Confused Heart

The night at Hogwarts

Lucifer was sitting in a chair on the porch while sipping a glass of wine.

"It seems that Dumbledore contacted angels." Lucifer thought as he looked at the moon with an amused smile.

When Lucifer first met Dumbledore, he felt a sacred atmosphere within Dumbledore's body.

This only happens for two reasons, One dumbledore and one saint, Two. He made a contract with an angel.

Lucifer is sure that Dumbledore is not a saint, so only has the second option, he contacted angels and made a deal with them.

Angels are extremely selfish and hypocritical creatures, on the surface they are kind and full of justice but inside they are full of darkness and evil. And they don't like the race called humans.

"An angel will not usually come into contact with a human unless the archangels send." Lucifer whispered as he looked at his reflection in his wineglass.

"Then I must suppose, voldemort came into contact with Demons." Lucifer thought as he smiled with interest.

"Lucifer, you don't come to bed."

"Yes, Lucifer we are cold."

Suddenly in Lucifer's room, two voices sounded full of temptation and lust.

Hearing the two voices, Lucifer turned to see two seventh graders, naked on the bed.

"Already, I'm going girls." Lucifer spoke as he stood and walked to the bed with a smile on his face.

"The world is getting more and more excited." Lucifer thought as he looked at the two girls with a bad smile.

The next day

Isabel woke up feeling a little restless, but soon showed a beautiful smile on her face.

As she saw it, a pink jelly sleeping on her bed, each time the pink jelly breathed in, a small bubble formed and then popped.

(Author: Don't Ask, Why One

Slime breathes.)

"Good morning, Visha." Isabel spoke giving Visha a hug and quickly went to get ready for her First Day at Hogwarts.

After half an hour, Isabel was ready and left the room with a smile on her face.

Arriving at Slytherin's salon, Isabel saw Daphne sitting on the couch while reading a Book on Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Good morning, Daphne." Isabel spoke as she sat next to Daphne.

"Good morning Isabel." Daphne raised her head and greeted Isabel, but soon she continued reading the book.

"What are you reading?" Isabel asked Daphne with interest.

"I heard from my father that our teacher

Defense Against the Dark Arts is pointless, so I'm studying myself. "Daphne told Isabel as she turned the page of the book carefully, but soon she was interrupted once more by Isabel.

"Come on, Daphne, we have our first defense class against the dark arts." Isabel spoke excitedly as she pulled Daphne's arm.

Daphene being pulled by Isabel, showed a helpless smile and let herself be pulled.

When Isabel and Daphne arrived in the classroom, they smelled a strong odor and garlic and looked at the source of the garlic smell at the same time.

It was his defense teacher against the Dark Arts, Quirinus Quirrel. The most remarkable thing to see about Quirinus Quirrel and his purple turban on his head that made him look very funny.

After all the students arrived, Prof. Quuirrel began his class. Although it can not be called class, since he only kept talking about his adventures in Africa.

After class was over, Daphne took Isabel straight to the library for them to study. But they stopped midway because Isabel saw Lucifer talking to two older girls.

"Come on, Isabel the library has time to close." Daphne didn't wait for Isabel to answer and pulled her into the library.


Daphne was studying while Isabel was distracted thinking that Lucifer was different.

"Isabel, what's it, you're distracted since we reached the library." Daphne asked Isabel.

"I was just thinking about my brother, he smiled differently at the two girls." Isabel unknowingly spoke with a little jealousy in her voice.

"Probably your brother slept with they." Daphne spoke a little embarrassed, while her cheeks turned red.

Isabel was stunned to hear Daphne, her brother who had always loved and cared for her, was now in the arms of other women. It left her little heart, full of emotions that she didn't understand.