I'll be damned

While Haru finally started working on her plans, the royal court in Lumine was in heightened tension due to the unprecedented announcements of the three Kings.

"To all the respected elders, privileged nobles and hard-working court officials throughout the three realms, please receive the three great Kings' decree." Isaiah formally began as he stood straight in front of the crowd. Behind him were the thrones of the three Kings and to their side were their respective trusted aides. "Due to the crisis this world is continuously facing, from this day forward, we will be exercising tax reforms, along with enforcing some new laws, throughout the three realms."

The introduction had caused a loud buzz from the nobles and court officials, and a deep scowl from the elders.

Isaiah continued, "First, the minimum wage shall hereby be increased. Unless the business or household was severely affected by hardship, nobles or employers must increase the minimum wage of their servants. Compensations could be in the form of coins, food, clothing or shelter. In line with this, to prevent the citizens to venture in a job that they are not capable to deliver, quests in all guilds must impose qualification before anyone will be accepted for the job. This is to decrease undesirable deaths due to inept skills."

"Second, as mentioned earlier, tax reforms shall be implemented starting today until the economic situation improves. Income Tax of each household will now have tax brackets and shall vary based on the total income or profit. Households with income lesser than the stipulated amount or percentage of the minimum tax bracket shall be exempted from paying any tax. In addition, households with income above one silver coins a month must pay their tax due. The combined forces of Grim Reapers, Warriors' of Light and Mythical Soldiers will visit each household to check the family's income registry and condition. If a certain household was found to falsify any official documents, their entire family shall be exterminated and their activity will be deemed as a deception to the royal family."

The uproar of the public kept getting louder, but Isaiah refused to stop and his voice became more tenacious.

"Third, prices for basic commodities and winter coats shall not increase throughout the realms. Fourth, charitable organizations will be exempted from paying tax while anyone who engages in any excessive and lavish activities outside of Trium Regum's traditional celebration will be subjected to a levy; a minimum of 5 gold bars to a maximum of 50 gold bars. As such, those who are involved in the grandiose display of airship today will be investigated and shall pay an amount depending on the value of their airship. All the revenue from this levy will be used for the renovation of the commoners' houses and orphanages that were harshly destroyed by the storm, as well as medicinal support to the hospital--"

"This is absurd!" One of the nobles couldn't keep his calm anymore and suddenly shouted. He felt that the new policies being announced were utterly discriminatory to the nobles. "How can such huge changes be implemented without the consensus of the court officials? With all due respect, Your Majesties, the nobles are one of the integral figures of the royal court. You cannot do this to us!" The nobleman loudly objected which was followed by numerous nods from the crowd and motion for reconsideration from other officials.

It was no secret that half of the court officials, elders and nobles were in opposition to the royal family. No matter how the Kings hated to see their faces, they still held important businesses, powerful supporters and millions of followers, enough to force the pope to excommunicate the royal family. However, cleaning this world from these kinds of dirt would take time and resources, which the Kings currently lacking at the moment.

Aquarius calmly commented in his usual sharp words. "Marquis Duford, why are you being restless. We are just helping you on how to spend wisely, are we not? Unless you are embezzling money from your people, evading your tax dues, not paying your servants well, and one of the owners of an extravagant airship earlier, then I guess there is a reason for you to be upset since the royal family will go after your head." He smiled gently as though he did not just publicly threatened someone.

Marquis Duford's knees buckled and he slumped on the floor. His eyes anticipated the fall of his entire household due to his undeniable atrocities.

Adis' stern voice was heard throughout the enormous hall, prompting the crowd to silence and kowtowed in fear. "We created these laws and it shall be imposed whether you like it or not. If you cannot accept this simple fact, then feel free to leave this land and your title. Anyone who has the same sentiment as this arrogant fool is encouraged to do the same. I'm sure there are many hypocrites here who will be more than happy to take your place.

"To everyone who gathered here today, if the royal family refuses to concede to your extravagance and selfish request, what can you do? Go to the pope and banish us? Call us heretic? Are you all confident that you can achieve what we have achieved and do what we did in these past years? Will you accuse us of embezzlement when none of the yields touched the ground of our palaces? You foolish, greedy creatures who know nothing but to milk the masses with their money and blood! While you were flaunting your stupid riches, several beings are dying of starvation and cold. While you are busy expanding your treasury from questionable means, the food storage is dwindling with supplies. While you laugh and bask in luxury, unjust slavery is increasing and shelters are being crowded with refugees."

