Home Sweet Home

Earth (Harry Potter)

It has been three months since the Holy War began, and the world has been the scene of this bloody war, which has ended half the lives of the entire planet.

If one were to travel the world, they would only see dry red earth everywhere. Bodies of demons, angels and humans lying on the cold and dry ground.

Who had the most work in this war was not the Demons or the Angels, but the reapers. They had so many souls to reap that they didn't stop for a minute in those three months. It was too many souls for little Reapers.

This war has practically wiped out all the technology in the world. Society has regressed at least two hundred years. But there was a plus point, the magic of the world at least tripled, now when this war is over, probably a magical civilization will have emerged on a grand scale.


In those three months, Hogwarts has calmed down, people have become accustomed to living in this gigantic castle.

The magic classes never stopped, but intensified, living in wartime these children have matured faster and learned that only power can protect you and those you love. So they worked hard to learn all the knowledge that Hogwarts provided.


"Hermione, I heard you were accepted as Grindelwald's personal disciple is that true?" Daphne asked curiously, the first Dark Lord actually accepted a Muggle-born girl. This shocked the three old men at Hogwarts.

"Yes, although the teacher is very strict and strict, I feel that I get stronger with every class I take with him." Hermione spoke with an excited smile to Daphne.

"What do you think, Isabel?" Daphne asked Isabel, who was distracted and hadn't heard Daphne.

"ISABEL" Seeing that Isabel did not respond, Daphne came close to Isabel's ear and shouted loudly causing Isabel to jump from her chair with fright.

"Daphne, I almost scared to death." Isabel spoke angrily and glared at Daphne.

"It wasn't my fault, you were distracted and didn't listen So I screamed in your ear." Daphne spoke with a smile on her face as she looked at Isabel with her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Whatever, I was thinking of someone, or your beautiful and perfect Brother Lucifer." Daphne said showing an evil smile to Isabel, who began to flush with embarrassment.

Hermione also revealed an amused smile to Isabel. as their only friends they clearly know that Isabel likes her brother as a man and not as a family. So every now and then, they both make a joke with Isabel.

"I wasn't thinking about my brother." Isabel spoke with red cheeks as she shyly looked at Hermione and Daphne.

"Isabel, you think you fool someone with that red face." Daphne spoke with an amused smile to Isabel.

"It's his fault he's out of Hogwarts every three days and back without even talking to me." Isabel spoke in a discouraged voice as she showed a helpless smile.

"He's probably busy so no need to worry." Hermione spoke comforting Isabel while holding her hand.

"I know, but it's still frustrating, I want to get close to him and he's busy all the time." Isabel spoke showing a sad smile.

Listening to Isabel, Hermione and Daphne looked at each other and showed a helpless smile. They can only try to comfort Isabel.


A world entirely made of the purest evil of the world. Volcanic eruptions everywhere, the heat emanating from the fire was unbearable for Whomever to be alive. The smell of sulfur would kill a normal person right away.

center of hell, A castle made of Obsidiam floated over sea of ​​fire. The Castle emanated an extremely evil and majestic aura.

If any demon or fallen angels saw this Castle they would not even dare to approach. Why was this Castle of the Lord of Hell Lucifer, Which was empty Hundreds of thousands of years without any resident.

But today that calmness is gone, because a man wearing a big white cloak came in front of the castle and looked at the gigantic door and smiled happily.

"Home Sweet Home." Lucifer spoke with a happy smile as he looked at the door with a nostalgic look.

Lucifer walked to the door and put his hand on the door that opened instantly. Showing a very luxuriously decorated hallway.

Walking down the corridor Lucifer saw every corner of the castle equal to his memory. When he chose to be Lucifer himself that means having his memories, his pains, his happiness and his feelings. So he feels very Nostalgic and happy when he is in his castle that accompanied all His glory and fall from heaven to Hell.