
In a field of Flowers full of Life, The flowers swayed in the wind giving a very peaceful and beautiful feel. Suddenly all flowers stopped swaying as if time stopped.

A black hole appeared above the flower field and one, an 18-year-old man wearing a large white robe emerged from the black hole.

He had black hair like night and black eyes like two gems. the pale white skin on his back had twelve giant black wings, as if it were darkness itself.

Lucifer closed his eyes and began to analyze the information his father Genesis left in his mind. After a while Lucifer opened his eyes and understood where he was.

[Harry Potter]

His father Genesis chose this low-level world for him to raise His Sister calmly and healthily. He also slightly altered reality, creating a good track record.


His Name is Lucifer Morningstar, the only male descendant of the old Morningstar family with more than two thousand years of history. His parents have passed away by age, leaving Lucifer and his sister alone in this world.

"Not bad" Lucifer nodded with satisfaction and started walking toward the mountain behind the flower field.

Lucifer didn't want to use his powers now, he still doesn't have enough control to go against the laws of the universe.

It didn't take long to see a giant castle on top of the mountain that emanated an Aura full of oppression and majesty. On the mountain was a staircase made of ivory that circled every mountain and climbed toward the castle.

Seeing the giant stairway, Lucifer felt helpless and he was definitely not going to climb this damn stairway. Suddenly Lucifer remembered that he was an angel and had wings.

Lucifer sighed at his idiocy and spread his twelve wings and flew toward the castle on top of the mountain.

As Lucifer landed in front of the Castle, an Elf dressed as Butler suddenly appeared in front of him and bowed respectfully.

"Master, welcome home." the Elf spoke and bowed his head to the ground and did not dare raise his head.

"Alright, you can get up from now on your name and Nox." After speaking Lucifer did not look at Nox and walked towards the castle.

A week later

In the castle, Lucifer was staring at the golden egg with a happy, cheerful smile. The golden egg was full of cracks and at any moment her sister could be born.

Suddenly the egg began to glow with a golden light and a small white hand pierced the egg hard, causing every egg to break to pieces and spread throughout the room.

After the golden light faded, a cute 6-year-old girl was looking at Lucifer with curiosity and affection.

The girl had beautiful golden hair as if each strand were made of gold, her eyes were purple like two amethyst, her pale white skin gave a feeling if touching would break. The whole girl looked like a perfect fluffy little doll.

"Brother" The girl said giving a bright smile that made Lucifer laugh with happiness at him, ran and hugged the girl with a gentle smile on his face.

"Hello, little princess, do you have a name?" Looking at the girl in his arms, Lucifer asked fondly as he smoothed her beautiful golden hair.

"No," the girl said with a bright smile on her face.

"How about Isabel?" Lucifer asked with a smile.

Hearing her name, she thought for a moment and nodded her agreement.

"So it will be, Isabel Morningstar." Lucifer spoke softly as he smoothed Isabel's hair.

Seeing Isabel naked, Lucifer created A White Princess Dress and dressed Isabel carefully and then called Nox.


Nox appeared in the room and bowed to Lucifer and spoke respectfully.

"Master, your humble slave has arrived." Nox spoke with all due respect to Lucifer.

"Prepare a room for my sister Isabel." Lucifer spoke nonchalantly to Nox who was crouching on the floor.

"Yes, Master" After talking Nox disappeared and left Lucifer and Isabel alone in the room.