Roman Legionary Ranks

The following list indicates ranks from highest command to lowest common soldier:

Senior Officers of the Roman Legion

Legatus Legionis

The overall Legionary commander. This post was generally appointed by the emperor, was a former Tribune and held command for 3 or 4 years, although could serve for a much longer period. In a province with only one legion, the Legatus was also the provincial governor and in provinces with multiple legions, each legion has a Legatus and the provincial governor has overall command of them all.

Tribunus Laticlavius

Named for the broad striped toga worn by men of senatorial rank. This tribune was appointed by the Emperor or the Senate. Though generally quite young and less experienced than the Tribuni Angusticlavii, he served as second in command of the legion, behind the Legate.

Praefectus Castrorum

The camp Prefect. Generally he was a long serving veteran who had been promoted through the ranks of the centurions and was 3rd in overall command.

Tribuni Angusticlavii

Each legion had 5 military tribunes of equestrian (knight) class citizens. They were in many cases career officers and served many of the important administrative tasks of the Legion, but still served in a full tactical command function during engagements.

Primus Pilus

The "First File" was the commanding centurion of the first cohort and the senior centurion of the entire Legion. Service in this position also allowed entry into the equestrian social class upon retirement.

Mid-Level Officers in the Roman Legion


Each Legion had 59 or 60 centurions, one to command each centuria of the 10 cohorts. They were the backbone of the professional army and were the career soldiers who ran the day to day life of the soldiers as well as issuing commands in the field. They were generally moved up from the ranks, but in some cases could be direct appointments from the Emperor or other higher ranking officials.

The cohorts were ranked from the First to the Tenth and the Centuria within each cohort ranked from 1 to 6, with only 5 Centuria in the First Cohort (For a total of 59 Centuria and the Primus Pilus). The Centuria that each Centurion commanded was a direct reflection of his rank. (Command of the First Centuria of the First Cohort was the highest and the 6th Centuria of the 10th Cohort was the lowest). The 5 Centurions of the First Cohort were called the Primi Ordines, and included the Primus Pilus.

Pilus Prior

The commander of the first cohort of each Centuria (except the first), with the following titles for the Centurions in sequence throughout each Centuria.

Pilus Posterior

Princeps Prior

Princeps Posterior

Hastatus Prior

Hastatus Posterior

Low-Level Officers in the Roman Legion


The Principales would be the equivalent of modern day non-commissioned officers and had the following rank structures from highest to lowest:


A single position within the Legion. The Aquilifer was the Legion's Standard or Eagle bearer and was an enormously important and prestigious position. The next step up would be a post as a Centurion.


Each Centuria had a Signifer (59). He was responsible for the men's pay and savings, and the standard bearer for the Centurial Signum, a spear shaft decorated with medallions and often topped with an open hand to signify the oath of loyalty taken by the soldiers. It was this banner that the men from each individual Centuria would rally around. A soldier could also gain the position of Discentes signiferorum, or standard bearer in training.


One for each Centurion (59), they were appointed by the Centurion from within the ranks to act as his second in command.

Tesserarius (Guard Commander)

Again there were 59 of these, or one for each Centuria. They acted in similar roles to the Optios.

Cornicen (Horn Blower)

They worked hand in hand with the Signifer drawing the attention of the men to the Centurial Signum and issuing the audible commands of the officers.


Carried the Standard bearing the image of the Emperor as a constant reminder of the troop's loyalty to him.

The Rank and File of the Roman Legion


These were trained specialists, such as surgeons, engineers, surveyors, and architects, as well as craftsmen. They were exempt from camp and hard labor duties due to the nature of their work, and would generally earn slightly more pay than the Milites.


Milites in training for an immunes position.

Munifex (or Miles Gregarius)

The basic private level foot soldier.


The basic new recruit. A Tirones could take up to 6 months before becoming a full Milites.

After this part of the book I started thinking. (Ancient societies really are complicated, especially the military order. The names are difficult to pronounce and difficult to memorize and there are so many. It seems that if I want to make my own army I would need to make adjustments to the positions and ranks so it will be much more simplified and easy to understand.)

Finishing my thoughts I heard Sophie's voice along with a knock, then she entered. "Brother it is time for lunch."

I smiled at Sophie. "Why did you come all the way here elder sister you should have just let Katrina or Vanessa call for me."

"I wanted to call to you myself. It seems that you are not happy with it." Said Sophie while looking sad.

I quickly replied as I saw the sad look on the face of Sophie. "Of course I am happy, very happy because my elder sister cares for me that much. Come let's go, I do not want my elder sister to become hungry just waiting for me." I approached her and took her hand and went towards the dinning area. While Sophie just smiled and replied with a "Mmm."