Chapter 15.1

Sun Tiantian hid her hands behind, hesitating for a moment, whether to show them or not.

Shen Nianshen saw her only staring at him and not moving a single jot, his brows furrowed and asked, "Did you cut your hand?"

Sun Tiantian: "..."

"Why are you that stupid?" Shen Nianshen stepped forward and pulled her hand from behind.

There was an open wound on her index finger and was bleeding.

Shen Nianshen looked at the wound and suddenly frowned, "How can be the cut so deep?"

Sun Tiantian: "The knife moved very fast, accidentally...."

Shen Nianhen's eyes looked at her gravely, the Sun Tiantian was staring at him and felt guilty. She involuntarily clenched his fist and whispered, "Actually... It isn't too deep anyway..."

Shen Nianshen still looked at her, feeling helpless and blamed, "Wait for me. I will find a band-aid for you."

After saying it, he let go of her hand, turned around, and went outside.

Sun Tiantian stood in the same place, her eyes staring at her bleeding finger. Her fingertip still could feel the warmth of Shen Nianshen's fingers, warm and slightly hot, until she could feel it deep in her heart.

She bent her lips, and her mood was perfect.

Shen Nianshen walked out of the kitchen again. Grandma felt strange and asked him, "What happened?"

Shen Nianshen said, "Tiantian's accidentally cut her finger and bleeding. I try to find a band-aid for her."

He said it while squatted in front of the TV table and pulled out drawer after drawer.

In the end, he still hadn't found it.

Grandma recalled and said, "It doesn't seem like we have band-aid at home. You go outside and buy it."

Shen Nianshen, who was poking around the drawer, immediately closed it when she heard her grandma's words. He got to his feet and said, "I'll be out for a while and will be back soon."

After saying, he turned around and walked out of the house quickly.

"Ah Nian. Wait, I'll go with you."

As soon as Shen Nianshen left, Lin Li immediately followed him.

There was a small pharmacy at the entrance to the alley, Shen Nianshen walked very fast. Lin Li chased after him for a long time, and she only could catch him up after Shen Nianshen entered the pharmacy.

"You walk so fast." Lin Li was breathing heavily.

Shen Nianshen didn't answer and talked to the person standing at the medicine counter, "Give me two band-aids."

"Two band-aids, one dollar."

Shen Nianshen quickly took out a coin from his pocket, took the band-aid, and turned around.

Lin Li followed him, "Ah Nian, do you like that girl?"

Shen Nianshen just walked to the front of the alley. Hearing Lin Li's voice that suddenly came from behind, his footsteps slowly stopped.

Lin Li walked over to him in two steps, staring straight at him, "Ah Nian, you don't really like her, right?"

Shen Nianshen was expressionless, "It's none of your business."

As soon as the words fell, he immediately stepped forward.

Lin Li stopped him, looked at him, and said, "Do you know how much the shoes that he wears?"

Shen Nianshen frowned and looked at him.

Lin Li said: "It's an expensive brand, a pair of shoes cost more than 4,000 dollars, and the bag she uses is the latest of Chanel model, the price is more than 20,000 dollars. The price of goods on her whole body is even far greater than your living expenses for a year with grandma."

Shen Nianshen listened for a long time and didn't speak. His chest seemed to be blocked by something suddenly, feeling so tight.

He looked at Lin Li for a long time and finally said, "Why are you saying all of this to me?"

Lin Li was a little emotional and said: "I just want to tell you, she and we are not from the same world, you two are totally incompatible!"

Shen Nianshen suddenly felt annoyed, "This has nothing to do with you."

He stepped forward with a big step as if that was the way he could leave the cruel reality behind him.

Lin Li caught up with him and said emotionally, "She only likes you because you're handsome, she just wants to play with you. Once she's satisfied playing with you, she'll dump you. Girls from wealthy families are all like that. I've met many of them. Today they are dating this man; once she bored with them, she could immediately replace them."

She added: "We step back a little, just think if she's not unsatisfied with what she has. Let's just say she really likes you. Try asking her, can she live in difficulty with you?"

Shen Nianshen's steps finally stopped, his throat burning like fire, dry and painful. His hands were hanging next to him, clenched into fists.

Lin Li saw Shen Nianshen finally stop, wanting to reach out to hold his hand. However, he remembered that Shen Nianshen didn't like being touched by others. So, she didn't dare touch him. She said again with sincerely, "Ah Nian, don't think of me as a nosy person. I just feel that a girl like her isn't suitable for you. You can't afford it. Wait until she is bored and doesn't like you anymore, you will only hurt yourself."

Shen Nianshen's throat tightened. He stood there without moving and without speaking for a long time.

When Shen Nianshen returned, Sun Tiantian was still serious about continuing to cut the remaining potatoes.

Shen Nianshen frowned and reached for the knife, "Don't do this again."

"You're back?" Sun Tiantian had been waiting for him for a long time, once she saw him, she looked up and smiled at him.

Shen Nianshen nodded and gave the band-aid to Sun Tiantian without expression, "Apply it yourself."

Sun Tiantian didn't realize that Shen Nianshen's mood was not that good, she received the band-aid with a sweet smile while pulling on Shen Nianshen's sleeve and said, "Help me apply it, I can't use it by myself."

Shen Nianshen avoided her very calmly, moved two steps to the side to keep his distance from her, and again cut potatoes, saying, "Use it yourself, sit and wait outside. After dinner, I'll take you back to school."

