
Castle of Eternal Night, [1991]

In the morning

"Isabel, are you excited to go to Hogwats?" Lucifer asked Isabel as she buttered the bread.

"Yes a lot." Isabel forced a smile but could still see she was sad.

Hearing the sad tone in Isabel's voice, Lucifer frowned and looked at Isabel with concern.

"What is it, my little angel, is not feeling well." Lucifer walked over to Isabel's chair and asked worriedly.

Listening to Lucifer, Isabel held Visha the pink Slime, hard and tears began to fall from her beautiful amethyst eyes.

"Don't cry, my little angel, can you say what?" watching Isabel cry, Lucifer panicked and held Isabel in her arms as she smoothed her beautiful golden hair.

Feeling the warmth of her brother's embrace, Isabel buried her head in his arms and wept even more.

After a while crying, Isabel calmed down a little and raised her head in shame.

"What is it, my little angel, why you cry." Lucifer asks worriedly as he wipes the tears from Isabel's face.

"Brother Luci, I don't want to go to school, I can stay home." Isabel speaks tremendously as she clings to Lucifer's white cloak.

"Of course you can stay home, I'll never force you to, my little angel, but tell me why you don't want to go to Hogwarts." Lucifer hugs Isabel but stronger, and asks with all the kindness of the world.

"Don't go laugh, Brother Luci." Isabel looks at Lucifer with her eyes almost crying.

"Of course I won't laugh at my little angel." Lucifer speaks as he straightens Isabel's hair.

"I don't want to go to Hogwarts because I don't want to separate from Brother Luci." Isabel spoke with such shame that she buried her head in Lucifer's arms.

Lucifer listening to his sister, suddenly he gives a laugh full of warmth and happiness.

"Brother you laughed." Isabel spoke in a voice that seemed to cry any moment.

"It was a happy laugh, my little angel." Lucifer spoke softly as he kissed her forehead fondly.

"My little angel, no need to worry, I already spoke to Albus Dumbledore, for seven years I will protect Hogwarts as Guardian." Lucifer spoke with a warm smile to Isabel who was overjoyed with the news.

"True brother, you don't lie," Isabel said with her eyes shining with happiness.

"I swear on Genesis." Lucifer said giving a happy laugh to Isabel who hugged Lucifer by the neck.

"Eat up, I have to give you your special wand, my little angel." Lucifer said as he patted Isabel's.

Listening to Lucifer, Isabel ran to the table and quickly began to eat all the food from the table.

Seeing Isabel eat the food quickly, Lucifer gives a sigh of relief. Over the years, Isabel's temperament has changed greatly. She became much gentler and gentler, as if it were the reincarnation of her own life. every person who knew Isabel would feel very comfortable around her as if she were a passive aura that worked all the time.

Checking this aura Lucifer discovered the divinity of Elizabeth. Like her father Genesis the god of creation, Elizabeth was born a goddess of life and beauty. Although Isabel was a Goddess she had not yet awakened her divinity so she only has a stronger body than a normal person.


With that happening, Lucifer would never leave Isabel alone at Hogwarts so he negotiated (showed his strength) with Dumbledore and became Hogwarts Guardian for seven years.

After Isabel finished eating, Lucifer brought her to the couch and handed her a beautiful black box decorated with gold.

Holding the box Isabeç gave Lucifer a beautiful sweet smile and opened it showing a beautiful black ring with a purple gem in the middle.

"The body of the ring was made by one of my feathers and the gem and a drop of the fountain of youth" Lucifer spoke in a kind voice to Isabel.

(Author's note: I never liked the wands in Harry Potter, so I made an equal ring in the movie [The Sorcerer's Apprentice])

Eleven years in this world Lucifer has never stopped training, he already controls most of the Laws of the universe. Using the law of space and time he went to another world just to take a drop from the fountain of youth, to make a beautiful gem for the ring.

"It's beautiful, Brother Luci, I loved it." Isabel spoke giving a beautiful sweet smile and full of happiness.

(Author's note: Isabel's body is already Eleven years old for anyone who wants to know.)