Chapter 17 - A breeze before the storm

"Anna!", Margaret immediate ran toward her best friend.

"Margaret!", similarity excited to see her friend.

The two girls hugged as if they haven't see each other in years.

"Our business has been slowing down ever since you left. The men only seem to pay attention to you only.", Margaret sighed.

"Hehe, don't be like that, you are a pretty lady as well so I am sure you will find someone worthy of you.", Anna trying to comfort her friend.

"How can I compared myself to you! You made the lord fell for you!", Margaret jealously said.

"Oh stop it, I just work under him as his maid. There's nothing between us!.", Anna's face slightly redden.

"Nothing between you two?! Is that why the only maid he recruited is you? Why couldn't he ask me too as well? Oh yeah, didn't he tried to court you before as well?!", Margaret relentlessly questions her.

In the midst of fierce attack from Margaret, Anna can only give up trying to defend herself.

(Recruiting more maids? I wish I can do that.)

Edgar sighed while listening to the girl's chattings. It not that Edgar doesn't wanted to recruit more maids, his previous bad reputation prevented him from doing so. Though now his reputation had slightly improved from before, he just doesn't realize it yet. In his mind, he still think that he is that cannon fodder villain from the game. His primary goal is not to get the bad ending.

"Damnit, how did these slanders about our lord even started? Looking at him right now, I think he is handsome and capable!", Margaret start praising Edgar like a fangirl.

After the transmigration, the current Edgar wholeheartedly resume his proper duty as the lord of this territory. Though Edgar lack experience in governing, he's still tried his best to be a good governor. Through his effort, Edgar manage to earn some respects from the town's residents. It is due to this that the Klaude's control of the town lessened. One of the reason why Yerman wanted his son to replace Edgar.

"I remember hearing people saying that when Hubert came to bother you again, the lord personally defended you from him! Is that true?", her fangirling of Edgar continues.

"Yes, that is correct", Anna laughed a bit while looking at how excited her friend is.

"Kyaaa~!", she get even more excited.

"C-calm down ok?", helplessly looking at her friend.

"That is so awesome! It's every woman's dreams that a Prince Charming will comes to their rescue!"

(Sigh, you won't be happy if you the one who got harassed by those pests everyday. Still, I also think that Edgar is very manly that time.)

Thinking back on how Edgar fought off Hubert and his men made Anna red little on her face.

On the side, Edgar also got red listening to the two girls.

(I am actually getting praised and not belittled by girls now!)

He happily though to himself.

"Ahem, ahem", Edgar coughed to remind the girls that he is still standing here next to them.

"!?!?!?!", both girls turned toward Edgar.

(Aargh, I forgot that he is with us the whole time!)

Anna quickly covered her face in embarrassment.

(Did he hear everything? Please don't tell me he hear everything that I just said!)

Margaret covered her face looking even more embarrassed than Anna.

"Milord, I though we are going to just stand here quietly listening to these two ladies praising you.", Frederick masterfully teased all three.

"While I will absolutely love to do so, the day is almost over and my stomach is growling."

Anna hearing this immediately tell Margaret to prepare foods and rooms for them as they will be staying here tonight.

"I will go tell the kitchen to prepare the foods but we only have two rooms left."


"This meant at least two of us have to spent the night together!"

The though appeared in both Edgar's and Anna's head.

"I will take one room for myself, I doubt you youngsters will like to spent the night with a old bone like me.", Frederick suddenly responded.

"Oh ok", Margaret gave the key to one of the room to Frederick.

"Please do come and call me when the food is ready.", he exited the scene in his usual way.

"Well, I guess you two have to settle with this for now.", Margaret in a smug voice said.


Both Edgar and Anna just stand there.


Edgar though to himself.