The Beginning of Chaos

Lucifer's Room, Hogwarts

"Brother, why do I have to command an army?" Isabel asked confused.

Hearing Isabel's question, Lucifer looked at her with a serious look on his face and replied.

"For you to grow up, my little angel." Lucifer spoke with a kind smile to Isabel.

"Grow up?" Isabel spoke even more confused.

"My little angel, you're not human but a goddess. You think the world of mortals and danger, the world of gods and a hundred times more dangerous." Lucifer spoke gravely as he looked Isabel in the eye.

"So I have to get you ready before the agent goes to another world." Lucifer said placing his hand on Isabel's head.

"But I'll succeed?" Isabel spoke uncertainly and fearfully to Lucifer.

"My little angel you don't have to worry, even if you fail, I'll be behind you protecting you all the time." Lucifer spoke as he hugged Isabel warmly. Isabel just nodded and hugged Lucifer tightly.

Following day


Isabel, Hermione and Daphne were studying in the library while talking to each other.

"You heard, there have been a lot of murder cases all over Europe." Daphne spoke with a worried tone.

Isabel frowned at Daphne and her heart tensed a little.

"Hermione, Daphne and you better not go out for a while." Isabel spoke with a worried look on her face.

"Why?" Feeling the serious tone in Isabel's voice, Hermione asked with a serious face.

"My brother said there will be war all over the world. So be careful and don't walk alone." Isabel spoke quietly to the two frightened girls.

"Another world war?" Hermione asked shocked.

"Yes, but not humans." Isabel didn't hesitate and nodded in agreement.

"Which race can make a world war?" Daphne spoke confused.

"Angels and demons" Isabel said without hesitation. For her only friends, Isabel doesn't want anything to happen to them, so it's better to talk soon.

"How is that possible?" Hermione spoke completely shocked and looked at Isabel with a frightened expression.

"Yes, angels and demons should not exist." Daphne spoke with a serious expression.

"Nothing is impossible, Hermione, you only discovered the magical world when you were 11, before that you were not even wise to the existence of magic." Isabel spoke with a serious face as she looked at Hermione and Daphne.

Hermione and Daphne just kept quiet listening to Isabel and the atmosphere gets tense suddenly.

"Can't we warn everyone?" Hermione spoke gruffly, breaking the tense mood.

"No, this will only create more chaos." Daphne spoke looking at Hermione.

"But they have a right to know the truth!" Hermione spoke angrily to Daphne.

"Yes, but we are human, in wartime we prioritize our own safety to the point of killing to survive." Daphne said refuting Hermione, who was silent listening to her.

"You needn't worry, Hogwarts and the safest place in the world with my brother and Dumbledore protecting Hogwarts." Isabel spoke showing a kind smile to Daphne and Hermione.

Although Hogwarts was a safe place, their family were not then, Dephne and Hermione were concerned.

"Dumbledore and my brother have opened the doors of Hogwarts to everyone magical. So you can bring your families to Hogwarts." As if reading the girls' minds, Isabel spoke with a happy smile on her face.

Listening to Isabel, Hermione and Daphne sighed with relief but soon showed another worried face.

"Will it fit everyone and the food and water?" Hermione spoke worriedly. If it didn't have enough food and water, Hogwarts will become total chaos.

"Dumbledore has already prepared food and water for almost two million people so they don't have to worry about running out of water and food for a few decades." Isabel told Hermione that she calmed down listening to Isabel.

"I'll warn you, my family." After Daphne spoke to her, she ran back to her room.

"Me too." Hermione also rushed to her room, leaving Isabel alone in the library thinking about some things.

[Author: I hope you enjoy it, the chapters will be posted normally, 2 per day.]

[Ps: 100k I'm very happy and thank you very much to those who supported me to this day.😁😁😁😁😁]