He stood up and walked closer to the crowd. Fang and Graves automatically followed and stood behind to protect him. "Because of your greed and corruption, the innocent suffers from the wrath of the goddess of ice. I'll be damned if I do not stop you now and cut the seed of destruction you plowed into my land! If you are so bold to oppose this King's decree, then step out now or forever hold your peace!" He roared as he lambasted them with the ugly truth.

Everyone immediately panicked and plead for the King of Umbra to appease his anger. Those who still didn't want to give away some of their excessive wealth approached the chief elder, Camus Delacroix.

Camus had been silently listening to the commotion and the new decree while leisurely drinking his tea. When he noticed that the crowd was looking at him with a hopeful look, he sighed and gently placed the porcelain cup on the table. In his mind, he was cursing all these corrupt officials. If not for his grandsons, he would drop the act and would prefer to annihilate every one of them. However, these elders, nobles and court officials were there for a reason. A country won't be able to run with just a King alone.

Camus unwillingly stood up from his seat and approached the throne. With a hand behind his back, his pace was relaxed and unhurried. "King Adis, as the chief elder of the entire Trium Regum, I advise you to consider the opinion of the court officials and the elders. You shouldn't make judgments and enforce it just because you think that it's the right thing to do. Learn to be prudent about your every decision."

Half of the crowd secretly smiled upon hearing the chief elder reprimand the Demon King in front of them. They knew that it was the right choice to send the chief elder as their representative as the three great Kings held him with high respect.

Camus went on with his act. "However, I also know that you are pressed for time. This law-abiding chief elder will be magnanimous and offer my mansion to be investigated first and to serve as an example to everyone. In addition, I will donate 10 gold bars to help the Kings with the burden for supply." He ended his ramblings and discreetly smiled at Adis. When he turned around to return to his seat, his face was already void with any emotion.

Adis and the two Kings behind him bowed at their grandfather with respect. Those who were in allegiance with the royal family registered their households for investigation and made donations, too.

"The chief elder is indeed wise and righteous," Adis replied and looked at the crowd again. "This great King is tired of your yapping, so if you are done spouting your nonsense, the announcements shall resume."

The greedy officials stood in the middle of the hall with their mouths gaped open and disbelief expression was written on their faces. None of the additional announcements register in their minds.

"Each of these policies shall be enacted with the goal of alleviating the masses from their suffering and reduce the growth of inequality. These laws are subject to change until the royal palace sees improvement in this world's economic condition. The issue with the food supply will be discussed before the end of the month." Isaiah ended his long announcement, leaving half of the audience stupefied while the other half, who were loyal to the Kings, satisfied.


"Ah, that was tiring!" Zen sighed and stretched his arms as he walked towards the maze garden of the Light Palace. "I have to say, sister-in-law is really incredible. She thought of those ideas which hit those corrupt nobles where it really hurts. Hahaha."

Aquarius was gently fanning himself as he faced Adis. "I've been meaning to ask this, big brother, but how did sister-in-law came up with these policies?"

"According to Haru, the world she came from was also suffering from war, poverty, inequality, and corruption. As an orphan, she had personally experienced all these. She studied hard so she could help those who were suffering the same." Adis answered while searching for her beloved in the excessively enormous garden.

"Wait! Did you say she studied hard? You mean, women are given the chance to have a proper education in her world?" Zen stopped in his tracks and quickly swiveled around in surprise.

"Mn," Adis nodded. "She said that if the plan to end the winter storm succeeds, she would like to improve the education system of this world, too. Then, eliminate discrimination, advocate gender equality and women empowerment."

"That sounds like an ideal world. But... reality can be very cruel and we all had our rude awakening." Aquarius stated with no ill intention.

Adis looked up at the sky with eyes clouded in complicated emotions. "Ilyas and I tried so hard to reach for that ideal world, too, unfortunately, we ended up dead and broken." When he shifted his attention to the silhouette in front, his eyes suddenly glistened with many possibilities. He unconsciously let out a gentle smile. "However, with Haru, I feel anything is possible. The kind of life we once dream, I feel that it's now within my reach. And it's all because of her. If one day, everything will end up as a failure... I will not have any regrets."