episode 17 (beautiful days with you)


Chapter 1

Clock's voice tick-tok tick-tok tick-tok had been making me realise every minute and every second. I am very happy today because for the first time in my life I am going to kill someone with my own hands. Oh, I forgot to tell you, I like young people very much. Boy or girl doesn't matter but for me they are fresh. That is why every day I stand in front of the school to make someone hunting. Today I saw a young boy. Gorgeous face, tall, dark hair, blue eyes were making the boy quite attractive with all these.he looks like 11th standard in the school. Looked like absolute prince charming.

The boy was walking, and in a short distance, I parked my black car in front of him.

I asked him "I can drop you home if you want to come."

but the boy was looking at me strangely as if I am his enemy.

"There is no need to worry about you. My son also studies in this school, suddenly he got sick so he could not come to school. He also studies in your class, can you give him your notes?" I said.

"But what is your son's name?" with curiosity the boy asks me.

My lips were shuddering, I could not understand what answer I should give to that boy.

But I passed an adorable smile to the boy and said "first of all, You should go to my house you will be very happy to see him."

And luckily that boy believes my words so soon and sat in the car with me.

My hands were trembling while driving but I was getting bibulous from inside without any alcohol to touch him. You know, what is my first wish after I killed someone- the person's blood to cover up my face and Snuffing the fragrance of blood. Because the blood's scent gives me intoxication more than alcohol.

Taking him to the house and adding something to his food, then feeding him, it is all very old custom. I love persecuting stuff too much.

Dezze stops reading the book in the middle " haaaaahhh, What a bullshit story"...

Suddenly Dezze gets a call from Leader Jhon and she receives it.

"Yes sir" Dezze said....

"Have you found that book?"

"Yes sir. I was sitting on the chair and reading the book but suddenly your phone rang."

" okay then continue. But Dezze!!!"

"Yes sir, "Do you want to say something?"

"I'm sorry but After the happened to you in the hospital, I think you should not investigate this case." With reluctance.

"Sir, you keep saying that whatever happens but never give up. then why today?"

"You are like my sister If something happens to you then I will not forgive myself. if Now suddenly something happens to you because of this investigation, I couldn't bear it." with Persuade sound.

"This means that you want me to get rid of this case because there can be some bad consequence on me because of this investigation, right?" Dezze said...

"yes, Assume so..mmmething li...ke thiiiis." shivering lips.

"No" with a loud voice.

"Ahhhh Dezze, why don't you try to understand? Every time stubbornness doesn't work." struggling to persuade.

"you don't need to think too much. Anyway, my car keeps on deteriorating. Even that day my car was damaged probably that's why the smoke went inside the car. You don't need to think too much. Now I keep the phone and yes I am not going to leave this case until my investigation is completed."

before Dezze can hear Jhon's Babble, she immediately disconnects her phone.

"This girl will never enhance. ignores everything and does her arbitrariness. I don't know when it will improve." Jhon says holding the mobile aloud.

dezze overturns the page and is about to concentrate on reading again only then she gets a call from Mark.

"Ahhhhh, not again " with annoyance receives the call.

Dezze- yes Mark.

Mark- Have you got that book?

Dezze- yesssss.. (Tired voice).

Mark- yessss, yessss, yessss (provocative).

Dezze- hold on, there is nothing to be so happy about. Now I have just started reading that your call has been received. Will you give me some peace for the read? (tired and with request).

suddenly Dezze is heard Ricky's voice.

Ricky- HI Dezze, I'm here.

Dezze- so Mark you have added me?

Ricky- yes he added you, but don't listen to him. If you finish your read then give me that book not him.

Mark- (screaming) nooooo, dezze you have to give me that book. I have heard that seven murder procedure have been written in that book. I want to know how it would have been written. no no no (nodded head), you can't give the book to Ricky.

Dezze- 7 murder?

Ricky- yes, so you have to give me that book.

Dezze- just enough, Stop fighting both of you.

Dezze cuts the call....

Ricky-Mark- hello Dezze, hello Dezze, can you heard?

Dezze turns the book pages over and over and in the end she finds chapter 7 which turns Mark's words into reality.

Dezze- what the hell... (With the bigger eyes).