Chapter 7 - More problems just keep coming

Later that day Anna started to pack up her stuffs. She tried convincing her father but to no valid, her father seem to dislike working for the nobles.

"Anna are you sure about this? I still don't fully trust the new lord."

"I think it will be fine, he seem to be a lot better than what the rumors said he is. Also, if he really is after me, that time if he wanted he could had-"

"I am still suspicious of him, Anna, after your mom had pass away", he cut her off suddenly and in a sad tone say, "You are my only hope I had left in this world. If anything happened to you...".

Anna was moved, she had a hard life growing up but due to her father's love for her, she's more than satisfied. But still, she had promised him and it could potentially get rid of annoying pests like Hubert.

"I won't stop you if you are so insisted, but promise me that you will be vigilant. Here, take this knife and protect yourself."

He handed her a small knife, plain but easy conceivable.

Anna place the knife along with her baggage.

She doesn't know that the knife his father gave her will be used to stab someone that she never though will stab.

"Also Roy came here before and wanted to talk to you but you weren't here. It seem to be a urgent matter given how serious his face were."

"All right, I will go and see him."

Anna left her house and walk toward Roy's house. Roy was abandoned at an young age of six and the only thing his parents left him is a small house. Anna's father took pity on him so he help bring him up til he can take care of himself. Because of this, Anna and Roy has a close relationship. She only open herself up to him. At least that what Roy think it is.

(Knock Knock)

"Roy, it me Anna"

"Come in"

Anna open the door and walk in to the house. Inside of it doesn't have much furnishing but it's neat and clean.

"I hear that you agreed to work as a maid for that lord, is that true?"

"Yes, Edgar offer me quite a deal. Not only the pay is good but he also said that I will be under his protection. Hubert has been going out of hand these days so I-"

"I will protect you! I don't want you to leave me!", Roy loudly proclaim as he hold on to Anna's hands.

"Roy..." Anna can't help but wonder what going with him recently. He seem a bit weird ever since the incident at Edgar's house. But nevertheless she can see that he is worried about her and she appreciates it.

"Oh it not like I am leaving somewhere, I am just changing my workplace."

Roy also work in that inn where Anna is at, he work under Anna's father in the kitchen. He chose that place because Anna was there.

"Can you see that pervert is deceiving you? How could you listen to his flowery words?! He just like Hubert, he only lust after you and you wanted to work for him?!"

"Don't say it like that, Edgar is a lot better than you think."

"Edgar? Already calling him by name? Is it because he save you that time from Hubert that you started to think good of him? He should just mind his business! I should be the one who save you!"

Anna start showing sign of anger toward her childhood friend.

"I don't know what going on with you recently but I will say it again, I am just working for him as a maid. That's all, also you are being rude, he just wanted to help me."

Anna calmed herself down before leaving.

"I still need to take care of some stuff at home, you should take a rest, it's late.", said as she release her hand from Roy's.


A face full of hostility as he watch Anna went out the door.

"I won't let you steal her away from me, I won't..."

Next morning Frederick went to escort Anna to the mansion.

"I am surprised you actually agree to milord's offer.", said Frederick as he lead her to see Edgar.

Through the main entrance and then to the dining room where Edgar is having his breakfast.

"Ah there you are! I think I can finally look like a proper lord with a maid in my house.", Edgar exciting said while wiping his mouth.

"Have you ate yet? You can have breakfast here if you are hungry."

"Thank you, but I already had breakfast."

"Is that so, while then, Frederick will show you around here. It quite big here, so be sure to memorize where is where."

"Milord, I forgot to mention that I had some other important matters to take care of. So I am afraid it will be you who show lady Anna around."


"Ok fine, you may leave."

Frederick politely bow his head like always and walk away.

"Oh well, don't worry I will show you."

"Thank you"!