Before the war


At night

Walking the aisles of Howarts. Lucifer looked back impatiently, as death literally followed him.

"Not you, should you leave long ago?" Lucifer spoke angrily as he stared impatiently at death.

"I have nothing to do, so he decides to follow you, indefinitely." Death spoke with a hard smile to Lucifer.

Hearing Death, the vein on Lucifer's forehead twitched violently. Taking a deep breath to calm down, Lucifer looked deep into death and continued to walk unmindful of death.

Death just had a funny smile on its face and it started to follow Lucifer. He hasn't had this fun in thousands of years, so why not stay for a while but, he has all the time in the world.

After walking for a while, Lucifer arrived at Dumbledore's Office, but on his way in was prevented by a Stone Statue.

"Please, the password" The stone statue spoke with its hard, cold voice to Lucifer.

"Caramel bombs" Lucifer spoke to the Stone statue, which he let go after he heard the password.

Entering Dumbledore's office, Lucifer sees an Old Man in blue pajamas sitting on a chair while he was carefully writing a papilla.

"Dumbledore, did something happen while I was gone?" Lucifer suddenly asked, causing Dumbledore to startle.

"Mr.morningstar, please, I'm already old, so don't do it but that, I almost died from my heart." Dumbledore spoke, stroking his beard as he looked at Lucifer with a serious look.

Listening to Dumbledore, Lucifer only scorned him, the strongest white wizard in the world, Dying of Fear and the most laughable joke of the century.

"Who is this knight?" Dumbledore asked suddenly when he saw the death behind Lucifer.

"Death" Lucifer only spoke his name.

When Dumbledore heard Lucifer, his brain stopped for a second and then bowed respectfully to his death.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, Noble Death." Dumbledore spoke with much respect for death.

Death only nodded and continued to eat his piece of pizza, regardless of Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore, did something happen while I was gone?" Lucifer repeated the question.

"Just a small incident, a demon tried to invade Hogwarts but was killed by me before entering Hogwarts." Dumbledore spoke with a smile, but his eyes were cold.

"Looks like it's about to start," Lucifer thought listening to Dumbledore.

"The families of the students and teachers have already come to Hogwarts." Dumbledore spoke to Lucifer with a happy smile.

"So, everything is ready to begin." Lucifer spoke with an excited smile.

"Yes, probably tomorrow." Dumbledore spoke with a straight face as he stared at the distracted window.

"Have a good night, Dumbledore." says Lucifer as he turned to leave Dumbledore's office.

"Yes, prepare a Room for Death," Lucifer said as he disappeared from Dumbledore's office.

Seeing Lucifer leaving, Dumbledore looked at death and said.

"Noble Death, please follow me, I will prepare a room for you." Dumbledore spoke as he bowed respectfully.

Death only nodded in agreement with Dumbledore.

Lucifer's room

When Lucifer came into his room, he saw a beautiful golden-haired girl sleeping on her bed with her peaceful face.

Lucifer's smile grew, seeing the girl sleeping in her bedroom. He walked over to the bed and sat by the bed, Lucifer looked at Isabel with a gentle smile as he smoothed her beautiful silky hair with his hand.

"Tomorrow, it's going to be a Full day, so sleep well my little Angel." Lucifer spoke by giving Isabel a soft kiss on the forehead.

The next day

When Isabel woke up, she was very comfortable, so she looked to the side and saw Lucifer Sleeping peacefully, the rays of the sun falling on Lucifer created a very beautiful and peaceful scene.

Looking at Lucifer asleep, Isabel unconsciously approached Lucifer's Face and when her lips were to touch Lucifer's lips, Lucifer's eyes opened.

Seeing Lucifer's eyes widening in panicked Isabel, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Brother, good morning!" Isabel spoke in panic as she dared not look into Lucifer's eyes.

"Good morning, my little angel" Lucifer said giving Isabel a warm hug.

"Brother, you fool." Feeling the warmth of Lucifer's embrace, Isabel whispered as she buried her head in Lucifer's arms.

[Note: I will warn you soon, Lucifer and utterly of evil, so don't come try to put Human morality on Satan himself.]

[Ps: I'm not forcing anyone to read my Novel. So please have a bit of respect as I spend almost 3H making a chapter for everyone who likes my novel to read. I only write on webnovel because, I like to see my novels giving joy to those who like. I never asked for anything from power stone or money, my novel and from fan to fan.]

Have a nice read 😁😁😁😁