Are you insane?

Haru was drying her hair thoroughly with a towel and her naked body glistened from the long warm bath. Adis, on the other hand, was busy rummaging in their enormous closet for comfortable clothing for her.

Outside of their bedchamber, she could still hear her two maids crying their eyes out. Haru already spent hours to pacify them until she got tired and just took a bath with Adis.

Millie and Hannah felt so aggrieved for their kind Queen. When they heard from Fang how it transpired, their wailings became even louder, cursing the fugitives and swore that once they're back in Umbra, they would directly visit hell and join the familiars to exact their revenge.

"Haru," Adis called out as he showed her the lingerie he chose. "Come, let me help you put this on so you can take your rest. I still have to go to Zen's study chamber to check the status of Lumine and to talk to grandfather."

Haru's eyes sparkled and a childish smile formed on her lips. "Grandfather is here? I want to see him, too. Can't I got with you, please?"

"No, you spent too much strength and mana earlier. You didn't absorb enough life force from me so you need to rest." He held the back of her head as he kissed her forehead. "I will make love to you tonight so you can get more nutrients. For now, be good and stay here," he said with finality.

Haru pouted but didn't argue with him. He was right, she felt a bit lethargic from the strenuous exercise she did earlier and every cell in her body was screaming for a bloody rest.

"Okay, but please don't be too long. Once I wake up, I have something to tell you," she said in a low voice.

Adis tilted his head as his eyebrows furrowed. "Whatever could it be, my love?"

Haru shook her head. "I will tell you later. Now, go and finish your work." She stood on her tippy toes and gave him a soft peck on his chin.

Adis tucked her in the bed and patted her head gently, coaxing her to fall in her sweet slumber. As though that's all her body needed, her eyelids gradually became heavy and she immediately dozed off.

Adis stood up carefully and gone out of their bedchamber. As always, he gave his strict instructions to Haru's maids and to some Imperial Knights stationed at the door. "You two, stop your wailing, your Queen is now asleep. Let her wake up naturally. Anyone who dares to disrupt her sleep, eliminate them at once."

He walked towards the royal study chamber, his gait was quick and light, as though he was floating in the air. Upon entering the room, he saw his grandfather sitting on a luxurious chair while peacefully sipping his tea.

On the other side, Zen was busy gulping down all the food on his desk and Aquarius was reading some damage report. Adis would like to go back to his wife soon, so he directly stated his business.

"Zen, order Isaiah to coordinate with Fang about the cost of the damage. I will shoulder all the expenses this time." He started as he sat on a vacant chair.

Zen choked upon hearing his statement. His expression was totally aghast. "Hey, who are you? Bring me back my stingy brother!"

"Stop your nonsense. The destruction generally involved my Queen. As his King, I will take responsibility." He simply retorted and shifted his attention to Aquarius. "Aqua, when are you going to Atlantis? I plan to bring Haru there the day after tomorrow."

"I am just checking all the status reports of Lumine and my people but I plan to leave tonight. I'll make sure to be ready and welcome your arrival by then." Aquarius promptly replied.

Adis nodded and shared his conclusion for today's event and his plan to capture Duke Pier. The discussion took longer than he expected. When they were done, it' almost dusk.

However, the planned make love session did not happen as Haru slept throughout the afternoon and evening.

Adis woke up early the next morning but his wife was still sleeping like a log. He chuckled softly upon the sight of her sleeping posture. She was laid on her side while facing him, her right arm was hugging his waist and her right leg was sprawled on his legs, almost brushing his morning wood.

Her face was near his and he could feel her breath fanning the sensitive side of his neck. She looked enchantingly innocent with her eyes closed and relaxed eyebrows. Her sweet scent was enough to drive him mad but he had to endure. He wanted nothing more but for her to recuperate her original strength.

However, he was really tempted to attack his oblivious wife. This girl didn't have any sense of danger at all. Did she forget that she married an insatiable demon? Did she really believe he would not attack her while sleeping naked?

He sighed heavily and hugged her tightly. He showered her face and neck with quick kisses, grazing his one-day-old stubbles on her fair and smooth skin as punishment.

Haru only whimpered from his attack and murmured in her sleep, "Five more minutes."

He bit her earlobe softly then whispered, "Sleep as much as you want. The husband will just work for his wife."

"Mn," Haru unconsciously answered while still in dreamland.

After kissing the corner of her mouth, Adis finally stood up from the bed and did his morning routine.


"Oh you're back," Haru stated the obvious as she closed her suitcase and placed it on the floor.

Adis just got back from his morning court duty but instantly stopped in his tracks and stared at his wife's suitcase as though it was his rival. His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes flashed with myriads of questions.

"W-where are you going?" His heart rate suddenly raised and negative thoughts were flooding his mind. 'What's going on? Is she leaving me because of what happened? Did she get tired of him, already?'

"Oh, I already prepared our necessities for Atlantis. We'll be leaving today." She announced nonchalantly, heedless of the storm brewing in his mind.

