I will always Protect you

Castle of Eternal Night

In the morning Lucifer was eating his breakfast when suddenly a little girl throws himself into his arms.

"Good morning, my little angel" Lucifer said as he hugged Isabel, who showed a very lively smile on her face.

"Brother, I dreamed you beat the bad guys so fast." Isabel says, baring her tigress teeth while displaying her small clenched fist at Lucifer.

Listening to Isabel, Lucifer was a little stunned and then showed her a kind smile.

"First, go eat your breakfast, talk to you later." Lucifer says as he looks at Isabel with a kind smile.

Isabel listening to her brother, nodded and sat down in her chair as she devoured the bread and butter in a hurry.

Looking at Isabel who was eating in a hurry, Lucifer chuckled and started to eat too.

After Breakfast, Lucifer had Nox bring the newspaper for him to read, and a minute later Nox brought a newspaper and handed it to Lucifer.

Glancing at the newspaper Lucifer frowned and read the contents of the article.

"Dozens of Death Traders were found passed out and covered in blood, they were found near the castle of the former Morningstar Family. Yes, you have read well my dear readers, the Oldest Family in the Wizarding World with over two thousand years of history. The Morningstar family is said to be descended from Hell's own lord Lucifer the fallen angel.

There are numerous rumors circulating about this ancient family, rumors say The Morningstar family has the method of reviving the dead. Maybe that's why the Death Commercials went to the Morningstar family castle to revive you know who. "


"But instead of reliving you know who, they were brutally tortured until they couldn't remember their own name. The new Morningstar family patriarch, Lucifer Morningstar hasn't revealed anything yet."

                        Rita Skeeter.


Lucifer looked at all this indifferently as he tapped a finger on the arm of the chair.

"Rita Skeeter A very intelligent woman, but being an intelligent woman is not always good, you might die too soon." Lucifer whispered as he smiled coldly.

Although in the article it does not reveal whether it is true or false, the rumor that the Morningstar family may raise the dead. But that does not change the Fact that the Death Traders came to the Castle for the method of Resurrection of the Dead. This already proves that it has a chance to be true.

So this Article can still cause many problems for the Morningstar family, since no mortal creature can refuse the greed to be Immortal.

While Lucifer was thinking of how to punish Rita Skeeter, A sweet voice took Lucifer out of dangerous thoughts.

"Look Brother, how cute." Isabel ran to Lucifer holding a round pink jelly, the pink jelly had two green eyes and once in a while blinked.

"Slime?" says Lucifer after seeing the pink jelly in Isabel's hand.

"Brother, can I stay with him?" Isabel asked as she looked straight into Lucifer's eyes.

Seeing Isabel's eyes full of hope, Lucifer could not refuse and allowed her to create Slime.

"It seems that Isabel's Powers are already showing signs of early Awakening." Lucifer thought as he looked at Isabel playing with the pink Slime.

As daughter of Genesis the God of creation, Elizabeth was born as a Goddess but her divinity has not yet awakened. It will take a few hundred years for her to fully awaken her divinity.

"You will call yourself Visha." Isabel spoke aloud while showing a full smile for happiness.

"Don't worry, I'll always protect you." Lucifer spoke in a low voice and went to play with Isabel