The station

Shaun opened his eyes, hoping to see the roof of his bedroom, of course it wasn't. Instead it was a glass dome, in which lively light was shining in inside. He got up from the bench he was sleeping in, not the most comfortable thing, but it worked. He headed into the cafeteria, where as usual, all the food was freshly cooked. He still didn't understand who was making it. "Hey Shaun, good morning!" The boy had been with him since he first found the station, who knew how long it had been, he had stopped keeping track of time. He still didn't know the boy's name and the boy didn't know his own name either. Shaun had simply started referring to him as Justin, it seemed like a fitting name...

He grabbed a plate of some random stuff, pizza, Mac and cheese, and some kale. He didn't really care about how delicious it was, it wasn't even food to him now. It was just something he had to take periodically. Creepy how a place changes your views on things. Both Shaun and Justin have been stuck in the station for about a week he thought, again he wasn't keeping track. All the exits were locked and the only way to leave seemed to be a train that pulled into the station every few hours. None of them knew where it went and they were too afraid to get on. But both of them were starting to lose their sanity, and it was only a matter of time before one of them broke.

And Shaun knew this.

And it scared him.

Everyday was quite boring, there wasn't much to do in the station other than walk around, read the flyers which also changed, take a nap, eat even more, and because Justin had amnesia there wasn't much to chat about. Shaun had found a CD player recently so he put on some jams to pass the time. Just as he was chilling, he could feel something. Maybe it was the vibrating ground, or the shift in the wind, but Shaun knew the train was coming. He walked up to Justin, who had also heard the train coming. Shaun finally caved, sort of.

"Look, I know we're both scared, but we don't really have much of a choice here. We either stay here and go crazy, or we get on this train and see what's on the other side. Do you want to come with or not?"

Justin hesitated. The train slid into the station. He finally broke from his glare.

"I... okay. We can't separate, not after so long."

With this new pact to never abandon each other, Shaun and Justin stepped into the train, and just as the doors shut and the train started moving, Shaun started to wonder if this was such a good idea...