Chapter 18 - Romance that blossoms under the moonlight

After finish eating, Edgar went to his room.

"Phew, I am full!", he put his hand on the stomach while siting on the bed.

"Anna's dad sure know how to cook, it a shame that I couldn't hired him as my cook. I will love to eat his cooking everyday."

As he is thinking about his cooking, he recall the warning that Anna's father said to him before the dinner.

"You're the customer currently so I can't do much against it, however if you tried anything funny toward my daughter I will end you! Don't think any funny thoughts about my daughter!"

"Hmph, if I was the previous Edgar, there are more than enough opportunities to go after Anna.", he said it as he lie down on the bed

Door opened, Anna, who was talking with her father after finishing eating walk in.

"What did your father say? Be careful of this lord right here?", Edgar jokingly asked lying in the bed.

"Something like that too, but it mostly just about that Roy hasn't been coming to work these past three days. He wanted me when I have time to go check on him."

"Why can't your father just go to see him himself?"

"It just that ever since ever my father brought him into our house after his parents abandoned him, we became quite close to each other. He really listen to me, we are like a big sister and a small brother."

"Like a big sister and a small brother? I think someone doesn't think it like that."

"I don't see him in that way."

(I am deviating from the main plot further and further. Anna admitting her love for Roy was a major plot device. My knowledge of the story doesn't go behind the town of Asberg. Originally after Roy kill Edgar, my father will be in a rage, he will then sent his men down to go after Roy. This will set the Empire as the main antagonistic fraction. Roy will then escape to another country with Anna. This is when the demo ended...)

Edgar quietly thoughts to himself about whether all the plot altering actions he been doing is actually good. His main goal is to survive that bad end but he did more then just surviving through the beginning. Now that the plot got completely altered , it suddenly gave him uncertainty about the future. After all, the game's synopsis did say Roy will go on to solve a major crisis in this world.

"Why suddenly so quiet?", Anna sit beside Edgar she asked.

"I bet that childhood friend of yours think that I stole you from him, in his eye I am quite a villain aren't I?", closing his eye and smile.

Edgar does felt a little bad for the protagonist, but he will go on to meet others beautiful heroines so Edgar doesn't feel that bad. However what Edgar doesn't know is that in the future, his actions will similarity changed those heroine's fates like Anna's did.

"Hmph! While he does treat me very nice and all, but that doesn't oblige me to love him back in return! I will only commit myself to the one I love.", Anna answered back with a serious voice.

"Oh, do you have such person right now?", Edgar get a little curious.

Anna take a small breath.


"Can you tell me who?", suddenly Edgar felt a little uneasiness in his heart.

(Why do I suddenly care? Why does it matter to me? What is wrong with me today?)

He nervously thought to himself.

Anna walk toward the window, she opens it and look out at the beautiful night.

"Do you really wanted to know?", she then turns back toward Edgar with a smile.

Edgar stare at her figure in awe, her smile under the gaze of the moonlight completely stunned him. Anna, who is already a beautiful girl somehow becomes even more gorgeous than before.

(So beautiful, never had I seem a girl more beautiful here or back on Earth.)

The two just silently looks at each other.

A moment of silence until Anna said something that shock him.

"The one that I loves is... you Edgar.", in her softest voice.

"Ah...", Edgar is rendered completely speechless with this revelation.

"Oh come on, this takes a lot for me to say it out! Is this how you responded to a girl's confession?"

Anna is a little mad over his slow reaction.

"I... I think I had fallen in love with you too", finally mustered the courage to say it.

"Hehe", Anna smiled now with redness all over her face.

She walk toward Edgar who is siting on the bed and lean herself on his chest.

"Thank you!", she said it with her most affection given to any man.

Edgar response by putting his arms around her, embracing her tight.

Moment later, the two lovers shared a passion kiss before putting themselves to rest after a tiring day.