Little world


On top of the tower, Lucifer looks up and shows a very interesting smile on his face.

"Maybe a few days to get started." Lucifer whispered softly as he gazed at the golden clouds in the sky, emanating an indifferent Sacred Feeling.

"Let the angels and demons suffer a little and then Control all Hell, and give everything to Isabel." Lucifer spoke with a smile on his face.

If Lucifer wanted to control hell himself, he just had to get there and hell would gladly accept him. After all in every multi-verse there is only one Lord of hell and this is Lucifer. the others are mere mouthpieces of hell. But Lucifer wants Isabel to be the queen of all Hell, so he will do it as slowly and patiently as possible.

"Maybe this war is not a bad thing." Lucifer spoke as he felt the magical particles in the world constantly increasing. Although slowly it was still rising.

The higher the concentration of magic particles in the world, the greater the chances of awakening your magic core. So in the future after the war there will be many more Wizards in the world than now.

"Maybe even this low-level world evolves into a medium-level one." Lucifer spoke with a smile on his face.

"It's time to prepare everything." after Lucifer spoke, he opened a purple gap.

Within the purple gap, you can see tens of thousands of red eyes staring straight into your soul. If one looks at these eyes for a long time it can go crazy, as these eyes represent the desires of all conscious beings.

[author: basically those eyes behind Yukari Yakumo]

Lucifer didn't even look into those eyes and entered the Gap and appeared outside the castle of Eternal Night.



"Welcome home, master." Nox lowered his head to the floor and greeted Lucifer.

"Nox, you can get mad, and stay behind me." Lucifer spoke nonchalantly as he looked at Nox kneeling on the floor.

"Yes Master." Hearing his master's command, Nox immediately rose and respectfully stood behind Lucifer.

Looking at the Gigantic castle, Lucifer was pleased and decided to do what he always wanted to do.

[Kingdom of Time and Space]

When Lucifer spoke a pulse of Silver energy came out of him and headed toward the Castle of Eternal Night. Time stood still wherever the silver pulse of energy went.

The silver pulse, after traveling 100km, it dissipated and left 100Km of still ground in time and space.

"Second Step" He said with a smile on his face.

[Kingdom of Destruction: Gravity]


Different From the [kingdom of time and space] calm and serene. [Kingdom of Destruction] was violent and chaotic.

A dark purple pulse with red lights came out of Lucifer and traveled exactly 100km. Destroying all Gravity within 100Km.

When the energy pulse dissipated. The earth began to tremble and then began to float upward as if it heard no gravity.

It wasn't long before a 100Km Floating Island floated above Earth. Below the Floating Island a gigantic crater stretched as far as you could see.

"Third step." Lucifer spoke with a very excited smile.

[Kingdom of Reality: Separation from the World]

When the Colorful pulse went to The Floating Island. Thunderclouds swept over Lucifer and black rays gathered right above him.

Lucifer wants to separate his entire island from the world, and this is the same as cutting a large chunk of meat from the world.

When someone tries to tear a piece of meat from you, you clearly retaliate right. The world was furious with Lucifer and decided to make him pay a price for his blasphemy.

Without waiting for Lucifer, a hundred-meter-long Black Lightning Bolt fell from the clouds toward Lucifer.

In less than 00000.1 seconds, the Black Lightning struck over Lucifer's head, and as it was about to collide with Lucifer, a hundred-meter mirror appeared above Lucifer, reflecting the beam toward the Clouds.

[Kingdom of Conceptual Reflection]

"I hope you enjoy the gift, my dear world." Lucifer spoke aloud as he looked up at the clouds with a bright smile on his face.

The world shook from anger and volcanoes around the world began to expel Magma upwards causing mass destruction. In the oceans gigantic tsunamis formed and headed toward the continents.

Feeling the planet tremble in anger, Lucifer smiled very happily. He already knows that the world is only venting because if the world wants to hurt Lucifer, he needs to consume Source energy and that the planet will not do, because it is a very expensive price per 100km of land.

"Time to finish." Lucifer spoke with a straight face as he looked at the floating island.

Pulse of colored light began to separate the entire floating island of the world. As the island separated from the world, the whole planet trembled softly in pain, and clouds gathered on every planet and rain began to fall on everyone.

After a while the Island finally separated from the world, causing relief to the planet.

"It can no longer be called Floating Island, but rather A Little World." Lucifer spoke with a gratifying look on his face as he looked at the gigantic island floating in the sky.