Eternal Rest

Lucifer's Room, Hogwarts

Lucifer who was sleeping, Suddenly opened his eyes and looked straight into the deepest part of Hogwarts Castle and an interesting smile formed on his face and then went back to sleep as if nothing had happened.

In the morning

The first thing Lucifer saw when he woke up was Isabel clinging to him like an octopus.

Lucifer braced himself not to laugh and tapped Isabel on the forehead with his finger, causing Isabel to wake up while rubbing her red brow in pain.

"Brother, it hurt." Isabel looked at Lucifer with a menacing look and leaped like a cat on Lucifer and opened her mouth to bite him, but the attack failed because Lucifer dodged the attack and held her in his arms to prevent Isabel from moving.

"Look what I got, a naughty kitten." Lucifer spoke laughing at Isabel in his arms.

Isabel just stared at Lucifer with happy eyes as she snuggled into Lucifer's arms to feel her warmth.

"Isabel, always carry the ring I gave you, never take it from your hand in any way." Lucifer spoke seriously to Isabel.

"I know, I won't take it for nothing." Isabel answered seriously as she looked into Lucifer's eyes.

"My little angel, the next few years will be difficult for you but, I believe you will do very well." Lucifer spoke gently as he smoothed Isabel's beautiful face with his finger.

He has already felt that a war is about to begin, not a human war but an angels war between demons. And he wants Isabel to command the whole army of demons to break into the gates of heaven and slay all the hypocritical angels.

"While I'm with my brother, I can do everything." Isabel spoke in a determined voice as she looked at Lucifer with affection and love.

"Don't worry I'll always be after you, protecting you from all harm." Lucifer spoke in a kind voice as he looked at Isabel tenderly.

Isabel nodded and closed her eyes to enjoy this beautiful moment.

After a while the two broke up and got ready for another day at Hogwarts.

When Isabel left Lucifer's room, she flashed a happy smile and walked to the cafeteria to sit with her friends, Daphne and Hermione.

The days passed and the leaves began to fall, and the white snow descended from the sky as if it had purified the earth.

As the snow began to fall, students began packing their bags to return to their families at Christmas.

In addition to the teachers and some students, Hogwarts School of Magic was empty.

Everyone who stayed at Hogwarts was sitting at a table celebrating Christmas.

Even Lucifer joined in to celebrate the birth of his younger brother Jesus.

In this mood of festivities, everyone started to drink a lot, suddenly drunk Hagrid gave a kiss on Professor Gonagall's cheek that only got red cheeks and did not care about the kiss.

Lucifer looked at all this with a happy smile on his face. For Lucifer, humans are only truly happy when they are in a group celebrating their pain and happiness with each other.

"Brother, look this tastes good." Isabel spoke with red cheeks as she lifted a glass of


Hearing Isabel's words, everyone at the Table began to laugh very loudly and looked at Isabel with a funny look.

"Okay, kids can't drink alcohol," Lucifer said, taking the glass of Mead from Isabel's hand.

"Dumbledore Can I talk to you?" After scolding Isabel, Lucifer went to talk to Dumbledore who was sitting in the corner near the fireplace.

"Of course, follow me," Dumbledore said and then walked to a balcony.

"It's beautiful right." Dumbledore spoke seeing the snow falling from the sky.

"Yes, beautiful," Lucifer said, admiring the beautiful snow-covered view.

"Dumbledore, you know you will die if you continue to help the angels." Lucifer asked as he looked at Dumbledore with a serious look.

He always admired Dumbledore, An old man at the end of his life, fought and used every means to beat his old student. He manipulated countless people just to reach an Uncertain End.

Some may call Dumbledore a Hypocrite, but Lucifer does not, sometimes sacrifices are required to gain some peace.

"I know, but this is the only way to win, I'm old, I don't have that spirit when I was younger." Dumbledore spoke looking up at the sky with a tired look.

"I manipulated, killed, incriminated, countless people but never regret anything, if I go to Hell I will gladly go." Dumbledore spoke with a sad smile to Lucifer.

"Dumbledore, I wish you an Everlasting Rest - at the end of your journey." after lucifer said that he didn't wait for Dumbledore to answer and left leaving Dumbledore alone on the porch.

"Eternal Rest, that would be good." Dumbledore whispered as he looked up at the sky with a happy smile on his face.

(Note: Guys, I didn't want to follow the story so let's go war, gentlemen.)

End of the first volume.😁😁😁