Chapter two

A woman in her mid-twenties sat silently behind a desk. In her hands, there was a picture. A picture of two youths. They looked to be about sixteen. Both of them looked sloppy and dirty. Their faces were smeared with mud and grime. They looked blissful with their lips wretched into broad smiles. The black-haired boy wrapping his arms around the blonde girl's shoulders.

The woman chuckled at two teenagers. She seemed cold and unfeeling on the outside. But her blue eyes were clouded with tears, her hands were tightly clenching the picture. As if she was afraid to forget. But she wasn't afraid to forget. She just didn't want to.

She wanted to go back to those times.

"Oh come on Grace forgive me already, "

Maddie whined sticking to Gracie.

She continued groaning, "You actually talked to him for once thanks to me right?"

Gracie stopped walking and glanced at the idiot clinging to her. "Maddie," She said while smiling sweetly.

She asked Maddie while cracking her knuckles, "Do you want me to beat you?"

"I'm sorry madam this maid will reflect on her sins!" Maddie yelled while skillfully kneeling down on the floor.

Hey! Why are you doing this as if you've done it for years! I've never made you kneel to me! You're giving people the wrong idea! Stop it! I'm not into that kind of thing! Gracie thought.

Gracie stiffened from the stares they received because of Maddies embarrassing act. She felt her head getting numb as she stared at Maddie rubbing her face on the ground. Oh god. What did she do to deserve to be stuck with this idiot?

"What are you guys doing?"

A voice that held a tint of amusement asked the two girls. Gracie looked back see Shane looking at both of them. And of course, the other two, including Noah, was right behind him. Gracie groaned and screamed inwardly. Noah's here! Oh god, he saw all of this. Maddie looked up at them and smirked while saying, "I'm repenting for my sins!"

"Sins? What did you do?" Alex asked.

Gracie turned to Maddie pleading with her eyes. Don't you dare say anything, Maddie! Maddie snickered and said, "Oh nothing really. We're just playing around,"

Gracie heard Noah laughing at them. She looked at and jokingly said, "I can't believe you're laughing at this! What a bastard!"

"Yeah, that's right! Bastard!" Maddie said joining in for some reason.

The group looked at each other and burst into laughter. Gracie couldn't contain herself and laughed her heart out. If only days like this could continue. She found herself thinking this whenever something funny happened. She just hated change. She wanted everything to stay as it was.

"Maybe we should go somewhere else? Alex whispered.

The group looked around at their surroundings and saw a crowd of people gathered around watching them amused. Gracie's face reddened with shame, while Maddie cackled cheerfully. She just had to always be such a weirdo, didn't she? She should be thankful that she loves her so much. Really, otherwise, she'd have been beaten to a pulp.

"Yeah, we should. Let's just go to the library," Noah mumbled.

They all walked to the library together, with people sneaking glances at them. Some were more daring and outright started at them. The reason was definitely the three boys with them. Honestly, they're just too popular for their own good.

"What are you thinking of?" Noah asked.

Blushing, Gracie said, "Oh I'm just thinking about my English assignment,"

Noah suddenly froze, with his face becoming an unhealthy pale colour he said, "Assignment?"

Gracie also quit walking and stared at him alarmed. He couldn't have forgotten. Not when he's in that devil's class. No way.

"Noah, tell me you didn't forget," Gracie said.

Noah stiffly smiled at the golden blonde girl currently glaring daggers at him. Gracie, for some reason, was able to let go of her bashfulness now that they actually knew each other more. And with that, she continued staring at him with her eyes narrowed.

"I kinda got busy...and forgot...haha," Noah nervously laughed.

"Gracie's scaring me! Shanie, baby hold me!" Alex yelled barely holding his laughter in.

Shane looked at the younger boy rushing to tackle him, and with a small step to the left, he avoided him. Something that which resulted in said boy falling face-first onto the floor. Alex groaned as he tried to pull himself up.

"Shanie you're so meannnn!" He complained.

"Shut up dumbass. Anyway, how's ur pretty little delicate nose?" Shane said.

The four words at the end, he said as if they rolled out of his tongue. His brown hair was easily arranged on his head. Still, one couldn't deny that he was hot. Gracie knew she was drooling at this point. But Noah to her is the most good looking though!

After saying those words Shane walked towards Alex and without a sound picked him up bridal style. Alex's face blushed a crimson red almost causing his face to camouflage with his hair. Shane then turned back to the others.

"I'm going to go take this idiot to the nurse," While saying that he then turned back.

"Take care," Noah said.

He acted as if this was something that regularly occurred. Which it probably did. Now that Gracie thinks about it, Shane and Alex are really good friends. She's even seen them going to dark places together. Those two must like to spend time together. Especially since no one else is at those places.

She smiled at that thought.

Meanwhile, Maddie who was long forgotten stared with eyes full of pity at Gracie. Such innocence! Well, she's always been like this.

"Take as long as you need!" Maddie said with a wink.

"Hey! Is no one going to help me!" Alex shouted desperately.

"Um but Shane is already helping you?" Gracie said.

Shane just walked forwards without saying anything.

Gracie stared at his back while suddenly realizing something.

But Alex isn't injured?