A Conversation at Night

Lucifer's Room, Hogwarts

At night

Lucifer was having dinner with Isabel. When Suddenly Isabel asked a very shocking Question to Him.

"Brother, did you sleep with those older girls?" Isabel asked with a straight face as she looked straight into Lucifer's eyes.

Listening to Isabel, Lucifer who was drinking a glass of wine choked and began to cough.

"Where did you hear that, my little angel?" Lucifer spoke as he forced a smile on his face.

"Brother, I'm not a child, so don't lie to me." Isabel spoke as she looked straight at Lucifer.

Lucifer frowned at Isabel, he doesn't like to lie so he told her the truth.

"I sleep with them." Lucifer spoke as he sipped his wine.

"Why, I'm sure you don't like them?" Isabel spoke with her eyes almost crying.

"Interests, they wanted Power, and I wanted to vent." Lucifer gritted his teeth but still spoke the truth to Isabel.

"Only that?" Isabel asked a little shocked. For her, sleeping with someone else means that you love him or her and not because of material possessions.

"Yes, it was only for one night, they wanted a position in the ministry of magic, but they offered to sleep with me." Lucifer spoke softly as he hugged Isabel.

"But why did they do that?" Isabel asked as she hugged the Lucifer tightly.

"My little angel, The world is a complex and dangerous place, not everyone was born like us, Full of riches and power." Lucifer spoke as he smoothed Isabel's beautiful blond hair.

"Brother, I don't like to think of you sleeping in the arms of another unknown woman, my heart ached just thinking about it." Isabel spoke as she hugged Lucifer's neck tighter.

"So, don't do this to other women without feeling love," Isabel said, looking straight into Lucifer's black eyes.

"Fine, I won't do that anymore, casually." Lucifer spoke with a smile as he looked at Isabel kindly.

"I knew it, my brother and the best," Isabel said as she smiled brightly at Lucifer.

"Brother Luci, can I sleep with you tonight?" Isabel suddenly asked Lucifer as she looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"Of course." Lucifer didn't hesitate and agreed with Isabel. Isabel always slept in her bedroom when there was a storm, she was pretty cute as she hid under the sheet in fear of thunder.

"Brother, why do I feel that you are thinking of shameful things." Isabel asked as she smiled kindly at Lucifer.

Lucifer only gave a dry Laughter to Isabel and continued to drink her wine without daring to look at her.

After a while, Isabel changed her clothes to pink pajamas and lay on Lucifer's bed with a very happy smile on her face.

Lucifer also changed, but he just took off his clothes and put on a white baggy pants and lay on his bed while looking at Isabel with an amused smile.

Seeing Lucifer lying in bed, Isabel approached him and put her head on Lucifer's chest as she showed a peaceful, calm smile.

"It reminds me of when you ran to my bed in fear, when you had stormy nights." suddenly Lucifer spoke breaking the mood.

Hearing Lucifer, Isabel's face flushed with embarrassment and in anger she opened her mouth and bit Lucifer's shoulder hard.

"Alright, just kidding now go to sleep." feeling a pain in his shoulder, Lucifer said patting Isabel's ass, who just looked at him with a menacing look.

"Hmmm" Isabel just snorted and closed her eyes slowly to sleep.

Seeing Isabel sleeping, Lucifer placed a soft kiss on her forehead and closed her eyes to accompany Isabel in the dream world.

(Author: Good News, I have five days of vacation, so I will try to write as much as I can in those five days.)