
On the way to Hogwarts

In the compartment, Lucifer, Isabel, Hermione and Neville were eating while talking to each other.

Isabel, Hermione and Neville They became friends then, the three had much to talk about.

Lucifer just stood by, sipping his coffee cup as he looked at the three children chatting happily.

"It seems like a good idea to take Isabel to Hogwarts." Lucifer thought as he looked at Isabel's happy smile.

Time passed quickly and the Red Locomotive stopped at 11 am at Hogsmeade Station.

After the girls changed clothes to school uniforms, Neville entered the compartment and also changed clothes.

Leaving the locomotive, Lucifer looked at Isabel and spoke in a gentle tone.

"Isabel, from now on you go with Hermione and Neville, I have to find Director Dumbledore." Says Lucifer as he puts his hand on Isabel's head.

Though nervous about being without her brother, Isabel nodded in agreement. Suddenly Isabel does not know where she found courage she rose to her toes and kissed Lucifer's Cheeks and fled in a hurry.

Feeling the soft, wet touch on his cheek Lucifer made a silly smile on his face and turned to hurry out and quickly disappeared into the mist.

Seeing Lucifer disappear, Isabel gives a sigh of relief and looks at her new friends with a happy smile on her face.

"All first graders, please get on the boat, can only up to four people." Suddenly one man's voice was heard by all of them, and first graders headed toward the lake to find a boat and sit in groups of four.

The rest of the students sat in a testral-driven carriage and headed toward Hogwarts.

Half-giant Rugby Hagrid walked over to a Boat and sat down. When Hagrid sat on the boat, the boat almost sank under his weight.

Isabel, Hermione, Neville, and another unknown student sat on the boat and the Boat began to move alone toward a castle on top of the cliff.

It didn't take long to arrive in front of a large wooden door. Higrid got out of the boat and rang the door with the old doorbell made of pure iron.

"Prof.Gonagall, first graders." When Higrid rang the door he also shouted loudly.

After Higrid's voice faded, the wooden door opened and a Lady in a blue witch's cloak appeared.

"You can go Higrid, I take care of the children." Prof.Gonagall spoke harshly and turned to the students.

"Come with me." After speaking she turned and started walking slowly towards the castle. The first year students silently followed prof.Gonagall.

[Author's Note: Pesssoal I don't want to curl up, so I'll skip until when first graders enter the cafeteria.]

[Ps: Those readers who like a lot of detail, I'm sorry I'm doing this chapter at 11 pm and I'm sleepy so, I won't roll up. ;)]

In front of the Cafeteria door, all the students were full of expectations as they stared at the door with an excited look.

"Isabel, which house do you think you are going to?" Hermione asked very excitedly.

"My brother said I was supposed to join Slytherin." Isabel speaks with a sweet smile on her face.

Listening to Isabel, Hermione frowned but then showed a smile on her face.

"And you Neville?" Hermione asked Neville that he was very nervous.

"Gryffindor, if I don't go to Gryffindor my grandma will surely kill me." Neville spoke with a fearful face when he thought of his angry grandmother.

As Hermione was about to speak, the cafeteria door opened and showed a beautiful Hall with a ceiling with shining stars and four long tables.