A Bloody Night

Castle of Eternal Night [1980]

After Isabel was born she was curious about everything, so Lucifer brought her to the Castle Garden at night for him to show the stars to her.

"Brother, look at a shooting star." Suddenly Isabel grabbed Lucifer's arm and pointed to a shooting star that quickly disappeared into the sky.

"Did you make a wish?" Lucifer asked as he ruffled Isabel's hair with his hand.

"Yes, I wished to be with my brother forever." Isabel spoke showing a beautiful and pure smile to Lucifer.

Listening to Isabel, Lucifer was stunned for a moment and showed a beautiful smile that made any woman fall in love with him on the spot.

"Yes, let's be together forever, my little angel." Lucifer spoke as he took Isabel in his arms.

As she hugged Lucifer, Isabel suddenly yawned and her eyes went drowsy.

"Looks like my little angel got sleepy." Lucifer spoke when he saw Isabel's sleepy face and began to walk to Isabel's room.

Arriving at the Bedroom, Lucifer saw a pink bedroom filled with stuffed animals. In the middle of the room a large bed with white sheets.

Lucifer walked to the bed and laid Isabel on the bed and covered her with the white sheet.

Looking at Isabel's peaceful face asleep, Lucifer gave a soft kiss on her forehead and quietly left the room.

After putting Isabel to sleep, Lucifer went straight to the balcony of his room.

Looking up at the starry sky, Lucifer's eyes went cold as Ice. As he walked with Isabel he felt dozens of people invading his family's territory.

"Since you arrived, you don't have to go back but." Lucifer spoke softly and disappeared where he was.

In this passing semester Lucifer never stopped training, he already controlled some laws, of course not completely.

Lucifer appeared directly in the middle of the group causing a bit of a mess but everyone soon calmed down and looked at bloodthirsty Lucifer.

"Child, we hear your family has a way of raising the dead, so give it up soon, if we don't kill your whole family." A man stepped forward and spoke coldly in his hoarse voice.

Hearing the words of this insect, Lucifer's eyes went so cold that they would freeze someone's soul.

"You want to resurrect the Dark Lord's Trash that died for a Baby." Lucifer spoke coldly and did not hide the contempt in his eyes.

"How dare you blaspheme against the master." a woman screamed with such anger that her eyes were glowing a green tone.

"Bellatrix Lestrange, your master is just a Hypocrite who talks about pure blood supremacy while your own father and a Muggle." Lucifer speaks with contempt as he looks at Bellatrix with a cold smile on his face.

"Imperio" listening to Lucifer, Bellatrix's face was distorted with such anger and throws one of three unforgivable curses.

A red light comes from the tip of Bellatrix's wand and flies towards Lucifer.

Before the red light hit Lucifer, it was blocked by a transparent barrier made of the pure Space element.

When all the merchants of death saw this they were shocked but soon recovered and then sent Dozens of unforgivable curses to Lucifer, which he blocked once again with the space barrier.

After blocking all the unforgivable curses, Lucifer looked at the Death Trade with a cold smile and spoke.

"They broke up, bunch of filthy bugs." Lucifer spoke as if staring at a flock of insects.

"Impossible, how can you block an unforgivable curse." Bellatrix spoke with a shocked face as she squeezed her wand harder.

"Bugs, I decide I won't kill you all, I will just torture you all." Lucifer spoke with a harmless smile.

When the commercials of death heard Lucifer, their faces changed and they tried to escape but soon found that their bodies were not moving.

"Don't worry, you will just feel a lot of pain." Lucifer spoke with a gentle smile to the Death Commercials who were pale with fear and despair.

One hour later

Dozens of bloody bodies lay on the cold unconscious ground.

Lucifer looked at his masterpiece with a satisfied smile on his face and teleported to the castle of Eternal Night for a good night's sleep.