The death

Eternal Night World

Inside the castle at night

Lucifer was having dinner with a very unusual guest.

"So what brings the great death in my humble world." Lucifer spoke holding a glass of wine as he looked at the old man in an all-black suit eating a pizza.

"No big deal, just felt that someone broke the rules of multi-verse and came to see who is so bold." Death spoke coldly as he ate a piece of pizza.

"So once you've found it, what are you going to do?" Lucifer spoke with an amused smile as he looked at death with interest.

"I would usually erase your existence, but that seems not possible since you are immortal." death spoke coldly to Lucifer.

"There's nothing to do, and a gift from my dad." Lucifer spoke with a laugh as he sipped his wine.

"Yeah, but your sister looks like she isn't." Death spoke as he looked toward Hogwats with interest.

When Lucifer heard Death, his eyes instantly went so cold that the temperature of the whole little world dropped to Negative.

Suddenly a gigantic Bloodlust, Covered death. The bloodlust was so strong that space began to crack with such pressure.

"Looks like you care a lot about the child, Lucifer." Death spoke normally as if it didn't care about Lucifer's Bloodlust.

"If you dare to touch it, Your existence will no longer be necessary for Multi-Verse." Lucifer spoke with a black Aura that made him look terrifying.

"Lucifer, don't threaten me, the consequences aren't what you can imagine." Death spoke, releasing his aura that clashed with Lucifer's, causing the small world to tremble with such pressure.

"I'm scared to death." Lucifer spoke while smiling a mocking smile, but still withdrew his aura, causing the planet to stop shaking.

Although Lucifer was angry with the threat of death against Isabel. He dares not underestimate this old man who is older than God himself. Who knows how many cards up his sleeve this old man has.

"You and Lucifer, but weird, I've already met" Death spoke strangely as he looked at Lucifer.

"Of course, why, I am Lucifer the fallen angel, Samael the archangel, the evil incarnate, Satan, Dark Lord, king of Hell. You can call me by any name, I don't care." Lucifer spoke showing a big smile on his face as he stared at death.

[Author: just to warn you, Lucifer is talking to Death of the Supernatural World. Death is omnipotent and omniscient so can speak to Lucifer without showing fear or respect.]

"Why won't you torment someone else." Lucifer spoke to Death without interest.

"No need, I'm right here." Death spoke with a hard smile to Lucifer.

Hearing the death, Lucifer was speechless, it seems that the more you live, but you lose the shame in your face.

"It looks like a war is going to happen in this world." Death spoke with uninterested eyes.

"Yes, angels and demons." Lucifer spoke with a sip of wine as he looked at Death with a serious look.

"Looks like the angels and demons in this world are very excited." Death spoke a little surprised.

although angels and demons hate each other, it is not easy for both sides to reach the Material world to wage war on a large scale.

"Yes, very excited." Lucifer spoke narrowing his eyes.

"By the way, one of his reapers left three present in this world." Lucifer spoke with an interested smile on his face.

"Gifts?" Death spoke with a confused face, but he soon closed his eyes to see all the past in the world.

"Omniscient, and really convenient," Lucifer said with his black eyes shining.

"The invisibility cloak, the resurrection stone and the old wand." Death spoke with a little anger.

One of his reapers actually interfered with the Mortal world without permission and even left three gifts. This made him angry and decided to punish this Reaper with death.

Death snapped his fingers and a middle-aged man appeared in front of him.

"Father" The reaper seeing death he did not hesitate and knelt and spoke respectfully.

"You know your mistake." Death spoke coldly as he stared at the reaper kneeling on the ground without the slightest emotion.

"Yes, please punish me for my disobedience." Feeling his father angry, the reaper did not hesitate and confirmed and spoke with all possible respect.

"Then die, silent," death said, and before the reaper realized his body was pierced by a small scythe, and the reaper's body disintegrated leaving only the dust on the ground.


"How cold, kill your own son, and still call me Satan, that title should be yours." Lucifer mocked death without hesitation and sipped his wine.

"I have many children, one less makes no difference." Death spoke coldly without caring that he had just killed one of his children.