Let's go home

Haru's throat constricted in pain and the sides of her eyes burned as her tears welled up in her eyes.

"You stupid oaf, at least learn to love yourself, too." She reprimanded but her heart was swelling from his another mushy line.

"So, you're not mad, are you?" Adis asked playfully.

Haru was so tempted to bite his cheeks off. "Hmph! Of course, I'm mad. You've been doing a lot of things behind my back. I'll make sure to punish you for the rest of our immortal lives."

Instead of getting nervous, the devil even had the audacity to softly chuckle. "I'll be looking forward to all your punishments... for the rest of our immortal lives." He repeated the last statement as though he was uttering an oath of love.

Their sweet reunion was interrupted by the tiny noises from behind and they suddenly shifted their attention to it.

Alastair was panicking as he started to prepare another set of difficult spells that he could use as protection from the powerful Dark King. He muttered to himself, "I can't believe that there is someone fool enough to sacrifice his own life just to be with someone for eternity. Now my plan is ruined! I need to escape from this place or else..."

Adis kissed her forehead as he continued to treat the wizard-like an insignificant pest. He gently covered her eyes with his huge palm. "Will you behave and wait for me here, my love?

Haru giggled as she obediently closed her eyes. "I'm always behaving, am I not?"

He smirked and indulged her brazenness. "Whatever my silly wife says is absolutely correct."

After a few more pecks on her soft, sweet lips, he finally stood up and face the male satyr. Haru took the chance to recuperate her strength and mana.

Five dark summoning circles appeared on the ground around Haru. Then, little creatures came out from it. They all look identical; pumpkin head with a purple witch hat, scary yet adorable face, black cape, and white-gloved hands. A bell on their neckband jingled and each made an eerie giggle as they floated in the air.

Four of the floating creatures surrounded her diligently to form multiple layers of barriers for her protection. The remaining little friend lazily flew towards Haru and sat on her lap, guiding her arms to wrap around it.

She could tell the difference between their identical features through the sound of their bells. Without opening her eyes, Haru chuckled as she spoke, "You are being lazy again while your brothers are working, Momo."

The one called Momo just made another eerie giggle as it comfortably laid on her lap.

"Protect your Queen," Adis commanded to the *jack-o-lanterns without looking back.

His joints and bones cracked as he walked towards the wizard. His eyes turned a shade darker while black mana was sipping out from his entire body.

Alastair hurriedly scampered backward. His forehead and back were soaked in sweat and fear was written all over his face. Yes, that's right, despite being in Gehenna for so long, Alastair was scared of the King of Umbra. Not because Adis would kill him but because he was more cruel than the late King. He would toy his prey for a very long time until they scream for death in which he would never bestow.

Alastair's mouth recklessly chanted his time spell and aimed it towards Adis, hoping that the sinister King's movement would stop from his attack.

But to Alastair's surprise, Adis kept moving forward until he was looming over the satyr. Out of panic, Alastair cast another spell in haste. A mirror-like division appeared between them, a different kind of space magic was now in action.

Just like the time spell, the space ability was nothing against Adis. He placed his palm on the invisible division and Alastair could see the cracks forming around his hand, then it scattered all throughout the glass until a loud shattering sound happened. The space barrier broke like a cheap crystal.

Adis' demonic spells were uncontrollably emerging from his skin again. "Your time, space and illusion spells have no effect on me. My father, the friend you betrayed a long time ago, made sure that you would never be able to cause harm to me and my brothers ever again." Adis snarled as he unceremoniously gripped Alastair's throat with his hand. "You have plagued my family since time immemorial and the scar you made is yet to heal. Now, you even dared to hurt the only reason why I am still sane. I'll be damned if I don't punish you with much equal passion."

Beneath Alastair's feet, another dark summoning circle appeared, and a loud hair-raising shriek was heard throughout the place.

Dark clouds started to form in the sky, wind blades were dangerously dancing everywhere and the entire area was slowly being covered in thick fog.

The Divine Protection glowed more brightly and a huge golden barrier formed around Haru once more. It could feel the ominous and destructive energy of Adis so it activated to its maximum limit.

The dark summoning circle opened for another hideous and malevolent creature. Skeleton hands slowly creeped out, then a skeleton head and body followed through. Each bone cracked as it moved and black goo pooled beneath its feet. It looked like a skeleton bride from the way her tattered black wedding dress and veil danced menacingly in the air. Black wilted petals fluttered around while different deadly insects crawled upon her cold bones. It gave another haunting howl that could give anyone a real scare for a lifetime.

Alastair's eyeballs rolled on the side to check what kind of evil creature he called forth while still struggling from his deathly choke.

Suddenly, Alastair felt a frosty yet hard thing gripped his upper arms and unceremoniously snatched him from the King's vice grip.

"N-no! Let me go! Who are you? Stop... aahh!" Alastair screamed at the top of his lungs. Going back to Gehenna was even better that be with this corpse bride.

The female skeleton hugged him tight from behind as though he was her newfound lover, unwilling to let him go for eternity.

