Chapter 15.2

"Wh ... What ..." Sun Tiantian was stunned and looked at Shen Nianshen.

Shen Nianshen finally turned around and looked at her with a grim expression.

"Previously, I was the one who made a mistake and caused you to fall, but now your hand has recovered, my responsibility to take care of you has also completed, right?"

Sun Tiantian had no idea that Shen Nianshen would suddenly cut ties with her. She thought, after they spent time together, their relationship had improved.

Earlier, when she accidentally cut his hand, didn't Shen Nianshen still so panicked about her?

Even though, Sun Tiantian thought that Shen Nianshen might be liked her a little bit.

Sun Tiantian suddenly couldn't accept this, she opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but no sound came from her throat.

Right at this moment, the taxi had stopped in front of the school gate.

Shen Nianshen paid the taxi fare, opened the door, and got out of the car.

Sun Tiantian just reacted this time. She quickly opened the door next to her and getting out of the car.

Shen Nianshen walked towards the school gate; he walked very fast. Sun Tiantian followed him while running and pulled his arm, "Shen Nianshen, what do you mean by that?"

Shen Nianshen stopped his footsteps and looked at her, "I mean we end up here. I'm very busy. I have so many things to do every day, don't have much time to accompany you to play."

"I didn't ask you to accompany me." Sun Tiantian didn't know where the problem was, before tonight, she felt that her relationship with Shen Nianshen went very smoothly. Why it suddenly turn out this way...

Her eyes stared intently at Shen Nianshen, hoping some clue would appear from those eyes.

But the eyes were so dark and deep. Sun Tiantian could not find anything from there.

Shen Nianshen pushed aside Sun Tiantian's hand, which was holding his arm, suddenly a bit weak, "Sun Tiantian, so many guys that are much better than me, it doesn't have to be me."

After that, he let go of Sun Tiantian's hand and didn't look back at her anymore. He turned around and walked forward.

Sun Tiantian froze in her position, staring blankly at Shen Nianshen's back for quite a long time.

When she regained consciousness, she ran a few steps forward and shouted at him, "Do you really didn't like me in the least?"

Shen Nianshen's steps stopped, a few seconds, then he stepped forward again. He didn't answer it.

When Sun Tiantian returned to the female dormitory, it was already 11 p.m.

One of her roommates was washing clothes, and the other was reading books and playing games.

"Where did you go on a date with Shen Nianshen today? You didn't go home all day." Cheng Duo played her game with a smile as she asked Sun Tiantian.

Sun Tiantian felt very broken hear. Her voice was weak, "It's over."

Cheng Duo was stunned and asked again, "What is over?"

"Yes, what's over?" Xie Yan also approached her.

"Me and Shen Nianshen, he told me not to bother him anymore." Sun Tiantian forced a smile and smiled mockingly at herself, "I think he did like me a bit, but I'm just overthinking."

Even though she laughed, but her expression looked very sad.

Cheng Duo was anxious, immediately stood up from her chair and held Sun Tiantian hand, "Hey, are you alright?"

"I'm okay. Of course, there couldn't be anything wrong with me." She said as she walked to her desk, put down her bag, and pulled out a chair to sit down. She pulled out a sketchbook from the drawer, turned it until the blank page, and began drawing on it.

Sun Tiantian has always been like this since her childhood age. When she felt sad, she won't show it. She chose to draw and calm her own emotions.

Her roommates stared at each other; this time, they really didn't know what to say.

Xie Yan could not help but ask, "Tiantian, what are your next plans? Still want to chase after him?"

Sun Tiantian shook her head, "No."

Tonight Shen Nianshen has said it very clearly. Even though Sun Tiantian was a kind of shameless girl, but she already felt too ashamed to pursue him again.

After that night, Sun Tiantian indeed never went to look for Shen Nianshen. Every day she would go to class, eat and sleep as usual. It seemed that nothing was different from her previous life.

On the contrary, Shen Nianshen thought that if Sun Tiantian no longer came looking for him, he would be able to stop the chaos and return to his peaceful life as before.

However, it seemed not so.

Every day when he goes to class, he will unconsciously stare at the back door to see whether Sun Tiantian appeared outside his class or not.

When he went to the cafeteria, unconsciously, his eyes would sweep on the seat that usually occupied by Sun Tiantian to see if she was sitting there and smiled sweetly while waiting for him or not.

Even when he went to the library for individual studies, sometimes he could not stop himself from looking up and seeing whether Sun Tiantian sat opposite him or not.

It turned out when she was not there; everything was back to normal. A little fox demon was laughing so cunningly, the girl who always pulled his arm and asked to be looked after by him, as if she never existed.

During these half of the month, he had never met Sun Tiantian in school at all.

