Chapter 6 - Finally a maid!

"This is the only inn in the town, me and my father work here. It also functions as a restaurant."

Having been shown around the town, though small is still tiring. So Edgar asked Anna to bring them m to a place where they could take a break.

"Hey look at that, Anna was with lord Edgar the whole day. Is the rumor true?"

The two can hear people gossiping behind them while staring at them.

"Ms. Anna, perhaps it is inappropriate for me to be so close to you. I may had caused you a lot of troubles."

"Don't mind it, I am use to it, growing up I got picked on a lot by other girls due to my looks. Gossiping is a lot better than what it use to be. Also please just call me Anna, you said it first not to be too formal."

This backstory wasn't in the demo, he can't believe that such sweet girl went through so much.

"Let's go inside, I will ask my father to cook you something good."

"That will be great."

As two enter the inn, Edgar can see more people whispering to each other.

(This is gonna be annoying. I hate people talking behind my back.)


Anna called toward the young lady behind the counter.

"Anna! You're safe! I was so worried about you when I hear that lord Edgar's men forcedly take you to his place."

"I hear that the new lord is infamous for-"

She look like she had seen a ghost after realizing that lord she was talking about was here the whole time.

"What am I infamous for? Please continue, I very much would like to know as well."


"Why stop now? Go on, I am listening."

"Edgar! Stop teasing her! Don't you see how scared she is right now."

"Haha, all right all right, I will stop. My apologies for teasing you."

He giggles and walk toward a table to sit in.

(Sigh, I wish I can do something about this shitty reputation of mine.)

The previous Edgar was really shameless so now it causing a lot trouble for the current one.

"Why do you two seem to be so close? You're calling him by name!?"

"Do we?"

"Of course, I never seen you with a boy like this before. Now there are rumors going around that you are his mistress or something! Quickly tell me what happened at the lord Edgar's house?"

Anna told Margaret the whole story about how she went and then left Edgar's place.

"What?! He actually didn't ravage you?! He only want to hire you as a maid?!"

"You don't have to be so loud! Also why I not being ravish make you sound so surprised? Is it a bad thing that I am all safe and sound here?"

"My bad, it just that my father and mother told me to stay away from the lord. It is said that he's a big pervert."

"Yes, I though I was gonna be ruined for sure but I am glad things turn out the way it is. Edgar, he is surprisingly gentlemanly. Before he also helped me when I was harassed by Hubert and his men."

"What?! Tell me, tell me!"

Edgar can see that the two girls were friends and when women start talking to each with topics that they are interested in, they can talk for hours.

"Ah, is my father here, tell him to cook up something good."


Anna went to the table where Edgar is siting.

"Sorry, did I kept you waiting long?"

"No, not at all."

"As repayment for your help this morning, this meals is on me."

"No need, for having this beauty to spend all that time with me. This is on me!"

Anna react to his words with a slight redness on her face.

"So about my offer, have you consider it?"

"You mean being your maid?"

"Yeah, as you work under me, I can guaranteed your safety. people like Hubert will think twice before harassing you."

"Hmm, certainly sound good on paper. But you won't do any thing else to me right? Any thing illicit Is big no."

"Of course not! I am a noble with a upright bringing and I will promised you that!"

"Why you look so funny when saying that?", Anna laughs and say "Then it's a deal!".

"All right, I will have Frederick pick you up tomorrow."

As the two were talking foods is quickly being sent in.

"Now this is what I called good food! Please convince your father too! I desperately need improvement regarding the menu in my place."

"I will tried my best."

While Edgar befriending and helping Anna was mainly to be on their good side with the main characters and nothing more. He unexpectedly triggered a major flag with Anna.

"This bastard! He dare to lie and trick Anna!"

Roy who was following the two begrudgingly said.