
Hogwarts, Refectory

First graders entered the Refectory and saw four large tables, and the Teachers sat atop the Stairs.

All refectory was beautifully decorated in a golden tone on the walls giving a feeling of elegance and luxury.

When Harry walked in, Snape didn't stop looking at him for a second.

When Isabel entered the cafeteria she soon saw Lucifer sitting next to Dumbledore talking about something.

Seeing Isabel, Lucifer only smiled at Isabel and continued talking to Dumbledore.

"Minerva, please." Dumbledore spoke to Prof. Gonagall beside him.

Prof. Gonagall nodded and walked holding an old hat up to a wooden chair in front of the teachers.

Placing the hat on a small table by the chair, Prof. Gonagall took a scroll and spoke aloud.

"All those who are called, please sit in the chair." Prof. Gonagall spoke to all first graders.

All Called students went to their respective homes as the Original.

"Harry Potter" Prof. Gonagall said looking at Harry with a rare smile.

When the name of Harry Potter was heard. Everyone in the room began to whisper excitedly and looked at Harry as if he was a Hero who saved the World.

Harry walked slowly to the chair and sat a little embarrassed. Prof. Gonagall Put the Hat on Harry's head, and it didn't take long to reach the conclusion.

"GRYFFINDOR" the hat spoke loudly, causing a series of cheers and shout on the Gryffindor table.

Harry smiled excitedly and put his hat on the next table and ran to Da Gryffindor.

"Isabel Morningstar" Prof. Gonagall's voice stunned them all and turned to see a beautiful girl with golden hair, and Black Eyes sitting on the chair with a shy look on her face.

All the Gryffindor boys were enchanted by Isabel's beauty and began to whistle loudly and scream causing Isabel to scare over the chair.

The girls just looked at the boys with disgust and disgust and walked away from them.

When the boys were trying to get Isabel's attention, Suddenly, they felt a terrifying aura falling over them and went pale with fear.

Lucifer stared at Gryffindor's eyes with eyes so cold that Dumbledore beside him shivered with fear.

Dumbledore felt a strong thirst for Blood in those black eyes of Lucifer.

"Mr. Morningstar, please don't take them too seriously after all, they're still kids." Dumbledore spoke with a calm face and a gentle smile on his face.

Lucifer only gave Dumbledore a look of contempt and removed his Bloodlust.

One of the reasons that Lucifer does not want Isabel to go to Gryffindor is why these damn lions do not pension anything and act recklessly. While the Gryffindor students were making all this noise. The other students in three houses were silent looking at Gryffindor with contempt.

You're kidding, trying to do something with the princess of the magical world and basically suicide, the Cruelty of Lucifer is already known to everyone. And try to do something with the precious person of him and seek death in person.

Seeing Lucifer withdrawing his thirst for Blood, Dumbledore sighed with relief and told Prof. Gonagall to continue.

Putting the hat on Isabel's head, the hat in less than a second said the result.


When all the Slytherin students heard them, they immediately clapped and smiled kindly at Isabel.

After all, Isabel and considers the princess of darkness, they dare not disrespect Isabel, otherwise the consequences will be worse than death.

The 28 Noble Houses of Europe, in secret, already regard Lucifer as the new Dark Lord. After all, the strength that Lucifer showed eleven years ago was no worse than Voldemort. And unlike Voldemort's crazy and psycho, Lucifer is much better than him, since he doesn't kill for anything like Voldemort.


Isabel walked over to the Slytherin table and sat next to a beautiful girl with blond hair, and blue eyes.

"Isabel Morningstar" Isabel introduced herself by extending her hand as she made a sweet smile on her face.

"Daphne Greengrass" Daphne shakes Isabel's hand and introduces herself.

After all the students have finished eating. House leaders took the new students at their respective homes.

[Author's Note: My God, this was the worst chapter to write, I wrote and researched all of this in over 3H, I'm dead tired.]

(Ps: next chapter at night.)

(Ps: I'm using A Grammar app to let me know if it's gotten better or worse.)