
As the cart kept going, the speed increased, but only slightly. The good news, those bully's were long gone, the bad news? He was inside a cart, going faster and faster, down a track that went on for who knows how long, into a forest he didn't know how to navigate, with no way to slow the cart down. There had to be an end, right? Since he didn't see anything for awhile, he sat down, closed his eyes, and slowly drifted away to the sound of the old wheels, turning smoothly as if they had just been put on.

He woke up in class, and-

Wait what? He was in class? But had he not just been in the forest? Didn't matter to him, there were a lot of things that didn't matter to him. Now he was in class, learning about the states of matter, and then there was the usual giggling and laughing and pointing. What had he ever done to them? Shaun just wanted to stand up and scream "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" But of course, that's not "appropriate behavior for school" All he could do was sit and endure.

When yet another person behind him poked him, he was ready to just go ahead and blindly snack them, but then the person said, "Don't worry about them, they just don't have anything better to do." He was a boy about just as old as me, in his senior year I think. He had blond hair and was almost perfectly tan. He was like the husband of your dreams... but- I'm not gay! Right? I don't even know... anyways, he ask me after class if he could hang out with me! If only I had taken him up on that...

Sounds dumb, right? I just... I hate being a burden to people... no matter how many times they say it's fine I can't help but feel that they are judging me on the inside... I just wish he...


Suddenly Shaun was back in the cart, it was still moving, but much faster. The sun was setting, how long had he been asleep? He looks ahead, and he sees and old town! What are the chances! He was finally going to stop!

Oh god, he was going to stop.

He braced for impact as the cart slammed into the barrier. Then everything was pitch black and quiet, and Shaun couldn't feel a thing.