Conference of the Seventy-Two Pillars of Hell


Castle, Throne Room

Lucifer was sitting on His throne of black flame as He looked upon the ten-meter-high blue demon, kneeling below the throne.

"Asmodeus, you seem to be doing well." Lucifer spoke to the demon as he leaned on the arm of the throne of black flame.

"My lord, you praise me more." Asmodeus spoke as he gave Lucifer a humble smile.

"Yeah, maybe I should stop praising you." Lucifer spoke smiling as he looked coldly at Asmodeus.

Hearing the icy tone in Lucifer's voice, Asmodeus began to sweat deeply and looked at his fearful king.

Although demons are known for their cruelty, they are nowhere near the cruelty that is the Lord of Hell Lucifer.

"My lord, all the seventy-two pillars of hell, and the seven sins, voted for war with heaven." Asmodeus did not hesitate and surrendered his compatriots to escape Lucifer's punishment.

Loyalty, kidding, demons only care about their own interests above all. Want demon loyalty you just need to keep interests above all else. Of course if the other's proposal is bigger than yours, the demon can betray you at the same time without a shred of hesitation.

"Interesting, Asmodeus Convene the conference of the seventy-two houses of Hell, and invite all seven sins to attend." Lucifer spoke as he looked straight into Asmodeus's eyes, who immediately bowed his head, and dared not look directly at Lucifer.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Asmodeus spoke respectfully as he disappeared from the throne room. Leaving Lucifer alone thinking about something.

"Though not the same, the personalities are the same. Only the power changes. The Asmodeus I knew was much stronger, he could destroy an entire planet with his aura alone. Already this Asmodeus could at most destroy a continent with all his own." power." Lucifer thought as he closed his eyes to get some rest.

Noon later

In the lower realm of hell

All seventy-two houses that are the pillars supporting all hell have come together at one large table.

Most of the demons that were sitting in the Seventy-two chairs. They were the first demons to be created. Behind them were their descendants and wives.

"Asmodeus, why did you call the conference of the Seventy-two pillars of hell?" a middle-aged man with long red hair spoke calmly, but his red eyes as if on fire was showing a strong anger.

"Amom, control yourself, you think I would call this conference just in jest." Asmodeus spoke coldly to Ammon, who just snorted and looked at Asmodeus with Frieza.

"Asmodeus is better to have a good reason to summon us here, if not, things are not good for you." An old man spoke calmly while flashing an ugly smile at Asmodeus.

"Agars, if you shut your filthy mouth, I can start talking." Hearing the threat of Agars, Asmodeus answered calmly but his eyes went cold.

"I am here by the Order of your majesty, the lord of Hell Lucifer ..." As Asmodeus was about to finish speaking, all the Seventy-two Pillars of Hell rose in Shock and looked behind Asmodeus full of fear and respect.

All seventy-two Demons knelt and shouted loudly so that everyone in hell could hear.

"The Seventy-two Houses of Hell greet, the king of Hell Lucifer, the reincarnation of evil itself."

"It's been a long time since everyone gathered together at a table." Lucifer spoke seated on a throne of black flame as he stared at the blue giants kneeling on the floor showing respect for him.

"Your majesty, we are very happy to see the Lord." Agars spoke showing a gratifying smile on his old face as he looked at Lucifer happily.

"Ageres, you old goat looks like you're still fine." Lucifer spoke with a very loud laugh.

He always enjoyed talking to demons more than talking to angels who only follow the rules without exception. Like robots that were only meant to follow orders without questioning anything.

Any angel who refuses to follow the orders of the supreme God is considered a fallen angel. The beautiful white feathers turned black as night and the angel would fall to hell as punishment.

Lucifer always hated this damn system, they too were born with thoughts and desires, but the damn god of shit said his emotions are just distractions, so he created a seal that blocks the angel from feeling any mortal desire.

"My dear friends, I will not stay long in this World. I just came to this world to raise my sister who was born 12 years." Lucifer spoke with a happy smile on his face.

"Sister? Do we have a new sister?" a handsome man with eight black wings on his back spoke cheerfully.

"Azazel, her name and Isabel, she was born to be the goddess of life." Lucifer spoke kindly to Azazel who was overjoyed to hear Lucifer.

"HAHAHAHA, Finally I just wanted to see the face of that shit called god. When I see your place being taken over by a little girl." Azazel laughed like crazy as he showed a very happy smile on his face.

Everyone at the conference laughed like it was the happiest thing in the world. God condemned them only because they were born of evil. So they are more than happy to see God falling from his crystal throne on the sky top.

"But there is a problem, Isabel has no experience in fighting or commanding, so she decides to let them command the entire demon army and invade the sky." Lucifer spoke earnestly to everyone in the conference room.