"Karen, your lover was just here all along," Adis lied to the corpse bride, making her believe that Alastair was her long lost groom. "He was chasing different women while letting you suffer in hell for centuries. Why don't you take him now to your nest and celebrate your matrimony forevermore."

"I don't want this! All I wanted is to finally end my eternal misery. Why can't you just kill me?!" Enough is enough!"

Karen screeched as though she could understand his objection. Despite Alastair's strong struggle, her bony arms hugged his entire being like an unbreakable chain.

"It's time to end this centuries-old grudges. Death is to show you mercy, and I will never give it to you."

Karen finally dragged Alastair inside the magic circle and into the living hell he would spend the rest of his immortal life, leaving a bone-chilling cry in his place.

Adis turned around and saw Haru was obediently sitting on the ground with her eyes still closed.

When he walked passed her, she asked, "Shall I open my eyes now?"

"Just a bit more," he quickly answered.

He approached Ulric's severed head and wrote magic runes on the top of his forehead. Black smoke came out from all the holes on his face.

Ulric's head squirmed and his dead eyes regained consciousness. His mouth was making guttural sounds as he looked at Adis.

"If you think you can get away from your crimes by dying, you're wrong. No one shall escape from this King's judgment."

Ulric's head kept on making disturbing noises as though he was desperate to ask for forgiveness but already lost the capability to speak.

The jack-o-lanterns surrounded the severed head and hit it with their small rusty lamps.

When Momo realized that he's missing the fun, he jolted out of Haru's lap and fiercely yanked Ulric's hair. He broke his own little lamp and used the sharp rusty metal to stab Ulric's eyes.

The little creatures suddenly looked at their King as though they were suggesting something.

Adis nodded his head, "Bring his head and his chopped body to your playpen. Play with him until he wishes for death, but never kill him. I will come down in hell to check your masterpiece once I have time."

Momo acted like he was injected with chicken's blood, totally the opposite of his lazy attitude earlier. When it came to wicked tortures, this child was the most energetic. He acted as though he had scored a new toy. Momo pulled Ulric's hair and dragged the head towards the summoning circle. His cohorts followed him.

But before the floating creatures entered their own circle, they immediately stopped upon hearing their Queen's words.

"Now that your King gave you a new toy, you completely forgot your Queen. Are you all leaving without even saying goodbye to me?" Haru asked with her eyes closed.

The pumpkins giggled as they drifted around her. They all gave her a big hug before finally leaving the realm of the mortals.

Once the familiars were gone, the thick fog gradually dissipated and the sky finally cleared again.

Haru felt a familiar presence knelt in front of her. A cold hand caressed her cheek while the other gently stroked her hair. She unhurriedly opened her eyes and her light orbs glistened beautifully upon the sight of her beloved, totally glad that the storm had ended.

"Haru, let's go home," Adis exclaimed as he intently looked at her delicate face.

Haru kissed Adis' demon eyes and nose, then finally placed a sweet, lingering kiss on his cold lips. She stared at his eyes as she touched his face. She whispered softly, "I am home."

Sparks flew in the air as Alastair's barrier finally broke. Glitters of bright light drifted in the air as though numerous stars fell from the sky. Such a romantic atmosphere while the two souls were still kneeling on the ground, gazing at each other's face.

The Grim Reapers, Fang and Graves ran towards them with a worried expression on their faces, only to stop in their tracks and hushed their breaths. No one dared to make a noise, afraid that whoever interrupted the Dark King's sweet moment may end up being dead.

However, Adis was the one who broke the trance first and helped Haru to stand up. He scowled and felt aggrieved at the sight of her sorry state. He thought that the sinners' eternal damnation was not enough for what they did to her and he was tempted to drag them back and made them taste his wrath.

"It's okay. It's just a piece of dress," she consoled him as his feelings were very clearly written on his face. "And my wounds easily healed, remember?"

"But that doesn't mean you can't feel the pain," he grumbled. "It's my fault. I shouldn't--"

"Stop! It's not your fault. I never blamed you." Haru wrinkled her cute nose. "If you don't stop blaming yourself, I will leave you and go to the palace alone." She threatened him and started walking away.

If anybody dared to say that to the Dark King, they would definitely be beheaded instantly, but Haru was not just anybody.

"Please don't," Adis pleaded like a lost puppy and chased after her. He intertwined their fingers and gave it a quick kiss. "Adis will listen to his Queen. Adis will not blame himself anymore and promise that he will protect her even better."

Haru rolled her eyes but indulged him, nevertheless. "Good boy! You better add that to our secret book. Let's go?"

"Mn," he nodded and smiled tenderly.

He walked beside her while still holding her hands tightly, totally ignoring the crowd that was supposed to assist them.

In one of the dilapidated houses at the side, a shadow was leaning behind the pillar. His left hand was inside his pocket while the other tilted the rim of his cracked eyes glasses upward. He had been silently observing everything since the beginning, but no one noticed his presence. He smiled triumphantly then started to walk away from that place.