No one can help you

The journey from Lumine to Atlantis took longer than usual as the couple chose to ride on Adis' silver dragon, Einhart.

Haru truly adored the calm and gentle dragon. Whenever he sees her and Adis, he would act like a baby as though he was not a colossal being. He would always fight for their attention when other familiars were around them.

It was already noon when they reached the boundary of Atlantis, and as always, it never failed to take Haru's breath away. The realm of the waters really speaks for itself as the entire city was situated on top of an enormous waterfall and surrounded by mountains and islands. She could also see the lushes of healthy green trees and plants everywhere.

Different flying beasts howled in the sky as their form of greetings to the King and Queen of Umbra. As they landed on the majestic water city, merfolks and dolphins danced on the water to welcome their arrival. Haru's eyes sparkled as she clapped and jumped at their magnificent performance.

Adis nodded in approval. He knew that his wife loved lively settings, that's why he made sure that Aqua would prepare something for her despite the short notice.

"Greetings to the great King and Queen of Umbra. The citizens of Atlantis welcomes you home!" The fairies cheerfully greeted.

Unlike in Lumine where they were greeted with pretentious smiles and wordy nonsense by the nobles, in Atlantis, everyone was so warm and genuine while the atmosphere was serene and carefree.

"Big brother, sister-in-law!" Aquarius called out from afar as he walked towards them. "I'm glad you arrived safely. I received grandfather's message and I have arranged everything that you may need."

Aquarius radiantly smiled as he talked to Haru. "Sister-in-law, to be honest, I have mixed feelings about this plan of yours. However, I have always believed in you. I know you have the power to create miracles. As your brother, I will do everything I can to help."

"Thank you, Popo. Adis and I will take advantage of all the help we could get." Haru smiled back and ruffled Aquarius' head as though he was not towering over her.

"Oh, grandfather was overjoyed about the news that he sent myriads of physicians from all over the realms. Fenghuang was starting to have a headache about their commotion, so you better head there immediately."

Adis shook his head at the mention of his grandfather. That geezer was really getting ahead of himself for the sake of his future great-grandchildren.

"Adis?" Haru suddenly called out.


"I would like to see old man Triton. I heard that he was badly injured and being treated by Fenghuang too." A worried look flashed in her eyes upon remembering the jovial merman.

"He refuses to have any visitors at the moment. You know how proud he is. He would never show his pitiful state to anyone. Let's wait until he's ready." He carefully explained as he intertwined their fingers and guided her towards their destination.

Haru bid Aquarius farewell as they rode a gondola to work their ways through the water canals of the city. It took them almost an hour to reach Fenghuang's residence which was a cave at the bottom of a volcano.

"Wait for us," Adis commanded at the oarsman, a shy *Kappa. He briskly flipped a gold coin towards him.

The Kappa almost fell from his boat but still managed to catch the coin and repeatedly bowed to Adis as thanks.

As soon as they entered the cave, a huge fire attack was suddenly shot towards them. Adis swiftly snapped his fingers and the flames instantly faded away. As they neared to the center of the cave, they heard loud commotion inside.

"I told you, I don't need your help. You're all just nuisance. Get out of here!"

"You don't understand the seriousness of the situation. We are talking about the future heir of Umbra. The entire realms have long been anticipating it."


The argument was disrupted by Haru. She gave an awkward smile and waived at the different species in front of her. So this was what Aquarius meant when he said 'myriads of physicians.' Inside the cave, ten or so doctors from different realms were gathered around Fenghuang, and the poor phoenix was really annoyed at the sudden invasion of her privacy.

Upon seeing their presence, the doctors stood properly and paid their respect to them.

"Uhm, I am just here for consultation. I don't think there's a need for this much attention. I prefer to speak with Fenghuang alone," Haru declined politely.

"But, Your Majesty, we were sent by--"

"Did you not hear my Queen's order or you're just plain stupid? Leave at once!" Adis snarled.

The doctors scurried out of the cave in fear of the ruthless King.

Haru yelled out a reminder before everyone completely disappeared. "Please keep this a secret, okay?"

"Don't worry, they were grandfather's trusted subjects. They will not spill anything," Adis reassured her.

