The town

He woke up, face in the gravel. He had cuts almost everywhere, and with how long he had been passed out, they were probably already infected. He looked up to see the sky was pitch black. It was probably around 8 pm. He had no idea what to do, he knew if he walked back the way the cart took him he would probably run into some animal he didn't want to see. Around him we're the sounds of a very alive and hungry forest, waiting for his next move. It wasn't safe to venture back home, not yet.

Around him was a small town, how had he never heard of this place? There was 4 buildings which looked to be houses but we're completely torn down, a garage of some sort with all sorts of things he didn't want to sleep with. Lastly was a cathedral, standing tall, the last building that was somewhat strong. As he opened it's doors, the incredible amount of dust rushing out almost pushed him over. He gathered himself together and walked into the dark building.

It was a typical church, mosaics, an alter, the statue of Jesus, and the pews. He found one with the least dusty ones, brushed it off, and laid down. Outside he could hear something howl. Honestly, he was terrified, he just wanted to be home, or at least have someone there to talk to. He would use his phone if there was cell service there, all he could do was cry alone and try to fall asleep.

He was back in school again, another dream. This time it was lunch. He hated the school lunch, but wasn't allowed to just be by himself in the halls, so he just sat at a lunch table by himself. No, he didn't have prince charming by his side, if only. The other boy actually had friends, and a reputation, and a life...

What had Shaun done that landed him such a sucky life? They didn't even need to like him, if they would just stop laughing and pointing...

The bell finally rang and it was back to class, thank God, but this was a dream, so he could just leave, right? He headed to the exit but as soon as he rounded the corner where the entrance usually was, it was his English class, the one class he hated the most, he turned around to run away but as he did, he ran straight inside. This dream was going to be a nightmare wasn't it? There was Billy, sitting right there, smiling... waiting. And all Shaun could do was put on a smile and endure.

That's all he ever knew.