
Haru was having a serious conversation with Ulysses about some minor changes to her blueprint while the workers were starting to carry all the quality materials inside the palace. The old man decided to start working as soon as possible and promised to deliver her request in due time.

Adis shouldered the entire expenses for building the greenhouse as a gift for their fated encounter.

When she felt a heated gaze from behind, she slowly turned around. Her innocent amber orbs met with a fiery demon orbs and made the corner of her lips curled into a sweet smile. As they were out in the open, she stopped herself from running to his strong arms by looking down and tucking her short hair behind her ears while biting her lower lip.

She was unaware that a certain big bad wolf with scarlet eyes were watching her every move and found it very alluring. When she secretly glanced up again, her devil playfully winked at her which rendered her heart to thump loudly until it melted into a sweet puddle.

"Long live to the three great Kings of Trium Regum. May your reign and legacy last forever." Ulysses and his workers bowed and formally greeted the Kings.

Haru pretended to not know the three Delacroix and curtsied once they came closer.

"Sir Ainsworth, it's good to see you around. So you are building another interesting architecture, huh? As expected to the world-famous artisan of our time." Aquarius praised the old man while his eyes darted to his big brother who was shamelessly staring at the shy fair maiden in front. He cleared his throat and added, "I didn't know that you have a beautiful daughter."

Zen and Aquarius knew of their plan to hide their relationship to the public, for the time being, hence, they were helping the two love birds to deceive the prying eyes of the society.

Ulysses promptly replied. "Oh, no, Your Majesty, this young lady here was the one who proposed this ingenious structure. She just asked for this humble servant's help to build it. Her name is lady Haru from the noble household of...of..." He gulped and peeked at her when he realized that he didn't know what family she came from.

Haru, on the other hand, pretended that she didn't notice the old man's questioning look and just greeted the prominent beings in front, particularly the Demon King who was intently looking at her.

"Such a fine name," Adis drawled in his sultry voice. He gently raised her hand and placed a lingering kiss on the back of it while his eyes were fixed on her face, sending delightful shivers down her spine. "I never thought I'd be meeting a lovely flower amidst this frozen garden. It must be fate," he tenderly spoke against her skin.

Haru felt like drowning by the deep pool of flames in his eyes that she couldn't find the strength to look away. She was instantly captured, and yet, she refused to be free.

Zen unceremoniously shoved his big brother to the side and forcibly took her hand from Adis, breaking the enchantment between them. "Ah, what a pleasure to meet such a beautiful maiden, indeed. Lady Haru, I am the King of Lumine, Zen Delacroix, and beside me are my big brothers, King Aquarius of Atlantis and King Adis of Umbra." When he introduced Adis, he glared at the Demon King and mouthed, "Get a hold of yourself, you horny rabbit!" He faced the confused workers again as he smiled widely and exclaimed, "Gentlemen, please carry on with your tasks, don't mind us here. We'll be gone before long."

When the crowd dispersed, except for Ulysses, Zen was forced to use his blabbermouth to ask stupid questions to distract the old man, while Aquarius cleared his throat and motioned something to his big brother with the use of his fan.

Adis instantly understood their intention and snatched her away from the crowd. Haru faintly giggled as they took off towards the gigantic frozen garden maze.

Once inside, Haru slid off from his hold and ran away while coaxing him to chase her in a sing-song voice.

Adis' smile widened as her sweet laughter mingled in the air and tugged his heart to do all her bidding, and her voice was like a delicate bell, tinkling his consciousness into a beautiful dream. In truth, he knew his way in the maze like the back of his hand as he'd been playing in it since he was young. But to indulge his naughty lover, he acted like he was lost.

"Haru, my love, where are you? Please don't leave Adis alone. If you come back now, I shall give you a reward." He yelled out as he moved. His confident gait betrayed his anxious voice.

Haru's giggles became louder as she continued to run, enjoying her mischief and totally oblivious of the lurking predator behind her. When she decided to hide behind a glazed grass wall, she turned around and face it as she teased her lover again. "Adis, I'm here!"

"I know," a sudden whisper from behind and near her ear made her snapped around.

"Kyaa!" she screamed in surprise and covered her mouth with her hands. "You startle me!"

"Serves you right for playing with the devil," Adis chortled and rained kisses on the back of her hands while pinning her against the grass wall. "I missed you. Did you miss me, too?" He whispered as he continued to tease her hands with his lips so it would reveal his reward for finding her first.

Unaware of his true plan, Haru nodded and put down her hands to reply. "Yes, I do--"

As soon as the Demon King saw an opening, he leaned down and assaulted her lips to claim his well-deserved prize, her luscious red lips.

Haru instantly responded to his advances with equal passion. She lapped his lips with the way he taught her and eagerly opened her mouth when his tongue demanded entrance. They hungrily sucked each other's tongue and drank each other's essence, quenching their unending thirst for one another while forgetting the world outside of the maze as they basked in each other's embrace.

Haru panted as their lips parted, desperately trying to grasp her consciousness back to reality amidst a sensual temptation in front of her. "How was the court session today? Did I cause you too much trouble?"

Adis planted a kiss on her cheek before placing his head against hers. His hands, as usual, were busy squeezing her buttocks as he pulled her closer to him, making her feel his raging hard-on against her stomach.

He chuckled and replied in a raspy voice. "You can cause trouble whenever you want. The husband's duty is to clean up his wife's mess, after all." Then he continued to report what happened in the royal court. "Well, their whining was expected, but they didn't have a choice since even grandfather spoke up in support of the new policies."

Haru's eyes widened in anticipation. "Oh, you're grandfather is also a member of the court? I'm excited to see his countenance. Perhaps, I can have a glimpse of your future old self."

He kissed her forehead before he started to drag her outside the maze, afraid that he would lose himself if he spent a minute more with just the two of them. "You'll meet him soon. So what's your next plan?"

"Will you be busy tomorrow?" she asked back.

"I'll stay with you, my love. Why don't I take you on a date, hm?" His tantalizing eyes were coaxing her to say yes.

Her eyes shone brightly and vigorously nodded her head. Her cheeks flushed in enthusiasm. "Oh, I can't wait for tomorrow! There are places that I wish to visit with you and things that I'd like to show you, too."

"Eh, that's quite fast. I thought it would take longer. Good thing I decided to wait." A modulated and wise voice echoed out of nowhere and interrupted the couple's bonding moment.

Haru abruptly stopped in her tracks and her mouth slowly opened upon seeing the owner of the voice. She blinked twice to ensure that she was not hallucinating. The man in front who was an exact replica of Adis, except for his silky white long hair, seemed to have an aura as gentle and calm like Aquarius and his eyes glinted with mischief and carefree attitude like Zen.

When their eyes met, he tilted his head and opened his arms. "Oh, so you are Adis' fated mate. Good child, come closer to grandfather so I can see you properly."