Chapter 33 - Good and bad parents

With Urlan willing to talk, some of the questions might finally be answered.

"First, as a duke of the Thurrsian Empire, the wealthiest nation on the continent of Orphea. His wealth should be well beyond that of anyone's, what does he attempt to accomplish by accumulating all this extra wealth?" so far this is one of the most puzzling parts to Edgar. He doesn't understand why he needed all this wealth.

"I don't know either, he only tells me that the Alliance Kingdom and the Republic of Loland are some of his most important partners. I am ordered to satisfied their demands even if we were to take a loss."

Hearing this Edgar got even more confused, this purely to benefit the two nations without any profits in return. "If it not for profit than what reason?". Urlan can only shake his head in response.

"Next one, there's should be more locations illegally trafficking mithrils like here. Tell me where are they located." Again Urlan shakes his head. "There are indeed more places trafficking mithril but they are kept secretive even from us."

(Fuck! This one barely knows anything!)

"Just tell me everything that you know." Edgar gave up on questioning and just go straight to the point. "I really don't know that much, but I remember Duke Logan talking about revenge once.". Hearing this, Edgar tried to think back on any possible conflicts between his father and Logan. (I only played the demo! Any story events and plots beyond Asberg is unknown to me!), if Edgar knew that he will transport to that game's worlds one day, he will be definitely spoiled himself all the important informations.

Edgar sighed, this interrogation isn't all that useful. "Last question, will you be willing to testify against Duke Logan in front of his majesty in the capital?". Hearing this Urlan immediately decline, "No! I won't go! I rather die than to lose my honor and dignity!". Edgar's face turned ugly, "Hmph! That decision isn't decided by you! Earl Jakob, lock him up and have people watch him closely so he won't dare to tries anything funny! Tomorrow, sent some of your men to escort him back to the capital for further trial!"

Urlan is devastated after listening to what Edgar will do to him. "You liar! You said if I told you everything, you wouldn't sent me to his majesty!". Edgar gives a evil smile, "Sorry, my non-exist credibility is well known throughout the capital. Your fault for not knowing this beforehand."

Urlan charged toward Edgar even with both of his hand chained. Edgar casually sidestepped it and return a kick of his own, causing Urlan to fall on to the ground. Edgar proceeds to step on Urlan's head. "Listen carefully, you piece of trash, even if I forgive you all the parents, husbands, and lovers of the numerous girls you ruined won't!". Urlan struggled to get himself free but Edgar applied even more forces on his feet.

"Remember, this is your own undoing!", Edgar sent a kick straight into Urlan's stomach. That kick completely Knocked him out. "Guards bring him back to his cell!", Jakob recited Edgar's words, "'we should settle problems in a civilized way' my ass...", softly to himself. He kicked Urlan too, but there wasn't that much force behind it. However, Edgar is several times more vicious than him. Soon two guards dragged Urlan's unconscious body outside.

"Is there anything else?" Jakob asked Edgar. "That's about it." he came all the way here and only to waste time, "Where is Yerman?" he suddenly remembered about him. "That accomplice of Urlan? He's currently being held in another cell.", Edgar asked to see to him and Jakob had a guard to bring him there.

Arrived at a separate prison area from before, less guarded than where Urlan is kept. A man can be seen sitting on a bed inside a cell.

"Yerman" Edgar called toward him.


No response.

"I already found out that you poisoned your own wife to trick Eliza. You absolute trash of human being.", this is the first time Edgar even felt this much disgust toward someone. Not even back on Earth.

"Trick? I think you taking Eliza in is because of her potential in magic right?" he finally spoke.

"so you knew."

"From an early age, I already knew. If she is taught well, she can become a great mage.", Edgar can hear some regrets in his voice. "Than why!? Why would you destroy her future like that!?" Edgar got emotional. "Parents are meant to protect their children! But you chose to sacrifice her to satisfy your own greed!", compared to his parents on Earth, this man is absolutely unworthy of being called a father.

"Earl Urlan desired an offspring with a strong attribute in magic to cement his nobility. He was always ashamed of his past. When he died, Eliza's child can inherit his title and us, the Klaude, can finally ascend up the ladder!"

"But too bad I ruined it for you.", Yerman is too obsessed with nobility like Urlan. Edgar will give up anything to protect his family, what is power and status if you obtain it with the expense of your family?

"Have Earl Jakob brings him along with Urlan to the capital."

"Yes!" said one of the guards watching over Yerman.