episode 18 (beautiful days with you)

Unexpectedly Dezze gets a call again. She receives the call without looking at the mobile screen.

"what is now? Why both of you bothering me? I said give me some peace for the read."

"Dezze, it's me Jesse. "

"Oh...o...ho... Sorry, I thought Mark and Ricky." with uncertainty.

" ohh..ho.. No problem. I forgot to tell you that you lost your money bag here."

"Ohhh shit. Jesse are you still in office?"

"No, I have come to the bus stop."

"Wait there."

Dezze disconnects the phone in one stroke and drives for the bus stop with her car.

At the bus stop,

Dezze with a black sunglass, black heel, black shirt, black pent and black coat, gets off the car with her long dense hair.

seeing Jesse sitting at the bus stop, she stands in front of her.

"What is this?" Jesse says while looking from down to top.

"This is nowadays fashion." With proudly

"really? Sunglass at night? Is it fashion too?" Jesse asks.

"Ugh, ugh, ugh, Yes....s. i..t is a....lso." shivering lips.

"But you look rubbish" murmuring...

"what?what?what? what did you say just?" Dezze forwards her ears for clarification.

"Leave all this. Here, take your money bag." forward the money bag in front of Dezze.

"(nodding head) No No No No, I just heard something. You said a word like rubbish. You said, right?" Puffed mouth.

"No, I did not say anything like that. I said that you are looking very gorgeous in this sunglass." with a bluffing face.

"(blushing) Thank you for your compliment.Ohhh (holds) thanks. (Rubbing the neck with her left hand) What is your bus time?" Hesitation eyes.

"It is now 11:00 PM. My last bus is also gone so now I will go in the cab on my own." While standing.

"If you want then you can go with me, now is too late at night."

"(Hesitantly) No, I will go in the cab, you go."

Dezze immediately goes to her car and opens her car door, calls out to Jesse "are you coming or not?".

" haaahhhh, This girl will never improve. she has become a habit to show spectacle in front of the road." Murmuring.

Dezze yells "are you coming or not?"

Annoying inhale "haaaaahhh, am going but don't drive with the sunglass".

"you don't need to think about all this. I'm not that much stupid." Dramatically.

"Please God give her some useful brain," Jesse sits inside the car while murmuring.

After going some distance,

"By the way, why you want that book?"Jesse asks breaking her silence.

"We have got a Chet from the pocket of the recent death body. The name of this book is mentioned in Chet. Don't know suddenly we found two dead bodies, in the same way getting the marks of both of them injured, this cannot be a coincidence. After reading a few pages of that book, I have become very disturbed. An odd feeling is coming It seems that something bad is going to happen without any indication." With exhausted voice.

"Over time everything will be fine, you just take care in your investigation." Jesse said.

Dezze suddenly parks the car on the side of the road.

"What?" Jesse asks looking at dezze's staring eyes.

"Thank you for giving me the courage and for comforting my mind." Dezze said.

"You misunderstand. I am not giving you comfort or courage. I am just asking you to pay attention in your case." Giving up valuable things Jesse has a habit since childhood and now she does the same.

"You are just like you used to be. You have not changed at all. Don't know why Andi treats you like that? If I had been in his place, I would never have hurt you." Dezze said.

"You do not need to think much about it. This is the matter between Andi and me." Jesse said with a nervous tune.

"Haaahhhh (sigh), Every wife in this world does wifehood and you do the same which is not bad. But? " With mysterious voice.

"What but?" with strange eyes Jesse asks while rear her neck.

"I have decided that this time I will not allow any part of your body to stain and if this happens, I will not leave Andi." Dezze said.

"But with what right are you saying all these things?" Jesse asks.

" those things have said because of being a detective." Dezze said.

"You think that I am a coward, I don't say anything to anyone But there is nothing like this. I understand my responsibility. I can't break the vow given to anyone But that doesn't mean that I can't say to Andi. That's why you don't have to think too much. All this work of thinking is mine, not yours." Jesse said.

There was spread silence inside the car for a few seconds so Jesse shifts her eyes from the front to Dezze. seeing Dezze's attractive smile and shameless eyes become Jesse nervous.

"Why have you been staring at me since then? look front." Jesse said.

"I was thinking you don't put red lipstick on your lips. you should apply orange lipstick more than red lipstick. Does the most suitable for your face."

while peeking at Jesse's lips carefully.

"Since then you had been peeking at my lips only?" Jesse covers her lips with her both hands.

"Hehehehehe" Dezze starts her car engine with a dramatically chuckle.

as soon as Jesse reaches home she takes shower without sounding and lay down in bed without waking up Andi.

"Too late to arrive today, was the work too much?" Andi turns his body towards Jesse and puts one of his hand on Jesse's waist.

"Yes, it was a bit too much work." Jesse answers.

"Jesse, Today I am not able to sleep." kissing Jesse's neck.

"Andi, I'm so tired today." Jesse says with a weak voice.

but Andi doesn't listen to Jesse's words and takes his hand down towards Jesse. he starts rubbing the middle of Jesse's legs with his hand.

Jesse breaks her stamina and gets up from the bed and shouts- "Don't you think my permission is also needed for all this?"

"Why are you so angry? It is not that we are doing all this for the first time and all this happens in the midst of husband and wife." Andi says with sitting on the bed.

"What? Having sex without the wife's permission?" With louder.

"Why are you talking in such a loud voice? You also want to do all this, then why are you doing so much drama?" Andi said.

"How can you think that I am dying to do all this? I said that I am tired then why are you doing all this with me?"Jesse takes her two steps back.

"Okay Jesse, we shouldn't argue like this. Come, let sleep quietly." Andi tries to control the situation.

The anger of Jesse was above the head. She immediately starts to get out of that room only then Andi gets up with one stroke from the bed and catches her from behind.

"Where are you going?" gripping Jesse from behind.

"I can not live with you anymore. Andi leave me." Jesse said.

the sentence "can't live with you anymore" emanate from Jesse's mouth starts to buzzing in Andi's ears.

somehow Jesse pulls out her body from both hands of Andi and walks out of the house without listening.

After a few minutes, Andi walks out of the house and looks at Jesse on the way but Jesse already had vanished from there.

Next morning,

Some cops were standing in front of the car outside Erick's house and some were dragging Erick in hand with handcuffs.

Today's breaking news (on the tv screen)

This morning, the dead body of Jesse, daughter of the famous businessman Mr.maltain has been found in the dustbin. According to the news, she was raped, killed and thrown into the dustbin.