Chapter 32 - I will make you talk

Carefully laying the woman in a spare room, Edgar immediately calls for Anna to comes.

"Mother!" Eliza anxiously called toward her. "Eliza?" she slowly reaches her hand toward Eliza's face and feels her warmth. "I am here" Eliza held her mother's hand with both of hers close to the face. ", you will be all right soon with Miss Anna here to heal you.".

Anna quickly arrived inside the room and saw the sickly woman on the bed. With a single glare, she can see that this woman's sickness wasn't due to any illnesses or diseases, it's manmade.

"Edgar, I can feel traces of poison inside her." Saint's healing ability is second to none, therefore, Edgar is confident with her judgment. "I knew it!" a face of disgusts soon display on his face. To manipulate her, Yerman even involved poisoning his own wife! Truly a despicable beast unworthy of being called a human.

"Can you heal her?" he asked Anna. "Easy than cooking a breakfast!" with a wave of her hand, a large magic circle of pure light descends down to Eliza's mother's body. It slowly dissipates into tiny light particles that fuse with her.

"This is magic?" Eliza stares at Anna in awe. It is truly a spectacular sight! "Wow! I wish I can learn magic too!" Eliza said in responding to the scene. "Don't worry, I will have Anna teaches you!" he can sense the excitement in her. He will have Anna do so anyway so might as well use this opportunity to get Eliza interested in learning magic. "Really!? Thank you, milord!".

When the light slowly faded, Eliza who still holding on to her mother's hand can slowly felt the warmth returning back to her. The skin is no longer as pale as before and the pains shown in her face are gone.

"Let your mother have a good rest" seeing everything is fine now, Edgar too wanted to sleep as well. He still needs to deal with Urlan and Yerman tomorrow. "Edgar is correct, Eliza let your mother have a rest and you too" Anna went and hold Eliza up who is beside her mother. ", today you been up all day waiting for her." seeing the sun is already set in the sky. "Okay..." she wanted to spend more time with her but it is better for her now to get some well-deserved rest.

Outside the room, Edgar and Frederick were chatting as they walk toward Edgar's room. "I have no doubts that there are more mining operations like this throughout the empire, if we can get Urlan to confess everything, this will be a heavy blow to Logan." Edgar is already thinking about his next move. "Duke Logan will be an even tougher opponent, even your father has to be careful around him" Frederick warned. Logan is definitely the mastermind behind mithril trafficking here, no way an earl dare to do something like this unless someone big is backing them. (Why does Logan needs all this money for? Is he planning to revolt?) Edgar sighed; too many questions and too little answers. There's also the problem of Roy coming back for more troubles.

"Tomorrow I will be interrogating Urlan, as for you, I want you to confiscate all of Yerman's properties." they stopped at the door of Edgar's room. With a"Yes" and a bow, Frederick left.

Edgar went inside his room and lie down on his bed.

Next day inside the local garrison barrack.

"Urlan! Lord Edgar is here to see you." a guard informs him and brings him out of the cell. The guard brought him to Early Jakob's office and left.

"Hello there earl Urlan, did you enjoyed the night here?" Edgar took the opportunity to speak first. But Urlan remains quiet and refuses to open his mouth. Getting impatient with him, Jakob walks over and gives him a kick to the stomach. "Are you retarded or mute!? Young master Valvford is asking you questions!" he gives another kick to Urlan who is on the ground.

"Earl Jakob, we are nobles, we should settle problems in a civilized way, not through violence." he stopped Jakob. "Yes, yes! What young master Valvford said is correct!" the bootlicking is on full display after Earl Jakob joined the prime minister's camp.

Seeing Jakob like that made Urlan opened up his mouth "Pathetic". Just when Jakob about to give him another kick and this time aimed toward his face, Edgar again stopped him.

"You can make it easier for yourself if you cooperate" Edgar walks over in front of Urlan.", tell me everything you know and I can ask my father to go lenient on you.".


(Tsk, why is he being so stubborn all of sudden?)

"Look, even my patience has its limit. I can already guess that it's Duke Logan the one behind this. If you don't want to tell me, I can just bring you to his imperial majesty himself" Edgar bend down and look at Urlan with a cold eye. ", he will strip you all of your nobility and demote you into a peasant. You will once again return to that kind of life as a lowly, worthless, worm that crawls around the street struggles to survive."

Instantly Urlan's eyes light up in response to Edgar's words. Edgar found out that Urlan has an appalling obsession with nobility given his origin of birth. Urban crawls to Edgar's feet and clings to it. "No! Please don't strip my nobility! I worked my whole life for this! Please don't take it away from me!"


Edgar smiled, "Now will you talk?". Grinding his teeth, "I will...".