As the bell rang nearly all three of them groaned. This meant that their hell was going to start all over again. Those two never came back for the rest of break in the end. They probably went off somewhere in their own anyway.
Gracie saw Maddie looking at her like a psychotic patient. Why is this girl so weird? She knew what she was implying. Noah and her were in the same English class. She smiled to herself at the thought of walking to class together with him.
"Noah, would you mind looking after my baby for me?" Maddie asked with a grin.
"I would love to look after your baby" Noah said laughing.
'Oh God his playing along. Why is he playing along?!'
No matter how many times Gracie hears him laugh, she still thinks that it's a blessing from God or a curse from satan. Its far too captivating.
They both stepped away from the rest and went to where there class was. Gracie knew it was the perfect time to ask if Noah wanted to partner up together. You know, for the trip and all.
While nervously playing with her nails Gracie said, "N-Noah, would y-"
"Excuse me! You're Noah right?" A girl interrupted.
Noah turned back to look at her and nodded curiously.
The girl walked closer and tightly held his arm tightly and said, "Do you mind partnering up together? You know for the trip and all,"
The girl interrupted Gracie before she could continue. She was playing with her short brown hair, twirling the end curls around her pale finger. Her hazel eyes glimmered with hope. Gracies stomach felt strange as she looked at the girl holding onto Noahs arm. She was pretty. She was really pretty. And what was Gracie?
Noah looked at the girl tightly gripping his arm and replied back while smiling, "Oh, sorry but I've already promised Gracie that I'll partner with her,"
The girl looked back at Gracie and held contempt in her eyes. Gracies heart pounded anxiously as Gracie knew what she was thinking. That she didn't deserve to stand beside him. That she wasn't good enough.
But, Gracie knew that Noah wasnt the type of person who cared about looks or money. He would love a person for what they're like on the inside. Not anything else. Gracie knew that she wasn't perfect. But even so she loves Noah. And there's no way she'll give him to a girl like her.
"That's right. I've already asked Noah before you. Sorry," Gracie added.
Gracie smiled sweetly at the short haired girl. And Noah chuckled with amusement. The girl looked at Gracie for a moment. Then she nodded reluctantly and turned back to Noah.
"My name is Mai. Im an exchange student from Japan," The girl said without even glancing at Gracie.
Looking at Noahs good looking face, Mai felt that he must be an angel.
"Nice to meet you Mai, I'm Gracie, I hope we get along well," Gracie forced out.
'Can't this girl take a hint',Gracie thought,'Why is she still holding on to his arm!?'
"Sorry, Mai, but Gracie and I are busy right now. So we need to go now, " Noah said, before grabbing Gracies hand and swiftly walking off.
The two bolted away as fast as they could but not before hearing Mai call out Noah's name. They both burst into laughter as they looked at each other.
"Hey, Gracie?" Noah said.
"You're really cute when you smile," He whispered.
He was blushing.
"Thank you," She whispered back her mouth forming a silly grin.
Gracie continued grinning as she stared at the back of the boy she loves. His hand felt warm. Or maybe her hands warm? She doesn't know. But either way, her heart beats rapidly as they continue on to class. Yeah, she really loves this adorable boy.