Haru sighed in relief and finally faced the sacred beast. She would like to start her statement by apologizing to her but she saw that Adis shook his head, reminding her that a Queen must never bow her head down to her subjects.

"I guess by now you already have an idea about my visit." Haru awkwardly started as she sat at one of the stone chairs inside the cave.

Fenghuang nodded and decided to speak directly to the point. "I already had an idea when Her Majesty reached out to me the first time. As your loyal servant, I would like to be honest with you. I really wish I can do something to share your burdens, but my abilities are limited to sickness and injuries. Pregnancy, as you already know, is not an illness, Your Majesty. The life force that your child will get from you is just a natural process. Hence, no doctors can help you, much less those annoying physicians earlier."

Haru blinked her tears back and cleared her throat to compose herself. She already prepared herself for the bad news, but actually hearing it was still too unbearable.

Adis knelt in front of her and gently stroked her head while he spoke softly to pacify her emotions. "Hey, we already talked about this, right? No matter what the result, we will accept it together. At least we tried and we won't have any regrets. Adis will always be here for you."

Haru repeatedly nodded her heard while absorbing his pep talk. Her eyes were closed to prevent her tears from falling, but they still stubbornly fell. Adis kissed her tears away as he continued consoling her with his sweet words.

Fenghuang felt pity for the couple. She knew that all the beings throughout the realms talk about them and the Queen's inability to produce an heir. She sighed and boldly suggested. "To be honest, there is still someone who might be able to help you. But... I don't think it is wise to reach out for him."

Haru's eyes glinted with hope. She swallowed hard and clenched Adis' hands. "Who? At this point, I am willing to try everything, even if it means doing something stupid."

Fenghuang looked at Adis for a brief moment then delivered the name. "His name is Alexander Crow, but he's more famously called... Doctor Frost."

"What?!" Adis hissed and immediately stood up. "What did you just say?"

Haru also stood up between them and faced Fenghuang. "Are you sure? The mad scientist can help me?"

"I-I'm... not sure. All I know is that... despite his sullied reputation, he's an unrivaled doctor throughout the realms," Fenghuang stammered.

Adis did not wait for the healer to complete her statement as he suddenly dragged Haru out of the cave.

Haru was struggling from his tight grasp but her strength was minuscule compared to his. "W-wait Adis, I'm not yet done talking to her. I need to know where I could find Dr. Frost."

"If she knew where to find the mad scientist, then she would be charged of concealing a criminal." He answered as he forcefully carried her over his shoulder.

Haru instinctively yelped and grabbed the cloth of his robe. "Put me down, you idiot husband! Let me go!"

Adis did not listen to her and rode the gondola again. He instructed the Kappa to row at his desired destination. Then, he carefully put Haru down and urged her to sit. Haru stomped her feet while a deep scowl could be seen on her face, totally mad that he interrupted her conversation with the Phoenix. She refused to speak to him throughout the entire boat ride.

When she noticed that they were in an unfamiliar and isolated place, she abruptly snapped her head to glare at her husband. Her eyes were like a dagger piercing her enemy. "Where are we?"

Adis reached out for her nape and massage it tenderly. "Tsk. I told you many times to move gently or you'll get whiplash." Haru slapped his hand but he still continued, "I am kidnapping you so I could put some sense in that muddled head of yours."

The gondola stopped in front of a small straw house in the middle of a hidden lake. Adis ordered the Kappa to take his leave as he pulled Haru towards the house.

Haru's eyes were savoring the simple yet fascinating charm of the place. A huge willow tree was gently bowing towards the lake and beside it was the humble house. It was surrounded by wood fences. A variety of medicinal herbs and vegetables could also be seen inside it. A small workshop was sitting right across the door. She was so busy admiring the place that she did not hear the incoming footsteps from behind.

"When I heard that you came to visit Fenghuang, I knew that you're coming to find me next," said the mellow voice.

She spun to look at the owner of the voice and was met with a tall and lanky man with unruly silver hair and cracked glasses on his eyes.

The silver-haired man was looking at her intently which made her hugged Adis' arm instinctively.

"Frost, don't scare my wife. Give your respect to your Queen."