The train that never stops

Shaun sat silently in a compartment with Justin, with absolutely nothing to do. Shaun looked around the train car, but there was no one else around. How peculiar, he thought. All he had found was a textbook on economics, a paper plane, some pencils, and the school mascot outfit. Why was all this stuff here? And where was everybody? Once again, too many questions and nobody to answer. He returned to the compartment in defeat.

He sat down in front of Justin, who had found an old school newspaper. On the front page in bold, "Student goes missing" Was Shaun really just a cover story to them? He didn't know if he was more frustrated with the fact he couldn't go home, the fact that he had so many unanswered questions, or the fact that Justin was treating this whole situation so nonchalantly. "So, I was meaning to ask, how long were you in that station?" Shaun ask. Justin looked up, paused, but then answered "I kinda lost track of time, but I think maybe two weeks? At least the food was always there, I still wonder who made it..."

The train was still going, even after about 5 hours of travel. Shaun had gotten tired of seeing the same planes passing by over and over he had shut the curtains in the window and started counting the minutes. 5 hours 2 minutes and 31 seconds. Still no one, no stop, nothing. Shaun was getting restless, quite literally. It was still day time outside but the anxiousness of the journey had drained him, so he laid his head down, and didn't plan on waking up for awhile.

He woke up in the school's front area. He already knew it was a dream, and started planning on all the screwed up things he was going to do while he could. He was so bored. He looked around for something sharp, he found a stone nearby. He already knew what he wanted to do. Billy wakes out of the school all proud of how much of a dickhead he was. Shaun's smile stretched into a mad grin, he bolted for Billy and without notice, ripped open his stomach. Blood was everywhere, he always wanted to ṡ̴̢͍̮̜̩̀̏͜ḙ̶̛̫͛͜e̶̢̧͎͍̼̞̱͉̥̙̙̙͓̤͑͂̃͛̒̈̀͂͐̽̋͑͝ͅ ̴̡̡͍̟̠̤̦̱͂̾̅̿̓̊̏͘̕͜͝r̶̛̲̪̲̰͑̏͋͂̃͌e̸̤͈͔͊̽̍̂̈́̓͒̏͋̐̾͌̌̓a̶̢̰̤͙̞̳̗̝̮͖̬͜͠͠l̷̛̖̼͛̇͋̆͐̔̀͝ ̶̢̨̛̖̦̲̫͇͌̅̆̃̂̀̆̓̍̌̉͂͒͊͜b̴̨̡̨̛͉̖̬̖͎͕͍́͗̋̂̉̇͝l̵̢̡͓͍̗̥̝̲̝̗̦̟͐̀̽̏̍̆̃̈́̎̃̀͘̚͠͝o̸̡̧̬̱̠̹͆̀̿̔̊̂̈́̿͛͜o̶̙̦̮̿̈́̽̒̓̂̕d̵͕̎̍͑͛͋̎̏͘͘̕͠͝!̷̘̤̣̥̆͋̈́̏͘͝ͅ H̵̯̔È̶̳ ̷̨̀H̵͔͝Å̵̠D̸͛͜ ̸̬͑Ą̴͋L̷̼̋W̴̫̓A̷̔͜Y̸͙̿S̸̭͒ ̷͎̂W̵̩̽Á̴̠N̶͙̆T̶̮̍E̴̫͝D̵̮̚ ̶̺͝T̴̙̈́O̵̭̚ ̷̢͌R̴͖͝I̵̠͐P̶̭̋ ̷̫́Ṡ̶̨O̶͕̾M̷͇̑E̵͙͌O̴͉̐N̷͖̈́É̶̝ ̸̢͋H̶̢̾E̷̞͋ ̶̞̂H̵͇̋A̵̙̾T̸̉͜E̴̹̽D̷̩͝ ̵͕͑O̷̝̒P̶̯̏E̵̠͐N̷̘̔ ̶̲̌Ȃ̵̟N̶͈̅D̸́͜ ̵͓͌F̴̡͠I̵͛ͅN̴̼̓A̴̺̋L̸̤̍L̷̤̀Y̵͍͘ ̷̞̏D̴̳̋Ọ̶̿ ̵̤̀S̵̩̐Ö̶͉́M̵̰͆E̵͙̿T̸̮̒H̴̜͠Î̶̤N̷̘̈́G̴͓̍ ̸̬͗Ä̸̜́B̶̙̒Ỏ̵̮U̷͔̓Ţ̴̆ ̶͉̅Ṯ̸͂H̸͎͛Ḙ̵̄ ̸͔̏T̵̡͆Ò̸͈R̴̫̀M̶̭͠E̷̟̒N̷̬̓T̷̩̕ ̶̮͑H̴̢̾E̷̙̍ ̷͍̾H̶̨̽Ą̵̉D̵̥͑ ̷͙̕Ḙ̴̅X̵͎̀P̶̱͘Ĕ̵̦R̴̞̈I̸̲͋E̷̟̔N̸̠͐C̵͚̈́Ë̵̱́D̶̃͜ ̸͚̆Ḧ̶̦́Ḭ̴̐S̷͔͋ ̵̙̈́Ê̵̘N̸̲̏Ţ̸̒Ȋ̵͕R̵͙̅Ę̶̊ ̴̠̍L̸̘͝Í̶̙F̶̜́É̶͖¡‽

"Shaun! What kind of weird dream were you having? You were almost about to start screaming out your laughter!" Justin had woken him up. How lame, things were just getting fun....what was Shaun saying! Was he a lunatic! This whole experience was driving him mad. He needed to get off the train, even if he had to jump off and take his own life.