administered. I can count on them to manage the business that I will start, because I need to concentrate on my training. I can also train them to be able to defend themselves. All those that will be in the circle needs to be strong as I will not be able to be with them at all times to protect them. They need strength to protect each other.)
I finished changing and said to Vanessa. "Thank you Vanessa you make take them out. And I will be staying in the study to read, you can just call me if it is time to have lunch alright?"
"Yes master, I will do so." Replied Vanessa, as she took the cloth that I used before and the basin with her and went out of the study.
I went to the study table to continue my reading. This empire is of a monarchic rule and is divided into to the Emperor followed by the Royal Class then the upper class, Patrician, Senators and the Equestrians. After them are the lower class which are called Plebeians this includes the Commoners, Foreigners, Freedmen and Slaves. The Emperor is of course the ruler of the empire, and the royal class consists of the family and relatives of the emperor. Patricians are what we call the nobles of the empire and the senators are those who serve in politics mostly composed of nobles. Equestrians are what we call the businessmen. more specifically the tycoons and oligarchs. Following after are what we call Plebeians which are Commoners, who are the freeborn citizens, they are mostly known as Commons. All the common citizens has the right to arrange a legal marriage with another Roman citizen. Foreigners are of from the word itself they are not born from the empire but lives here. Freedmen, the men and women belonging to this class were slaves in the early days but have now recovered their freedom. However, they were not fully freed and they have had various restrictions regarding their legal rights. They are not eligible for working in the public offices. Slaves, this is the lowest class of the Ancient Roman Hierarchy and they don't have any freedom of their own. They used to be the property of their masters.
For the military side we have the Legion. A full strength legion was officially made up of 6,000 men, but typically all legions were organized at under strength and generally consisted of approximately 5,300 fighting men including officers. It is difficult to determine whether non-combatants like field surgeons and clerks were included in the 5,300 or helped bring the total number of men up to the official 6,000.
The basic structure of the Legion is as follows:
Contubernium (tent group): consisted of 8 men.
Centuria (century): was made up of 10 contubernium with a total of 80 men commanded by a centurion.
Cohorts (cohort): included 6 centuriae or a total of 480 fighting men, not including officers. In addition, the first cohort was double strength but with only 5 centuriae instead of the normal 6.
Legio (legion): consisted of 10 cohorts.
Additionally each Legion had a 120 man Alae (cavalry unit) called the Eques Legionis permanently attached to it possibly to be used as scouts and messengers.
The First Cohort totaling 800 men (5 double-strength centuries with 160 men each) 9 Cohorts (with 6 centuries at 80 men each) for a total 4,320, and an additional 120 man cavalry for a grand total of 5,240 men not including all the officers. The basic designation of the 10 cohorts was the same throughout all the Legions. They were arranged in battle so that the strongest and weakest units would be mixed throughout the formation maximizing moral and effectiveness.
Cohort I: Was made up of the elite troops. Its direct commander was the Primus Pilus, the highest ranking and most respected of all the Centurions.
Cohort II: Consisted of some of the weaker or newest troops.
Cohort III: No special designation for this unit.
Cohort IV: Another of the four weak cohorts.
Cohort V: Again, no special designation.
Cohort VI: Made up of "The Finest of the Young Men".
Cohort VII: One of the four weak cohorts and a likely place to find trainees and raw recruits.
Cohort VIII: Contained "The Selected Troops".
Cohort IX: One of the four weak cohorts and a likely place to find trainees and raw recruits.
Cohort X: Made up of "The Good Troops".