Upon hearing her answer, Adis exhaled in relief, unaware that he was holding his breath for a moment. He approached her and cupped both of her cheeks to feel her warmth. "Why are you in a hurry? We are still within our schedule. I thought you wanted to try the new desserts from your favorite bakeshop here in Lumine. My schedule is free now, so I can accompany you. Why don't I take you on a date while it's still early, hmm?" He playfully brushed his nose against hers.

"No, let's do that next time. The sooner we get to Atlantis, the better." She answered with finality and freed herself from his trance.

He sulked as he felt rejected by her cold gestures. "Do you have an urgent appointment in Atlantis that I'm not aware of?"

"Yes," she simply admitted.

He stiffened and blinked twice, surprised by her straightforward answer. If he didn't know any better, he would assume that she was having an affair behind his back. He tilted his head and asked carefully, "...And that is?"

"I'll be meeting with *Fenghuang in Atlantis."

"You what?!" With widened eyes, Adis hurriedly marched in front of her and felt her temperature. He suddenly felt his heart would jump from his chest. "W-what happened? Are you feeling unwell? Where does it hurt? S-shall I call the imperial physician?" Beads of sweat started to form on his forehead as he bombarded her with questions.

Fenghuang was a female sacred beast that's famous throughout Trium Regum for her great healing abilities. She could practically heal any type of injuries and sickness. Those who were beyond recovery would see hope once they were under her care.

All the more reason why he was panicking. Adis assigned a personal healthcare team for Haru as she was always sick whenever she's in Umbra. The fact that she reached out for Fenghuang instead of her personal doctor only meant that her condition was unfavorable.

She resolutely declared, "I've decided. Tonight is the full moon. I will make love to you on your demon form."

Adis' pupil dilated and his mouth gaped open, totally taken aback from what he heard. Her statement was like a death sentence to him.

The Delacroix clan was the most powerful and cold-blooded demon in Trium Regum. However, despite their infamous title, the majority of them refused to be involved in worldly affairs and won't attack any species unless provoked. The clan was also famous for seducing maidens and playing with their innocence until they turned into wanton seductress. But even with their promiscuous nature, there was no illegitimate child within the clan.

This was because, for them, their demon form was sacred and must not use in any licentious act unless they would like to breed with their fated mate. It was well-known throughout the land that the seed of a Delacroix was too potent that once released inside his mate, it would result in instant impregnation, regardless of whether the female was on her ovulation period or not.

Every full moon, Adis' true form was more unrestraint, hence, he was speechless. He stared at his wife as though what she said was gibberish. Then, he grimaced, he felt like someone just crushed his heart that he could barely breathe.

"Are you insane?" He breathed out, trying so hard not to lose his control and shake his wife's entire being. "You know what would happen once you get pregnant, and yet you decided this without even telling me?"

His knees gave in and he slumped on the bed. "I always knew that you love children. That's why I built numerous orphanages throughout the realms for you--"

"It was not enough, Adis! I want my own child. I want to have a child with you--"

"Did it ever cross your clouded mind the risk it will cause to your body--"

"It's the risk I am willing to take--"

"But I am not willing!" Adis finally snapped.

They kept on interrupting each other's words, unwilling to give up their own reasons. And yet, Haru jolted and stiffened at Adis' sudden outburst. It was the first time ever that Adis yelled at her, and to be honest, she felt like crying.

Adis continued, "How could you be so selfish? Am I not enough, Haru?" His voice croaked and the sides of his eyes reddened as he tried to stop his tears from falling.

"No, please don't think it that way," Haru approached him and knelt on the floor. She gripped his hands as she intently looked in his eyes. Her throat constricted as she declared her feelings. "I love you so much, Adis. But I also want to love your true form. You have been caging your demon for so long that I know it already hurts. I refuse to give up on the things that we could both enjoy just because we are letting our fears get the best of us. More than anything else..." Haru trailed off and pulled his face closer to her as she determinedly continued. "I want you to live without any restraints. I shall give you everything in my power, including your right to have an heir. And yes, if wanting for your freedom and legacy is an act of selfishness, then so be it. I will stop at nothing until you have everything you wish for. And not even death could stop me from doing that."

Her tears fell uncontrollably as she solemnly vowed to him.

He buried his face in her neck and clutched a handful of her hair as he also cried with her. He was moved by her resolve yet he was still having second thoughts. His voice quivered as he confessed, "Haru, I'm scared. What if..."

"That's why we will use all the help we can get. Besides, aren't we sharing the same life now? Please don't give up, Adis."

"T-then why don't we make our research first before we do this. At least, give me some time to prepare."

She pouted and roughly wiped her tears. "You speak as though I'm about to take your virginity," she jested to lighten the mood. "My King, in case you forgotten, you were living a promiscuous life before you met this Queen."

Adis immediately in defense, totally guilty of the truth. "I told you before, they mean nothing to me. I don't even know their names. Besides, even if this King's human form is tainted, my demon self has never embraced any woman."

Haru's eyes suddenly brightened with delight. She unconsciously licked the corner of her lips like a predator. "My, my, why do I feel so arouse at the thought of taking your true form's virginity." She straddled on his lap to seduce him even further, carefully wiping his tears away.

"Is this your way of coaxing me to do your bidding?"

Haru giggled and whispered against his ears. "You're trapped. This Queen will take you virginity tonight."