The War Begins


After eating a breakfast with Isabel. Lucifer sipped a Cup of Coffee as he looked up at the sky with a beautiful smile.

"Let it begin, the massacre." Lucifer spoke as he flashed an evil smile.

When Lucifer, finished talking. the sky changed from sky blue to pale gold, emanating a majestic aura.

Anyone looking at the clouds now could see angels flying, In the sea of ​​golden clouds. Their golden armor shone in the sunlight, creating a sacred and majestic scene full of glory.

Bommmm Bommm Bommmm Bommm Bommmm

Suddenly countless explosions took place and dozens of pillars of black mist burst from the earth, and went skyward. Making the sky split into black and gold.

With the pillars of black mist, a mist full of sulfur covered every continent of Europe.

As the saying goes [When Gods Fight, Mortals Suffer]. Where the fog passed, it killed countless merciless people.

Every continent went into Chaos, the people who survived the sulfur mist began to go crazy. Some people mutated, others died directly.

Suddenly countless pillars of golden light fell from the clouds, and they made their way toward cities contaminated with sulfur mist.

When the pillar of golden light struck the city, the pillar of golden light evaporated throughout the city, along with the survivors.

"Without mercy, as always." Lucifer spoke coldly as he watched it all with indifference.

Booooooommmmmmmm booooommmmmmmmmmm

Sudden two nuclear explosion was seen in the middle of the two army. After the explosions vanished an acid rain fell to the ground further destroying the continent.

"HaHaHa, these humans actually dropped two nuclear bombs." Lucifer laughed madly as he looked at the two giant holes in the clouds.

"Now, you won my admiration, I thought you humans were just going to be slaughtered like, a bunch of pigs trapped. I didn't expect you to fight back in full force." Lucifer spoke with a cheerful smile as he looked at the acid rain falling on the European continent.

"Yes, your courage is admirable, but the consequences of your actions always come at a price." Lucifer whispered softly as he looked at his reflection in the coffee cup.

After Lucifer finished speaking, numerous Angels descended from the clouds and flew toward the major cities of the world.

Lucifer already knows what these angels will do. Absolute massacre without mercy or mercy.

As for the demons they didn't even move. To them the deaths of their comrades made them feel nothing but arousal and euphoric.

All the people at Hogwarts were watching it all, their eyes sparkling with countless different emotions like anger, indignation, despair, hatred. But they could do nothing because they were not strong enough or had the courage to go to battle to fight to the death.

Suddenly people saw, an angel flying toward hogwarts with a cold expression on his face. He held a Silver sword that emanated a cold feeling.

Just before the angel arrived at Hogwarts, a ten-meter green Lightning struck directly at the Angel, killing the Angel in the Hour.

People looked up at the tallest tower at Hogwarts and saw an old man holding a wand as he stared at the Angel coldly.

"I have joined you, but that does not mean that I will betray humanity." Dumbledore whispered coldly seeing the angel's body on the cold, corroded floor.

Everyone at Hogwarts was relieved to see that Dumbledore had the strength to protect them.

After that he sat on a chair and began to drink a glass of Hidromel as he looked at the three old men sitting at a table together with a calm smile.

"Target, you are getting old." the old man wearing a black robe spoke with a happy smile.

"Grindelwald, those old bones can still last long." Dumbledore spoke with a very loud laugh.

"Yes, Grindelwald, Prof. Dimbledore can still last many years." An old man wearing a Green cloak spoke as he looked at his suitcase with a gentle smile.

"Newt Scamander, you are still much more annoying than before." Grindelwald spoke coldly as he looked at Newt.

"You are already old, but still act like a teenager." the Old Man wearing a Gray cloak spoke with a helpless smile.

"Nicholas flamel, although we are old our souls are young and bright." Grindelwald spoke proudly.

"We may have a brilliant soul but yours is different, Grindelwald." Newt said mocking Grindelwald.

Grindelwald just stared coldly at Newt Scamander and began to drink his glass Hidromel in Silence.

Dumbledore smiled happily, seeing the interaction of everyone at the table, for him this can be one of the happiest moments of his life. All of his old friends sitting at a table while talking to each other.