Sun Tiantian was stunned. It was then that she realized that something was wrong with Shen Nianshen. His facial expression wasn't very good. She approached and asked worriedly, "What happened to you? Do you feel unwell?"

"No." Looked at it again and said, "just get out, the kitchen is cramped."

After that, he kept his head down to cut the potatoes. He no longer regarded Sun Tiantian.

When Sun Tiantian saw that he didn't seem to want to talk, she hesitated for a moment. Even though she was reluctant, she finally obeyed and went out.

Shen Nianshen quickly served dinner. This is the first time Sun Tiantian have dinner at Shen Nianshen's house, Grandma also liked her very much and kept telling her to eat more.

Because this food was Shen Nianshen's dish, she could not help but really eat a lot. Throughout dinner, she had finished two bowls full of rice until her stomach was no longer reliable.

The old lady, who was watching from the side, felt pleased. She pulled Sun Tiantian's hand while saying, "Tiantian, next time you have come here often. Before coming, tell grandma first. Grandma will buy vegetables and let Ah Nian cook for you."

"Fine, thank you, Grandma" Grandma could rarely like her right away, Sun Tiantian feels very happy.

After Shen Nianshen finished tidying up the utensils, Sun Tiantian still sat on the couch and accompanied Grandma to chat.

Shen Nianshen turned to change clothes and immediately said when he came out, "Let's go."

Grandma and Sun Tiantian talked cheerfully. Suddenly hearing Shen Nianshen wanted to take her away, she looked up and said, "This fast? It's only eight o'clock."

Shen Nianshen: "To go to school, we still have to take a taxi. It should be at nine o'clock when we arrive at school."

After saying that, he pulled Sun Tiantian.

Sun Tiantian stood up and reluctantly and grabbed Grandma's hand, "Grandma used to be alone at home, must take good care of your health and be careful. Later I will come to see you again."

Old grandma was very like Sun Tiantian, she looked up, and looked at Shen Nianshen: "Ah Nian, often bring Tiantian to home, understand?"

Shen Nianshen vaguely agreed and said, "We are going back first, Grandma. I will go home to see you on weekends..."

"Em, fine."

Shen Nianshen bid farewell to his grandmother and went out with Sun Tiantian.

Since leaving Shen Nianshen's house, along the way, Sun Tiantian felt very happy. She hugged her arms and accelerated her steps to reach Shen Nianshen's side.

"Shen Nianshen, I think your cooking skill was excellent."

Shen Nianshen ignored her.

Sun Tiantian's eyes rolled then she stood before Shen Nianshen. Looked up with a sweet smile, "Grandma said, next time I can go to your house again. Can I?"

Sun Tiantian's position was very close. Her lips were almost touched against Shen Nianshen's chin. The wind that blew in the alley made Shen Nianshen could smell the faint aroma of shampoo on Sun Tiantian's hair.

Shen Nianshen's consciousness decreased; his mood was very chaotic.

He stepped forward and decided to ignore her.

He pulled a packet of cigarettes out of his pocket and slipped one between his lips.

When Sun Tiantian followed him, she saw a cigarette in Shen Nianshen's mouth, and he was reaching the match on his pocket. He was ready to light it on.

Sun Tiantian was a little surprised, looked at him with his black and round eyes.

Shen Nianshen looked at her and said, "Stay away from me."

Sun Tiantian pursed her lips and asked, "Shen Nianshen, are you in a bad mood?"

After Shen Nianshen lit his cigarette, he finally stopped a bit and turned his eyes to Sun Tiantian.

Sun Tiantian reached out and took out the cigarette from his mouth and whispered, "Don't smoke."

Shen Nianshen's gaze was intense, staring at her without speaking.

Sun Tiantian didn't know what happened to Shen Nianshen this sudden, but she could see that he was in a bad mood. Beforehand, she had never seen Shen Nianshen smoke.

She whispered, "If you in a bad mood, you can tell me. Don't smoke. It's not good for your health."

Shen Nianshen's chest feels tight, and his throat also was tight.

Staring at Sun Tiantian for a while, as if to say something, but did not know what to say. Finally, he decided not to say anything. He put back the match into his pocket again and said in a hoarse voice, "Let's go."

Coming out of the alley, Shen Nianshen planned to take Sun Tiantian to take the subway, but Sun Tiantian unknowingly pulled him and said, "Just take a taxi, there will be lots of people if you take the subway."

Shen Nianshen was slightly stunned and nodded, "Okay."

Shen Nianshen stopped the taxi, and they both sat inside.

On the way back to school, Shen Nianshen looked out the window and did not speak.

The atmosphere in the car was very awkward. Sun Tiantian wanted to break this rigid atmosphere, so she smiled and said, "Shen Nianshen, there are activities at the roller-skate club this weekend, we will go to Binjiang Road to ride a bicycle together. Are you coming?"

About this joint cycling event, Xu Li had told Shen Nianshen two days ago.

Shen Nianshen did not turn around, still staring out the window, and his voice cold, "I have no time."

"Ah?" Sun Tiantian was suddenly a little lost, "I want to be taught by you. I can't ride a bicycle."

Shen Nianshen said, "You can find someone else to teach you."

"I don't want to. I just want to be taught by you." Sun Tiantian agreed to take part in this event because Xu Li said he would invite Shen Nianshen to participate.

After thinking about it, Sun Tiantian again said, "Is it necessary to have Xu Li change the schedule? We can wait until you have time..."

"Sun Tiantian, let's just end it here..."