When he was in a class, and for the third time, he stared at the back door, Xu Li finally couldn't stand it anymore, "Ah Nian, what's this does not make sense. If you two like each other, just get together. Why should you make yourself tortured?"

Xu Li also got involved in here. Almost every day, he was scolded by Cheng Duo. But, Ah Nian did not allow him to say anything.

Shen Nianshen kept his eyes back, ignored him, and looked up to listen to the class.

Xu Li had known Shen Nianshen since the first day of college. Until now, he still did not understand what Shen Nianshen was thinking. Seeing him not talking, he just sighed and said, "The first-year student from the Civil Engineering Department, Xie Xun, you know? At that time, we met him at the school gate, who drove the Ferrari."

Shen Nianshen brow narrowed slightly as he nodded.

Xu Li: "I heard from Cheng Duo. It looks like he is chasing Tiantian."

Shen Nianshen's eyebrows suddenly pursed, his hand holding the pen suddenly tightened.

Xu Li saw that Shen Nianshen was finally slightly changed, immediately adding oil into the fire, "I heard that... every night he will send Tiantian back to the dormitory, he also sent a bunch of flowers and chocolates."

Shen Nianshen's face was increasingly unsightly, Xu Li increasingly patted the drum loudly, "Ah Nian, I didn't mean to lecture you. If you like Tiantian, tell her. Don't delay the time. Until she chased by someone else, you are the one who will regret it. So, this does not make sense."

Shen Nianshen still didn't make a sound, but his jaw already looked tight, who knows what he was thinking.

Xu Li had said so much, seeing Shen Nianshen still not reacting, could only scratch his head. In the end, he said, "You just think about it carefully. Everything can be missed. If you missed the person you like, you only would regret it for a lifetime."

Throughout the class, Shen Nianshen did not listen to what the lecture explained. His head was filled with Xu Li's words, his head filled about the person who was chasing Tiantian.

He who kept daydreaming since then, just regain his consciousness as soon as the class was finished.

Xu Li, who saw the look on Shen Nianshen's complexion was not good, did not dare to say anything more. He patted his shoulder, "Let's go play basketball, exercise for a while could make the mood improves."

Shen Nianshen had not met Sun Tiantian for almost half a month, never expected to encounter her on the basketball court.

As soon as Shen Nianshen entered the basketball court, he saw Sun Tiantian sitting on the spectators' bench. Next to her, there were her roommates.

He held the boy's clothes in her hand, talking while laughing with her roommate.

Shen Nianshen's steps stopped, and his gaze fell on the boy's clothes in Sun Tiantian's hands, feeling very disturbing with the view.

Sun Tiantian was dragged here by Xie Xun to watch him play basketball.

Currently, she was sitting in the spectators' bench and discussing what to eat tonight with her roommate.

While discussing eating hotpot or eating BBQ, Xie Yan, who was beside her, suddenly nudged her and whispered, "Tiantian, Shen Nianshen."

Sun Tiantian's body stiffened, she unconsciously looked up. Through the crowd, her eyes and Shen Nianshen's eyes met.

Shen Nianshen was also staring at her. His gaze was intense.

Sun Tiantian remembered what happened half a month ago where Shen Nianshen had driven her out of his life; she was still a bit angry. She glanced fiercely at him, then turned around and looked away. She was no longer looking at him.

Exactly Xie Xun and the others were entering a break time, Xie Xun stood on the basketball court, looked up and shouted in the opposite direction, "Tiantian, bring my water here!"

"Eh, coming!" Sun Tiantian put down Xie Xun's clothes, then took a towel and water. She walked down the bench and ran towards the basketball court.

She walked up to Xie Xun and handed the water bottle and towel to him, "Yours."

Xie Xun accepted the towel and carelessly wiped the sweat. He opened the water and lifted his neck to finish the water bottle.

After playing basketball all afternoon, he was a bit tired. He finished the water, and with his free hand, he put his arm around Sun Tiantian's shoulder. Sun Tiantian was stunned, and unconsciously avoided him, "What are you doing?"

"Uh, let me lean back for a while. I'm so tired."

The position of the two persons was very close, and it seemed very intimate.

Shen Nianshen, who was standing nearby, saw Sun Tiantian standing so intimately with another guy, his heart seemed to be held back by something. There was unspeakable sorrow and discomfort.

For some time, Sun Tiantian let Xie Xun lean on him. Then she pushed him away quickly, "Enough, stand by yourself. I need to go."

She ran out of the basketball court after saying that. When she passed Shen Nianshen's side, she did not turn her head at all—like strangers, didn't even glancing at him.

However, before she could run another two steps, her wrist had been held by a large palm.

Sun Tiantian was stunned, looked back, and saw Shen Nianshen standing behind her and holding her wrist. He looked at her while saying, "Sun Tiantian, let's talk."